New Rasmussen Poll: Most GOP Voters Want Joe Impeached —32% of Democrats Agree!

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Not looking good for the Usurper. The sooner he's out, the better. Kamala would be demolished by Trump if she ran against him. Her whole campaign would be focused on calling everyone against her a racist.

Not looking good for the Usurper. The sooner he's out, the better. Kamala would be demolished by Trump if she ran against him. Her whole campaign would be focused on calling everyone against her a racist.

Demented rapist Biden doesn't need to be removed from office so much as impeached.

Once a week should do it starting in late January. :)
They have no intention of removing that thing from office, in fact the polling Faux News is now slamming down its viewership's throats on its 5pm fake newscast now has democrats leading in both the senate and the house of reps! Do you know what that means, it means the establishment is now nakedly electioneering, using ludicrously fixed polls to set up a massive theft of the midterm!

You haven't heard a fucking word from Mcconnell or MaCarthy aside from Mcconnell mocking the GoP's senate prosepects by mocking their candidates, this is exactly what Mcconnell and MaCarthy's mentor "Paul Ryan" did in the 2018 midterm, which is to say throw it to democrats to defeat Americans who they knew wanted them both gone!

Here's what is gonna happen, they are gonna not just maintain control of the senate, but add at least two seats to their control, and then they are going to immediately stack the high court and use that mechanism to enslave America, you can see they have already sent the word out to the federal courts to ignore the landmark scotus ruling on Bruen, they are signing even more extreme anti-2nd laws into law in NY, CA, MN, and elsewhere, they do this because they know that by the time the illegal decisions reach the high court, they will have seated four to six new leftists to it and the illegal decisions will magically become constitutional!

Our position is dire and grim, we are not voting our way out of this, they control all of the vote counting, Biden just taunted America with that very fact not even three weeks ago! We will have to wage war to rid ourselves of these evil parasites, and unless you have had head in hole in ground, you know that Biden just declared war upon us, and the entire media apparatus, and the fascist party roared in approval, conspicuously there was not a fucking word of protest from Mcconnell or MaCarthy! :wink:
I say impeach him with little fanfare.....Draw up the articles of impeachment (which should already be prepaired and ready to go in January), bring it to the floor, vote on it, and send it to the senate.....Of course he won't be convicted but make the turtle put-up or shut up.
Demented rapist Biden doesn't need to be removed from office so much as impeached.

Once a week should do it starting in late January. :)
I had a feeling that when it came to Impeaching him we might find that instead of defending him, Dems might threaten to vote to convict and saddle us with Giggles and God only knows who her VP would be.
I say impeach him with little fanfare.....Draw up the articles of impeachment (which should already be prepaired and ready to go in January), bring it to the floor, vote on it, and send it to the senate.....Of course he won't be convicted but make the turtle put-up or shut up.
Remember that if they hold the Senate, which seems more likely than not, it will be up to Schumer whether there would be a trial. I can't see that old bastard allowing an airing of Joe's dirty laundry. Unless by that time the Ds have decided they also want to ditch him. They are in a pickle with the old man. Joe filed already to run in '24 and I don't think the Party is overjoyed ;)

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