New Poll results for Pete are out

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

76 thousand votes. Not scientific of course but the results were predictable. Most know playing house with your play spouse was irresponsible.
Glad he got 2 months to enjoy his new child. Should have only been one month. His partner was there to take care of the kid.

Duty calls. Duty can't be ignored.

Oh wait. I forgot. He wasn't concerned with duty at all. Who cares if anyone can buy food. How thoughtless of me. Never mind.
I think two months for a husband to take paternity leave is OK if his wife had a grueling C-section, or an otherwise complicated childbirth, and she has been instructed to avoid physical activity for several weeks during her recovery - and thus must rely on her husband.

In this case, the “house husband” has no physical limitations. it in inexcusable that the Sec of Trams shirks his duties during this crisis and takes an extended paternity leave.

P.S. The only reason he even got the job is libersl identity politics - they needed a gay to round out the Csbinet.
View attachment 554009

76 thousand votes. Not scientific of course but the results were predictable. Most know playing house with your play spouse was irresponsible.
In the Biden Administration, they are all such incompetent losers that it does not matter if they come to work or not. Majorkas and Yellen are no better.
21% said family comes first?


So the country needs him doing his job now more than anyother time for decades and almost 1/4 said "oh no your gay husband that didn't even give birth needs you at home for a couple of months despite the entire chain of transportation for the whole country is having major problems, your family is more important".
Gotta love how conservatives stand up for business and condemn parents for wanting to have time with newborn children

How dare you want time off?
After doing what, the incredibly stressful process of having.......... er.......... um....................... adopting a baby?

Puh-lease! Two fags playing house and I do not take them seriously. Sue me.

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