New Poll indicates 51% of Americans are Centralist

Libertarians believe, if you believe their party platform, that the government has no business in retirement issues. That is not a centrist position given the overwhelming support in the US for Social Security and Medicare;

to support NO government involvement in those areas is the extremist position by far.


Now well , the government has been FORCIBLY TAKING $$$$ from your paycheck for forty years ,

Now you are 65? Are you going to let them keep all that money or are you now forced again to support SS so that you can get your money back?

A new poll by Esquire magazine and NBC News found that 51% of Americans are centralist.
Most Americans are centrists, study finds

And what are both parties doing? Moving farther and farther away from the center. How is the concept of moving farther away from the center working for the Democratic and Republican Parties? 61% of Democrats agreed with their party on key issues, where as only 42% of Republicans agree with their party on key issues.
How far right can Republicans go? | The Great Debate

Not only are the demographics here on USMB not even close to mirroring the true demographics of America, the two major parties don't mirror the demographics of America either.
So when we get a group pf people telling us what is best for America on these boards or in the media, their concept doesn't fit the thinking of a huge majority of Americans at all.
Basically what we have here is taxation without representation for a majority of Americans.

I used to be a moderate Republican until they threw me out of their party for being too moderate. Obama has been a centrist's dream. An articulate and charismatic moderate...not to mention being a minority is a plus.

doesnt matter how articulate and charismatic he is.....he aint much of a leader......
New Poll indicates 51% of Americans are Centralist

They're afraid to be anything else. They don't know how bad off we are economically and why. And these are the good ole` days. :eek:

51% of Americans are in the center because there is nothing that either side is offering that appeals to them in my opinion.

As far as where we are economically we are living on credit when we should be paying our bills. In order to pay our bills we need a compromise solution that neither side will be happy with. That means reducing spending AND raising taxes. Doing only one or the other won't pay the bills. We can't cut enough spending and we can't raise enough taxes. We MUST do both.

Yes, that makes me unpopular with both sides but that is why I am an Independent and part of the new 51% majority. :D
Great post. I agree completely. The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

Compromise has always been a dirty word for the extremists of both parties. It's only when compromise became a dirty word for the majority of the party that things become bad. That has happened to the Republican party. If it happens to the Democrats too...then it will really be bad. Say for example someone like Michael Moore became the Grover Norquist of the Democrats, and targeted moderate Democrats like the Tea Party does to moderate Republicans.

The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

thats because they have the same attitude towards anyone who does not think like they do......"you dont think like we do....fuck you"......and they never question their own party.....never......
51% of Americans are in the center because there is nothing that either side is offering that appeals to them in my opinion.

As far as where we are economically we are living on credit when we should be paying our bills. In order to pay our bills we need a compromise solution that neither side will be happy with. That means reducing spending AND raising taxes. Doing only one or the other won't pay the bills. We can't cut enough spending and we can't raise enough taxes. We MUST do both.

Yes, that makes me unpopular with both sides but that is why I am an Independent and part of the new 51% majority. :D
Great post. I agree completely. The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

Compromise has always been a dirty word for the extremists of both parties. It's only when compromise became a dirty word for the majority of the party that things become bad. That has happened to the Republican party. If it happens to the Democrats too...then it will really be bad. Say for example someone like Michael Moore became the Grover Norquist of the Democrats, and targeted moderate Democrats like the Tea Party does to moderate Republicans.

The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

thats because they have the same attitude towards anyone who does not think like they do......"you dont think like we do....fuck you"......and they never question their own party.....never......
And, they are absent of independent thought. Just take Kosh as an example. It responds to posts right out of the pseudo-conservative handbook.
Exactly the kind of fact-free, hollow, knee jerk response I'd expect from a 4th rate poster like you.

Hey Rabbit. Still living the "fantasy life" I see. You ever find out if consumer spending drives 70% of the economy?

I thought that the above was one of the more stupid things (saying the economy IS NOT consumer driven) I have seen you write. Then you come along with the far right being opposed to crony capitalism. LMAO

You silly fucking rabbit, what bullshit will you write next.

Sent to you by the stump broke blah blah blah Zeke from a computer.

Well at least you admit to being stumpbroke. That's progress of sorts.
No, Zeke, consumer spending does not drive the economy. Business investment does. And what do you think happened business investment last quarter? Yeah, down the toilet.
But please explain how corporations are not centrist. This ought to be a howl.

No rabbit, you are to stupid to actually try and have a "conversation" with about anything.

When you repeatedly make the claim that consumer spending does not drive the economy, even the right wing hacks on here that agree with you most of the time roll their eyes and say; silly fucking rabbit. You are spouting bull shit.

But somehow, the rabbit has decided the hundreds of economists that study the economy of the USA and have determined that around 70% of our economic activity is driven by consumers, somehow a rabbit on a message board with a high school education at best, is telling them they are wrong.

Only on a message board can bullshit like this be written and treated like it has a grounding in fact. Carry on rabbit. You tell em.

I gotta go to work.
Libertarians believe, if you believe their party platform, that the government has no business in retirement issues. That is not a centrist position given the overwhelming support in the US for Social Security and Medicare;

to support NO government involvement in those areas is the extremist position by far.


Now well , the government has been FORCIBLY TAKING $$$$ from your paycheck for forty years ,

Now you are 65? Are you going to let them keep all that money or are you now forced again to support SS so that you can get your money back?


You can support a phasing out of Social Security while still paying off those who paid in - Republicans/conservatives do that all the time.

The relevant fact is that Americans overwhelmingly support SS and Medicare, and the Libertarian extremists who think they're going to advance their agenda somehow in the face of that popular support are delusional.
Hey Rabbit. Still living the "fantasy life" I see. You ever find out if consumer spending drives 70% of the economy?

I thought that the above was one of the more stupid things (saying the economy IS NOT consumer driven) I have seen you write. Then you come along with the far right being opposed to crony capitalism. LMAO

You silly fucking rabbit, what bullshit will you write next.

Sent to you by the stump broke blah blah blah Zeke from a computer.

Well at least you admit to being stumpbroke. That's progress of sorts.
No, Zeke, consumer spending does not drive the economy. Business investment does. And what do you think happened business investment last quarter? Yeah, down the toilet.
But please explain how corporations are not centrist. This ought to be a howl.

No rabbit, you are to stupid to actually try and have a "conversation" with about anything.

When you repeatedly make the claim that consumer spending does not drive the economy, even the right wing hacks on here that agree with you most of the time roll their eyes and say; silly fucking rabbit. You are spouting bull shit.

But somehow, the rabbit has decided the hundreds of economists that study the economy of the USA and have determined that around 70% of our economic activity is driven by consumers, somehow a rabbit on a message board with a high school education at best, is telling them they are wrong.

Only on a message board can bullshit like this be written and treated like it has a grounding in fact. Carry on rabbit. You tell em.

I gotta go to work.

Isn't he the same fuckwit who says that demand doesn't create jobs?
I am one of those centralists so Republicans refer to me as a liberal, socialist, Nazi, baby eater.

Democrats don't give me too many problems except the super liberals because I am cool with animal testing when it comes to medical research and because I like guns. :)

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And what are both parties doing? Moving farther and farther away from the center.

I must question this statement...where is the evidence that Democrats are moving farther to the left? That Republicans have moved drastically to the right in the last few years is apparent...Reagan would be teabagged and Eisenhower? That guy's a commie...but what evidence is there that Democrats have moved further left? If anything, the Republicans are pulling them further right. The center is off center.
Great post. I agree completely. The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

Compromise has always been a dirty word for the extremists of both parties. It's only when compromise became a dirty word for the majority of the party that things become bad. That has happened to the Republican party. If it happens to the Democrats too...then it will really be bad. Say for example someone like Michael Moore became the Grover Norquist of the Democrats, and targeted moderate Democrats like the Tea Party does to moderate Republicans.

The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

thats because they have the same attitude towards anyone who does not think like they do......"you dont think like we do....fuck you"......and they never question their own party.....never......
And, they are absent of independent thought. Just take Kosh as an example. It responds to posts right out of the pseudo-conservative handbook.

so says the far left Obama that?....:lol:
The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

thats because they have the same attitude towards anyone who does not think like they do......"you dont think like we do....fuck you"......and they never question their own party.....never......
And, they are absent of independent thought. Just take Kosh as an example. It responds to posts right out of the pseudo-conservative handbook.

so says the far left Obama that?....:lol:

Did you steal her handbook?
The far left and far right are very similar. Many times it is difficult to tell them apart.

thats because they have the same attitude towards anyone who does not think like they do......"you dont think like we do....fuck you"......and they never question their own party.....never......
And, they are absent of independent thought. Just take Kosh as an example. It responds to posts right out of the pseudo-conservative handbook.

so says the far left Obama that?....:lol:

So you are saying that this is only part of the concretive handbook only?

Oh my support for the racist far left Obama drones, good for you for showing your partisanship finally!
Well at least you admit to being stumpbroke. That's progress of sorts.
No, Zeke, consumer spending does not drive the economy. Business investment does. And what do you think happened business investment last quarter? Yeah, down the toilet.
But please explain how corporations are not centrist. This ought to be a howl.

No rabbit, you are to stupid to actually try and have a "conversation" with about anything.

When you repeatedly make the claim that consumer spending does not drive the economy, even the right wing hacks on here that agree with you most of the time roll their eyes and say; silly fucking rabbit. You are spouting bull shit.

But somehow, the rabbit has decided the hundreds of economists that study the economy of the USA and have determined that around 70% of our economic activity is driven by consumers, somehow a rabbit on a message board with a high school education at best, is telling them they are wrong.

Only on a message board can bullshit like this be written and treated like it has a grounding in fact. Carry on rabbit. You tell em.

I gotta go to work.

Isn't he the same fuckwit who says that demand doesn't create jobs?

Hell yea. Companies just hire and make products HOPING that a consumer will come along and buy them (products). But if the company sells more than they can build and they need to hire 50 to build more widgets, those jobs happened because of..........hoodoo the voodoo rabbit man. Not increased demand for widgets.

Rabbit says if we all stopped spending tomorrow, the economy would EXPLODE in economic activity. Why that would happen, the Rabbit can't say. But as consumer spending does not drive the economy, if we all stop spending........well it only stands to reason in Rabbit land that this would be a good thing for the economy.

Silly fucking rabbit.
A new poll by Esquire magazine and NBC News found that 51% of Americans are centralist.
Most Americans are centrists, study finds

And what are both parties doing? Moving farther and farther away from the center. How is the concept of moving farther away from the center working for the Democratic and Republican Parties? 61% of Democrats agreed with their party on key issues, where as only 42% of Republicans agree with their party on key issues.
How far right can Republicans go? | The Great Debate

Not only are the demographics here on USMB not even close to mirroring the true demographics of America, the two major parties don't mirror the demographics of America either.
So when we get a group pf people telling us what is best for America on these boards or in the media, their concept doesn't fit the thinking of a huge majority of Americans at all.
Basically what we have here is taxation without representation for a majority of Americans.
Read the following:
Expansion of Social Security,
broadened unemployment insurance,
better health protection for all of our people,
voting rights--full voting civil rights for D.C,
expanding the minimum wage to cover more workers,
improved job safety for workers,
equal pay for workers regardless of sex.
The above is from the Republican Party Platform of 1956. This is what Eisenhower and the republican party wanted for America. Now tell me, which party has moved farthest away from their original beliefs? The republican party of today has reversed almost every position it once held. Don't tell me they haven't moved far to the right and away from their basic principles. There is a reason why the republican party is shrinking and it is being forced to try to stop some Americans from voting. There is a reason why the number of independents is growing. Read my signature, I AM NOT ALONE.
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And, they are absent of independent thought. Just take Kosh as an example. It responds to posts right out of the pseudo-conservative handbook.

so says the far left Obama that?....:lol:

So you are saying that this is only part of the concretive handbook only?

Oh my support for the racist far left Obama drones, good for you for showing your partisanship finally!

i think its more like im mocking you really are kinda slow aint ya?...but thats the way you far right drones are....s l o w.....

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