New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
You are an idiot.
Whatever you say Trumptard.

We've had an election, American people elected Biden, not Trump.

Reinstating Trump would be a rejection of lawful electoral process and a complete disaster for this country.

You can now get back to your silly fantasizing.
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Stolen election?? How many more years you reckon you're gonna need to prove it?
The results will be released soon. We already know some fraudulent activities that they found.

---Arizona Election Results Audit Finds ‘Significant Discrepancies,’ Ballots Off By Up To 17.5%, Joe Biden ‘Likely Did Not Win’---
---The currently ongoing audit of ballots that were cast in Maricopa County, Arizona has discovered “significant discrepancies” in the number of ballots versus the number of them that were supposed to exist.---

After they counted the fraudulent votes.
Or maybe the evidence will be uncovered in an audit.
Dummy, which one is it? Because it can't be both.

You say election was stolen and then talk about some evidence maybe coming out at some point.

So you are basically admitting that you are operating on wishfull fantasies instead of established facts.
The results will be released soon. We already know some fraudulent activities that they found.

---Arizona Election Results Audit Finds ‘Significant Discrepancies,’ Ballots Off By Up To 17.5%, Joe Biden ‘Likely Did Not Win’---
---The currently ongoing audit of ballots that were cast in Maricopa County, Arizona has discovered “significant discrepancies” in the number of ballots versus the number of them that were supposed to exist.---


The results will be released soon??


Dumbfuck, you're referencing a 3 month old claim. Even worse for you, you're citing, who cited InfoWars, who cited a Steve Bannon podcast, who cited a Trump campaign advisor, who claimed Biden likely didn't win due to up to a 17.5% discrepancy in ballots that was utterly refuted by Maricopa County's GOP-led election board. Well that's really believable.

You took your best shot and the best you could come up with was a Trump adviser being debunked 3 months ago. And then you idiotically claim the results will be released soon. Meanwhile, in the 4 months since the fraudit began, they've found no evidence of widespread election fraud so far. The few things they mentioned were easily debunked by the Maricopa County Election Board. And to add insult to injury, the Pillow guy smothered his own face with his own pillow as his 3 day "cyber symposium" imploded and he reneged on his $5 million offer.

Just throw out a number, rightard... throw out the number of years it's going to take you to wake up and realize you've been completely and utterly duped into believing the election was stolen... 5... 10... 20... never...........?

Whats not funnny is that you and other Trumptards are still talking about "stole election" even thought there was EXACTLY NOTHING to support those claims after more than half a year later.

Can you get any more pathetic? Have some self-respect, take a loss and move on.
No what's not funny is this nation not giving a dam anymore. Like the candidate's said about each other "you can do this or you can do that", and no one would give a crap. That's how far down confidence has gotten when it comes to respecting the process or the character's in these election's.

All the respectable character's of the past are leaving us, and it seems that none are replacing them. Trump was tough and rough, but at least he spoke for the majority still trying to hang on, but the demon's weren't having any of it. Control is the future, and people are getting of the mindsets that to resist is futile. Enjoy your laugh's now, because your kid's or grandkids won't be laughing in the years to come, but I'm guessing that if they don't know any better, then they won't know any better. You won't be able to tell them, because you embrace the madness that is now.
Just throw out a number, rightard... throw out the number of years it's going to take you to wake up and realize you've been completely and utterly duped into believing the election was stolen... 5... 10... 20... never...........?
This will be one of the most fascinating things to watch as this plays out over the next few years. I'm guessing we'll see three groups: Those who admit they fell for the con, those who realize they did but won't admit it, and those who continue to believe.

It's weird, living in historic times.
This will be one of the most fascinating things to watch as this plays out over the next few years. I'm guessing we'll see three groups: Those who admit they fell for the con, those who realize they did but won't admit it, and those who continue to believe.

It's weird, living in historic times.
These trumper freaks are not very different than truthers and birthers. They'll dwindle in numbers as the years drag on, but every now and then, just like truthers and birthers, they'll pop up from time to time on forums like this. And just like truthers and birthers, they'll be ridiculed back to hiding under their bed when they do.
No what's not funny is this nation not giving a dam anymore. Like the candidate's said about each other "you can do this or you can do that", and no one would give a crap. That's how far down confidence has gotten when it comes to respecting the process or the character's in these election's.

All the respectable character's of the past are leaving us, and it seems that none are replacing them. Trump was tough and rough, but at least he spoke for the majority still trying to hang on, but the demon's weren't having any of it. Control is the future, and people are getting of the mindsets that to resist is futile. Enjoy your laugh's now, because your kid's or grandkids won't be laughing in the years to come, but I'm guessing that if they don't know any better, then they won't know any better. You won't be able to tell them, because you embrace the madness that is now.

Trump&Co took a total shit on our elections because he is too damaged to admit a loss and you dupe Trumpsters went right along without ANY serious evidence.....and now you want to talk about confidence in elections lacking?

He will have a tough time campaigning from federal prison. But you brainwashed dumb fucks will still vote for him
For the past 56 months the Democrat Party and MSM have made dozens of baseless accusations and desperately searched for a crime/any crime to pin on Donald Trump.

And as of one minute ago all you Trump-Haters have come up with absolutely no evidence of guilt or even a crime to charge Trump with.....nothing. nada, zilch, zip, zero!

First an actual crime must be committed before Trump can even be indicted and then there must be sufficient evidence to convict him "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a court of law.

Your idiot Dems can't even get Trump indicted much less convicted, so exactly who is the "brainwashed dumb fucks" who keep believing this same ole big lie that Trump is going to prison?
For the past 56 months the Democrat Party and MSM have made dozens of baseless accusations and desperately searched for a crime/any crime to pin on Donald Trump.

And as of one minute ago all you Trump-Haters have come up with absolutely no evidence of guilt or even a crime to charge Trump with.....nothing. nada, zilch, zip, zero!

First an actual crime must be committed before Trump can even be indicted and then there must be sufficient evidence to convict him "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a court of law.

Your idiot Dems can't even get Trump indicted much less convicted, so exactly who is the "brainwashed dumb fucks" who keep believing this same ole big lie that Trump is going to prison?
Stay tuned. Pay attention. There are at leat 21 crimminal investigation and law suits peding. It takes time. The big lie is not that he is going to prison YOU know what the big lie is and what happened because of it
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Can we get him in there today? Because this Bidumb admin is an absolute cluster fuck.

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