New Orleans police nab suspect in killing of Uber driver and passenger

The Left are pushing hard to open up the racial fracture lines in America. Patriots must not help them.

There are plenty of Blacks who are sick of the crimes of the Black underclass -- which mainly affect Blacks -- and some of them are trying to do something about it.

But of course, their efforts don't make the newspapers.

Here is just one of many examples:
[ National Society for the Advancement of Black Americans – When we stop believing in a future where race does not matter, we stop aspiring to be fully human. ]

Most American whites have absorbed the 'official line' advanced by almost all institutions since the 1960s: Blacks have not had a fair shake in America, and deserve our support.

That's why Obama got elected. It's why conservatives fall all over themselves to welcome Blacks into their organizations, and support them when they want to stand as candidates for the Republican Party. (Not always wisely.)

But ... let the current situation run ... with every week or two a case of a heinous murder of a white (or Asian) by a member of the Black underclass being brought to public attention, despite the best efforts of the Mainstream Media to suppress it ... let this continue, and things could change.

The 'race realists' -- people on the Right who believe Black and white cannot live together peacefully in the same country, any more than Serbs or Croats could, or Tamils and Sinhalese can ... will gain strength. (As will their counterparts among Blacks, the Black nationalists/separatists.)

So the Left, as they chisel away at our intelllectual and moral foundations, may succeed in igniting a race war. If that happens, they'll be sorry, since white Leftists will be unwelcome on either side.

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