New letter Bashing Obama


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Dear Mr. President,
It’s been quite a summer. The world is not a pretty place right now but I see you have had a chance to play golf. In fact you’ve played golf through the worst of it. Right after announcing that American journalist James Foley had been beheaded.

Now I play golf and I enjoy it. But I’m not president of the United States… so I have a little more time.

But I digress. Let's skip on down to the really important part... I hope you’ll read closely. There will be a quiz.
We are at war, sir, whether you like it or not.
One of your predecessors said this when our country was being threatened…
"Hostilities exist. There is no blinking to the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. I ask that that congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Empire of Japan. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. With confidence in our armed forces, with the un bounding determination of our people-we will gain the inevitable triumph--so help us God."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt uttered those words on a December day almost 73 years ago.
In the name of that same God invoked so eloquently and powerfully by that president, I ask that you, Mr. President -- if you're not too busy playing golf, campaigning, orchestrating the cover ups of all the "phony scandals," and just being cool -- could again declare war on the enemies who have unleashed "unprovoked and dastardly attacks" on the United States.

An open letter to Barack Obama World War III is here Fox News

Shortened. Please post only an excerpt, not the entire article.
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Gatlin is a cool guy, one of the few old school country singers still hanging on in the midst of pop-country-lite and lite rock-country-trying-to-be-70's-rock-but-failing-miserably.
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
Are we talking about a full on invasion of Iraq? How many divisions?

Are we talking about a full on invasion of the Ukraine to repel Putin? How many divisions?

Shit. You twerps were wetting your pants over firing a few missiles into Syria just a few months ago! Now you are hot to trot to go to war?
Come on. We have exhausted troops who have made five, six, seven tours of combat. What's one more? Where do you want to send them from the safe confines of your armchair, huh?
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
Where do we sign up, Flower Child?
Obama sends 300 troops to the mid east acting as ADVISORS and the RW's had a stroke "OBAMA STARTS A WAR", now they want a WAR.

RW's are idiots.
Come on. We have exhausted troops who have made five, six, seven tours of combat. What's one more? Where do you want to send them from the safe confines of your armchair, huh?
They're all volunteers. They would rather not go to war but if necessary they'll be first in line. While liberal pukes are hiding under the bed and collecting free stuff. Right?
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
Where do we sign up, Flower Child?
At your nearest recruiting station, chickenhawk. And you happen to be addressing someone who served for more than 20 years on active duty. If you bloodthirsty dipshits are so eager to send troops into battle, you better start getting specific.
Come on. We have exhausted troops who have made five, six, seven tours of combat. What's one more? Where do you want to send them from the safe confines of your armchair, huh?
They're all volunteers. They would rather not go to war but if necessary they'll be first in line. While liberal pukes are hiding under the bed and collecting free stuff. Right?
I see you are STILL avoiding being specific.

Are we talking about a full on invasion of Iraq? How many divisions?

Are we talking about a full on invasion of the Ukraine to repel Putin? How many divisions?

Shit. You twerps were wetting your pants over firing a few missiles into Syria just a few months ago! Now you are hot to trot to go to war?

The bolded statement is the biggest takeaway from all this. When Syria was being Syria, Republicans said "Bomb Syria." Then when Obama said we should bomb Syria, they suddenly changed their mind.

That's the whole crux of the problem. Even if Obama wants to do something, Republicans will be 100% against it and to go to war, he needs Congressional approval. So his hands are tied and in reality, I think that's what Republicans want. Make Obama look as worse as possible at all costs, including innocent lives.
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
We know you're a coward so no worries Goober.. His letter didn't mince words, now did it? You leftist pinheads have given the world a picture of a paper tiger.. we're laughed at and not taken seriously.. NO ONE wants war, no one wants death.. but if it
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
Where do we sign up, Flower Child?
LMAO Same thing I was thinking.. Goober is a coward.
This is typical cowardice. Armchair quarterbacking. Whatever Obama does, just be against it. That's the rule. Don't commit to anything until you know what Obama would do or has done, then whine and say we shoulda coulda woulda done the opposite.

It does not get more chickenshit than that.
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
We know you're a coward so no worries Goober.. His letter didn't mince words, now did it? You leftist pinheads have given the world a picture of a paper tiger.. we're laughed at and not taken seriously.. NO ONE wants war, no one wants death.. but if it
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
Where do we sign up, Flower Child?
LMAO Same thing I was thinking.. Goober is a coward.
Still waiting on one of you pantywaists to say EXACTLY what needs to be done.

Go ahead, coward.
Look at the GooberBoy continually shilling for Obomb-Uh and all the while claims to be an Independent.. that;s been his stupid line..

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