New BLM Target: Woodrow Wilson

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
The latest BLM target is Woodrow Wilson who they said is guilty of "racist thinking" of course I would say he was guilty of Warmongering and also for being an International Globalist, but there you go, but anyhow Woodrow Wilson is the FIRST of the BLM Targets I have supported since the targeting of Albert Pike. BLM want them Cancel Cultured for DIFFERENT reasons but again, there you go.

The point again is it is ANOTHER Democrat that has been targeted, not sure if anyone is keeping a list of Republicans targeted, everyone knows the feral sub-animals have it in for Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt as they were Evil Whitey etc etc It seems that the majority of the BLM Targets though are Democrats.

Hmmmm can Franklin D. Roosevelt be far behind now on BLM Target List: Hint: Racist for putting Japanese Americans in Internment camps. As FDR is held up as some type of God by Leftists EVERYWHERE in the WORLD then WHAT would be the reaction be when BLM come for him?



....the Native Americans wiped out/warred on/TORTURED/stole land/murdered/raped/etc other tribes---time to get rid of their statues and names
That was a hundred years ago! Wilson was President of Princeton before he became President of the US. Maybe they'll apologize for hiring him, too.

He just rolled over in his grave.

Well, looking at the bright side, kids are getting interested in history, aren't they?
The latest BLM target is Woodrow Wilson who they said is guilty of "racist thinking" of course I would say he was guilty of Warmongering and also for being an International Globalist, but there you go, but anyhow Woodrow Wilson is the FIRST of the BLM Targets I have supported since the targeting of Albert Pike. BLM want them Cancel Cultured for DIFFERENT reasons but again, there you go.

The point again is it is ANOTHER Democrat that has been targeted, not sure if anyone is keeping a list of Republicans targeted, everyone knows the feral sub-animals have it in for Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt as they were Evil Whitey etc etc It seems that the majority of the BLM Targets though are Democrats.

Hmmmm can Franklin D. Roosevelt be far behind now on BLM Target List: Hint: Racist for putting Japanese Americans in Internment camps. As FDR is held up as some type of God by Leftists EVERYWHERE in the WORLD then WHAT would be the reaction be when BLM come for him?

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Nice post. Thanks, Lucy.
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That was a hundred years ago! Wilson was President of Princeton before he became President of the US. Maybe they'll apologize for hiring him, too.

He just rolled over in his grave.

Well, looking at the bright side, kids are getting interested in history, aren't they?

It's all insane OL, if they are not stopped you will have nothing left, of course that IS the plan, that ALL History is erased and the New History written by the barely educated and the Brainwashed will begin at Year Zero that being perhaps 2021.

No they are not getting interested in History, they are being told to get interested in a perverted version of History where ALL Whites have been racist and EVERY White must agree to either say sorry for things THEY never participated in OR be subjected to Cancel Culture.

Next up they will be going into the Library and removing ALL History that does NOT fit the Narrative, they will remove ALL the GREAT works of Literature because White men and women wrote them and then they will go into the Art Galleries and DEMAND that ALL great paintings are removed because they were painted by White men and women.

When they are finished the Propaganda will tell kidlets that America's first President was literally a Black man or whatever. They will have changed the name of America to some other Blackcentric name, you will have a different National Anthem that involves Burundi Drumming and other African rhythms and ONLY celebrates Blackness, Pennsylvania Avenue will have been renamed George Floyd Avenue, the US Constitution having been declared racist because it was written by White men will have been replaced by a New Constitution to reflect the Diversity CRAP....Mount Rushmore will have been blown up and replaced by a New Monument featuring the heads of George Floyd, Treyvon Martin, Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan.

If they are NOT stopped then when they are finished America will NEVER even have EXISTED. It will have been erased from the memory of future Generations. This is not a joke, I am being serious.
That was a hundred years ago! Wilson was President of Princeton before he became President of the US. Maybe they'll apologize for hiring him, too.

He just rolled over in his grave.

Well, looking at the bright side, kids are getting interested in history, aren't they?

It's all insane OL, if they are not stopped you will have nothing left, of course that IS the plan, that ALL History is erased and the New History written by the barely educated and the Brainwashed will begin at Year Zero that being perhaps 2021.

No they are not getting interested in History, they are being told to get interested in a perverted version of History where ALL Whites have been racist and EVERY White must agree to either say sorry for things THEY never participated in OR be subjected to Cancel Culture.

Next up they will be going into the Library and removing ALL History that does NOT fit the Narrative, they will remove ALL the GREAT works of Literature because White men and women wrote them and then they will go into the Art Galleries and DEMAND that ALL great paintings are removed because they were painted by White men and women.

When they are finished the Propaganda will tell kidlets that America's first President was literally a Black man or whatever. They will have changed the name of America to some other Blackcentric name, you will have a different National Anthem that involves Burundi Drumming and other African rhythms and ONLY celebrates Blackness, Pennsylvania Avenue will have been renamed George Floyd Avenue, the US Constitution having been declared racist because it was written by White men will have been replaced by a New Constitution to reflect the Diversity CRAP....Mount Rushmore will have been blown up and replaced by a New Monument featuring the heads of George Floyd, Treyvon Martin, Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan.
Wow, FANTASTIC post, Lucy. Thank you.
FDR up next
Dude,... Woodrow Wilson and FDR were some pretty evil motherfuckers. Typical of Democrat leaders in the USA, they were both war pigs who re-instituted slavery in the USA.

Republicans abolish slavery, then Democrats circumvent the US Constitution to re-institute slavery, ad nauseum. Over and over again.
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That was a hundred years ago! Wilson was President of Princeton before he became President of the US. Maybe they'll apologize for hiring him, too.

He just rolled over in his grave.

Well, looking at the bright side, kids are getting interested in history, aren't they?

They want Yale University to be renamed to something other than Yale. ROFLAO the feral sub-animals would NOT even be able to get into Yale University IF it was NOT for the racist Affirmative Action that LOWERS the academic bar for THEM to get into a University. Illustrating how low IQ they are they even admit below there is no evidence that Elihu Yale owned ANY Slaves BUT he has to be subjected to Cancel Culture because of PAINTINGS of him with some Slaves thrown onto the canvas.

What else? Oh yes Mohammed OWNED Slaves and so be CONSISTENT and DEMAND that ALL Mosques are blown up and/or pulled down. EVERY Mosque in the Western World get rid of.




ROFLAO at the comments below:


That was a hundred years ago! Wilson was President of Princeton before he became President of the US. Maybe they'll apologize for hiring him, too.

He just rolled over in his grave.

Well, looking at the bright side, kids are getting interested in history, aren't they?

It's all insane OL, if they are not stopped you will have nothing left, of course that IS the plan, that ALL History is erased and the New History written by the barely educated and the Brainwashed will begin at Year Zero that being perhaps 2021.

No they are not getting interested in History, they are being told to get interested in a perverted version of History where ALL Whites have been racist and EVERY White must agree to either say sorry for things THEY never participated in OR be subjected to Cancel Culture.

Next up they will be going into the Library and removing ALL History that does NOT fit the Narrative, they will remove ALL the GREAT works of Literature because White men and women wrote them and then they will go into the Art Galleries and DEMAND that ALL great paintings are removed because they were painted by White men and women.

When they are finished the Propaganda will tell kidlets that America's first President was literally a Black man or whatever. They will have changed the name of America to some other Blackcentric name, you will have a different National Anthem that involves Burundi Drumming and other African rhythms and ONLY celebrates Blackness, Pennsylvania Avenue will have been renamed George Floyd Avenue, the US Constitution having been declared racist because it was written by White men will have been replaced by a New Constitution to reflect the Diversity CRAP....Mount Rushmore will have been blown up and replaced by a New Monument featuring the heads of George Floyd, Treyvon Martin, Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan.

If they are NOT stopped then when they are finished America will NEVER even have EXISTED. It will have been erased from the memory of future Generations. This is not a joke, I am being serious.
I know you're serious and sometimes I start wondering about it myself. I don't think there is a communist puppet master behind it, but .... well, I'm old. It's hard for us old folks to adjust to radical change. It's not making a lot of sense to me anymore. Taking down a few confederate statues in places like New Orleans, where over half the population is black, makes perfect sense to me. You petition for it, vote on it, have the movers come in and take it down.

I get that the protesters are pumped up and feeling angry. Probably feels good to haul on a rope hard enough to topple a statue. Kinda like a punching bag, no? But it's destruction of municipal property and more important than that, it's stealing the honor that person deserved for whatever he did. I'm no military fan, but Civil War generals were honored for their ability to lead, their tactics, whatever..... Columbus was a brave discoverer who pushed the envelope and let Europe know North and South America were here. Jefferson was a brilliant statesman whose ideas helped shape this country. I could go on; you get the drift.

And the protesters are taking that honor away because they had some tie to slavery or racism back in a day when slavery was legal. No one put up any statues BECAUSE he was a slave owner! President Wilson was the President of that college and he was President of this country, and they are taking his name from the College of whatever because he was a racist a hundred years ago? I'm telling ya what. I don't go for it. Don't get me started on pulling books, either.

You are spinning a far fetched scenario based on current political correctness gone wild. It won't come to that. But I can see how it would be the first step down the line.

The only thing, Lucy, is how do you stop it?
The latest BLM target is Woodrow Wilson who they said is guilty of "racist thinking" of course I would say he was guilty of Warmongering and also for being an International Globalist, but there you go, but anyhow Woodrow Wilson is the FIRST of the BLM Targets I have supported since the targeting of Albert Pike. BLM want them Cancel Cultured for DIFFERENT reasons but again, there you go.

The point again is it is ANOTHER Democrat that has been targeted, not sure if anyone is keeping a list of Republicans targeted, everyone knows the feral sub-animals have it in for Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt as they were Evil Whitey etc etc It seems that the majority of the BLM Targets though are Democrats.

Hmmmm can Franklin D. Roosevelt be far behind now on BLM Target List: Hint: Racist for putting Japanese Americans in Internment camps. As FDR is held up as some type of God by Leftists EVERYWHERE in the WORLD then WHAT would be the reaction be when BLM come for him?

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Cool. Probably the worst Democrat the country ever produced. Occasionally even a broken clock is right

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