New Bill----Same Old Devastating Effects


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The congressional Republicans’ attempts to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act was a safe hobby for them...while Obama was President. Both House and Senate Republicans knew Obama would veto every such bill landing on his desk, which made it totally unnecessary for them to develop any workable system to replace Obamacare.

But now, the congressional Republicans are under scrutiny by the conservative extremists that comprise a large percentage of their voter base. This means they must repeal Obamacare. A replacement isn't really necessary, however, during his campaign, the Big Orange Idiot announced Obamacare would be replaced with, “something terrific”.

Well, “Trumpcare”, the GOP’s replacement for Obamacare is far, FAR from terrific, and the congressional Republicans know this. And while their right wing nut base will be content losing their health insurance, the moderate Republican voters aren’t pleased with the prospect, at all.

Moderate Republicans in the House and the Senate understand their congressional seats would be at risk if they vote to repeal Obamacare, because they see (and understand) the poll numbers that consistently prove the vast majority of Americans do NOT want the ACA repealed. All but a small percentage of average Americans realize “Trumpcare” is a disaster waiting to happen.

But all is not lost if the GOP is successful putting a repeal bill in the Big Orange Idiot’s hands. When he signs “Trumpcare”into law, he will be signing many moderate congressional Republicans’ concession letters for the 2018 mid-term elections. Yes, replacing Obamacare with the much inferior “Trumpcare” will thrill most congressional Republicans. But, that thrill will only last until a new, Democratic majority takes control of congress in January 2019.

As the few moderates in congress who voted against repeal in the past know, screwing well over twenty million Americans out of their healthcare coverage is going to pi$$ off a lot of voters. The same voters the GOP needs to keep their congressional majority.

Conservatives will employ their usual denial of facts to assuage their fear of the truth of the GOP losses in 2018. Just like they deny human influence in climate change, conservatives seek the comfort provided by the lies they are told by their politicians and FOX News . When devoted conservatives are confronted with unsettling facts, they bury their heads in the sand, leaving their a$$es out so the GOP can ram......well, you know.

Happily, the Republicans’ repeal of Obamacare guarantees a Democratic majority after the 2018 mid-terms.


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It's surprising, the large percentage of conservatives that believe Obamacare, which they hate, is an entirely different program than the Affordable Care Act, which they support, because it provides the Medicaid they desperately need.

It's impossible to have a single healthcare system that lets you in, regardless of health, but doesn't mandate that the healthy are paying in.
It's impossible to be affordable to both those who are too poor to afford health care and to those who could if they didn't have to pay for those who couldn't.
The congressional Republicans’ attempts to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act was a safe hobby for them...while Obama was President. Both House and Senate Republicans knew Obama would veto every such bill landing on his desk, which made it totally unnecessary for them to develop any workable system to replace Obamacare.

But now, the congressional Republicans are under scrutiny by the conservative extremists that comprise a large percentage of their voter base. This means they must repeal Obamacare. A replacement isn't really necessary, however, during his campaign, the Big Orange Idiot announced Obamacare would be replaced with, “something terrific”.

Well, “Trumpcare”, the GOP’s replacement for Obamacare is far, FAR from terrific, and the congressional Republicans know this. And while their right wing nut base will be content losing their health insurance, the moderate Republican voters aren’t pleased with the prospect, at all.

Moderate Republicans in the House and the Senate understand their congressional seats would be at risk if they vote to repeal Obamacare, because they see (and understand) the poll numbers that consistently prove the vast majority of Americans do NOT want the ACA repealed. All but a small percentage of average Americans realize “Trumpcare” is a disaster waiting to happen.

But all is not lost if the GOP is successful putting a repeal bill in the Big Orange Idiot’s hands. When he signs “Trumpcare”into law, he will be signing many moderate congressional Republicans’ concession letters for the 2018 mid-term elections. Yes, replacing Obamacare with the much inferior “Trumpcare” will thrill most congressional Republicans. But, that thrill will only last until a new, Democratic majority takes control of congress in January 2019.

As the few moderates in congress who voted against repeal in the past know, screwing well over twenty million Americans out of their healthcare coverage is going to pi$$ off a lot of voters. The same voters the GOP needs to keep their congressional majority.

Conservatives will employ their usual denial of facts to assuage their fear of the truth of the GOP losses in 2018. Just like they deny human influence in climate change, conservatives seek the comfort provided by the lies they are told by their politicians and FOX News . When devoted conservatives are confronted with unsettling facts, they bury their heads in the sand, leaving their a$$es out so the GOP can ram......well, you know.

Happily, the Republicans’ repeal of Obamacare guarantees a Democratic majority after the 2018 mid-terms.


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It's surprising, the large percentage of conservatives that believe Obamacare, which they hate, is an entirely different program than the Affordable Care Act, which they support, because it provides the Medicaid they desperately need.


What's wrong with McCain? His brain tumor has him knocking on death's door, so what difference does it make to him if over 20 million of his fellow Americans lose their health insurance? Still, he criticizes the GOP's newest attempt to replace Obamacare with the sh!tty "Trumpcare".

McCain is a Republican, and so, owes his party his allegiance, not the nation as a whole. Ask any conservative, they'll confirm this.

McCain blasts latest ObamaCare repeal process



Yes, conservative logic is convoluted.

Still, he criticizes the GOP's newest attempt to replace Obamacare with the sh!tty "Trumpcare".
This time the John "the great, grey charlatan" McCain is bitching about the process (lack of committee, debate and amendments) not so much about the bill itself, He doesn't really give a fuck about healthcare, He's just attempting to keep himself relevant before the cancer eats up what's left of his brain.

In the end it won't matter, we'll either end up keeping the un-affordable, invasive, individual liberty destroying ACA or get whatever un-affordable, invasive, individual liberty destroying bullshit the GOP comes up with to "repeal and replace" it shoved down our throats.

Either way the citizenry is worse off and the politicians and their cronies reap the ill gotten gains off the backs of current and future citizens.
What right wingers constantly FAIL to acknowledge is the fact that HC insurance is so damn high because of the GREED of:

Private HC insurers themselves (remember that these insurers are EXEMPT from anti-trust laws)
The greed of hospital conglomerates
The greed of big pharmas
What's wrong with McCain? His brain tumor has him knocking on death's door, so what difference does it make to him if over 20 million of his fellow Americans lose their health insurance? Still, he criticizes the GOP's newest attempt to replace Obamacare with the sh!tty "Trumpcare".

McCain is a Republican, and so, owes his party his allegiance, not the nation as a whole. Ask any conservative, they'll confirm this.

McCain blasts latest ObamaCare repeal process


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Yes, conservative logic is convoluted.

What right wingers constantly FAIL to acknowledge is the fact that HC insurance is so damn high because of the GREED of:

Private HC insurers themselves (remember that these insurers are EXEMPT from anti-trust laws)
The greed of hospital conglomerates
The greed of big pharmas

Uh-huh... and in response to this outrageous behavior by private industry the gub'mint worshipers are determined to punish the citizenry with higher prices, less availability and reduced individual liberty while at the same time rewarding those industry miscreants with legalized customer coercion, tax payer funded margin guarantees and government protection from market competition.

Great plan guys.... what's next on the "lets see what we can fuck up now" agenda?

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