New Bill Introduced By Democrats Would Permanently ...


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

There are no provisions in the Constitution that give Congress the power to regulate elections with States. The 26th Amendment was required only to change the voting age to 18.

Yet, you can't post anything about the actual bill nor can you discuss the actual merits of the bill or what it covers...Man you are lazy.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

The Supremes don't want to become political.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

Getting a handle on Gerrymandering? And how do you think they are going to do that exactly?
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

The communists like the phrase for our democracy. What happened to our Republic
That would permanently what? I don't feel like opening a link just to read a story about something I don't know if I'm interested in yet.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

Getting a handle on Gerrymandering? And how do you think they are going to do that exactly?
Give me a map and a ruler, and I'll show you.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

The Supremes don't want to become political.
That decision is flexible, however.

HR-1 enables the democrats to own the election system.
HR-1 needs to be thrown away and replaced by real voting system reform, review and pruning of voter rolls, voter ID, signature matching review, no new ballots received after polls close, no vote harvesting, requested absentee ballots only, counting of mail-in ballots the day before election day, results are known on election day, etc.
HR-1 enables the democrats to own the election system.
HR-1 needs to be thrown away and replaced by real voting system reform, review and pruning of voter rolls, voter ID, signature matching review, no new ballots received after polls close, no vote harvesting, requested absentee ballots only, counting of mail-in ballots the day before election day, results are known on election day, etc.
Republicans don`t like voting. We get that.
You might be happier in Russia with Putin.
HR-1 enables the democrats to own the election system.
HR-1 needs to be thrown away and replaced by real voting system reform, review and pruning of voter rolls, voter ID, signature matching review, no new ballots received after polls close, no vote harvesting, requested absentee ballots only, counting of mail-in ballots the day before election day, results are known on election day, etc.
Republicans don`t like voting. We get that.
You might be happier in Russia with Putin.
The word that democrats keep avoiding for elections is "legitimate".
Democrats prefer voting like in Russia with Putin, one party rule with ballot stuffing allowed.
The opposition is constantly smeared by their propaganda machine and McCarthyism.
The opposition is tracked by their FSB and not allowed in schools or to be employed or on social media.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

The CONSTITUTION is non negotiable.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

Thank you very much for posting that. I won't click on the link provided by the OP since it's to a far right site.

This is a very much needed bill.

It addresses the worst practices by both parties that corrupt our elections.

I hope that it passes.

Stopping the gerrymandering will help heal the divide in our nation.

We need to get the extremists of both parties out of our government.
Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

Getting a handle on Gerrymandering? And how do you think they are going to do that exactly?
Give me a map and a ruler, and I'll show you.

If the person you replied to had not been so lazy they would have clicked your link. If they had not been so lazy they would have read the answer to their very stupid question.

The answer to their question is right there in the article you posted.

It's another example of how information can be given to the far right and they will totally ignore it.

It's a waste of time to provide any unbiased and honest information to them.
$14 billion. That's the pile of cash that the Center for Responsive Politics estimates was spent trying to influence the 2020 elections.

That's great for the economy. $14 billion that would be sitting in the markets getting put into circulation? I say that is a great thing.

It would put in place a "Right to Know" policy where corporations would have to make shareholders aware of their specific political activity.

They already have to do this. That most shareholders don't bother to look is whose fault? Every penny a corporation spends must be accounted for in financial reports.

We see proof of this all the time when someone does take the time to read them and then call for a boycott over how the corporation is spending their money.

Why is it a bad thing for individuals to be able to give money for their causes and not have to have people attack them for it? Do you really blame people for wanting to remain anonymous? How about we quit attacking people for having an opinion that differs from ours?

And finally, the bill deals with lobbying.

Obama promised to deal with this. He lied. Trump promised to deal with this. He lied. I HATE the idea of passing laws because we refuse to hold "our" politician accountable for their lies.
HR-1 enables the democrats to own the election system.
How so?
The communistic bill includes:
  1. Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. In other words, no voter ID.
  2. Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration. If you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote.
  3. 16-year-olds required to be registered to vote. Children voting is a big plus for Democrats.
  4. Nationwide same-day registration.
  5. Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities. [brainwashing]
  6. Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
  7. Murderers and rapists can vote.
  8. Mandatory early voting.
  9. Banning voter ID
  10. Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
  11. It gives federal workers [union people, mostly Democrats] SIX DAYS of paid vacation to work the polls.
  12. The bill provides stiff penalties for anyone who ‘harasses’ poll workers and government administrators. Questioning election results can be prosecuted under a broad definition of what constitutes harassment.

Needless to say, no GOP senator, even the RINOs, would vote for the HR-1 POS.
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Actually, a lot of it sounds pretty good. And there's negotiating items in there, too, that the Dems could agree to give up, like giving all felons the right to vote, etc. Trying to get a handle on gerrymandering would be a huge improvement, but the USSC has never seemed very interested in telling the parties to knock it off.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the bill.

The Supremes don't want to become political.
All Prog judges are. You drag others into your insanities.

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