New bill aims to make Israelis organ donors by default

More supply of organs means more lives will be saved.
Better saving other humans than becoming worm food.

Technology can make muscles out fishing line, but real organs are better in many cases.

Hands, arms and legs can give the disabled a chance at a better quality of life.

Age, disease, damage or genetic exceptions, but otherwise we should want to help others.

Making it automatic makes good sense. Every country should do this.

Last time I checked, hands arms and legs aren't organs.

Now the Jews want the whole damned body? :eusa_eh:

Israel has found a way to grow bone from fat....still real body parts are preferable for the moment

Surgery by ultrasound, fusion of skin without stitches or staples, new ways for treating depression. It all works toward helping save lives or make the quality of life better.

A greater supply of organs and bodyparts will put an end to black market and lower prices for insurance to preform organ transplant operations.

Maybe one day operations will be done with transporter technology.
You really are a sick fucking lot.

You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.
You really are a sick fucking lot.

You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.

That was quite vapid; I'm sure you were trying to get a point across.
Part of subduing the earth is medicine; if a deceased human can improve the quality of someone's life, why not?

Yeshiva student parents are encouraged from pre 1K to get their children donor/recipient cards if a tragedy occurs.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we all belong to one big cycle of life; that's why we are buried in plain pine boxes with a hole.
You really are a sick fucking lot.

You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.

Our brains were given by god to use for the betterment of mankind. That is what Israel is doing. Nothing should be wasted if lives can be saved. Instead of taking parts of a good liver from a healthy person to transplant into a person who's liver has failed makes less sense than using the liver of someone who is dead that no longer needs their organs. Why let organ be buried and decay in the ground when they can be used to save the living?
Why should we rely on artificial limbs or body parts if the dead can give a new limb to someone who needs it?

We are taught to recycle to save the earth. Why shouldn't we recycle bodies to save human lives?
You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.

That was quite vapid; I'm sure you were trying to get a point across.
Part of subduing the earth is medicine; if a deceased human can improve the quality of someone's life, why not?

Yeshiva student parents are encouraged from pre 1K to get their children donor/recipient cards if a tragedy occurs.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we all belong to one big cycle of life; that's why we are buried in plain pine boxes with a hole.

We're not talking deceased humans, we're talking about Jews from wombs.

Jews from wombs who are, by default, destined to have their organs harvested. And, according to a previous post, will have their hands arms and legs hacked off.

Now you tell me, just who here among us is the seriously fucked?
You really are a sick fucking lot.

You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

If you want to gut your newborn, have at it. After all, that newborn gave consent by default. It's the Jew thing to do. Harvest the Jewborn today, give life to the Jew of tomorrow. LONG LIVE ISREAL.
New bill aims to make Israelis organ donors by default
'The bill will not only expand the organ supply but achieve a conceptual change in Israeli society,' Meretz chief Zahava Gal-On says.
New bill aims to make Israelis organ donors by default - National Israel News | Haaretz

MKs have submitted a bill that would make organ donation the default choice for Israelis after death - anyone who did not sign a refusal form would be considered automatically agreeing to donate organs for transplant.

The bill was submitted this week by one left-leaning and one centrist MK - Meretz chairwoman Zahava Gal-On and Kadima's Israel Hasson.

The committee promoting organ donation in Israel, headed by Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda and appointed by Health Minister Yael German, is expected to submit its recommendations in about a month. The committee's recommendations will serve as a basis for a government bill, but Gal-On and Hasson decided to submit their own proposal.

"The bill will not only expand the organ supply but achieve a conceptual change in Israeli society," Gal-On told Haaretz. "The change of default choice is based on the principle of mutual responsibility. Consent to donate organs is a kind of mutual insurance for anyone who won't expressly refuse to donate. This insurance will also mean that people not refusing to donate their organs will be preferred in the organ queue."

So let's take this full circle.

Jews assign organ donor status to all citizens, by default, from birth.

The ultimate harvest.

Jews take the fucking cake. Hands down. Signed, sealed, AND delivered.

Your game is now over. Fucking bitches.
You are offended by the sanctity of life.
And you think WE'RE sick?

Deuteronomy 29:9 to 30:20

You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.

Our brains were given by god to use for the betterment of mankind. That is what Israel is doing. Nothing should be wasted if lives can be saved. Instead of taking parts of a good liver from a healthy person to transplant into a person who's liver has failed makes less sense than using the liver of someone who is dead that no longer needs their organs. Why let organ be buried and decay in the ground when they can be used to save the living?
Why should we rely on artificial limbs or body parts if the dead can give a new limb to someone who needs it?

We are taught to recycle to save the earth. Why shouldn't we recycle bodies to save human lives?

"Our brains". You have no brain for the simple fact that you espouse such bullshit.

Yet you have reminded me of a funny story. We were driving around, looking for a place to eat- wife, daughter, and I.

We spotted a Family Restaurant. Daughter announces - "No let's not go there". "Family restaurants are where old people go to drink coffee and eat liver".

Cracked me up LOL.
Stems cells are used to treat Parkinson's and paralysis. Foreskin is used to grow skin for burn victims. Our blood we give to save lives. Hair is harvested and replanted to cover bald spots.
We cut away diseased cells and body parts, why not replaced them with parts from a body that can no long use them.
We find used parts for our cars from cars that no longer function. We recycle paper, glass plastic, etc. to save our environment and save energy. We have been reusing stone and bricks since man has first built with them. Old or used does not mean worthless but become treasures, collectibles and antiques. We recycle and refurbish furniture. We restore paintings. We splice DNA. We use bone graphs.
Would you rather have an ear grown on a rat or pig? Or one from a human body? Would you rather a heart from a monkey or another person? Would you rather wait months or years on dialysis waiting for a kidney, get one from a dog or from or corpse that just died and no long needs it? Do we let people die or take what god gives in the way of a body that is about to or has just dies and save as many people from that one person who's time has ended? To we harvest organs from the living or sell body parts to the highest bidder? Or make the end of live the being of a new start for several others?
Do we use valuable land to feed bugs with dead bodies or use those bodies to give other a new start at a functional life?
Not every body will be used, but those that can be are gifts of love to the next person who is given those organs or body parts.
When the spark of life goes our for one person, a part of them can keep living through a gift to another.
Skin, arteries, bone, lungs, etc. should be used if viable. To not give is selfish and wasteful. What cannot be use for transplants can be use to save lives as tools to train the next generation of medical students. They can be use to find cures and new treatments. Perhaps one day our brains can be transplanted from body to body as we travel through space, alert and constantly learning till we reach new planets and begin a new colony.
Hey look, I'm an organ donor - sez so on my driver's license.

If you feel strongly about being a donor...

Illinois Organ Donation - Info on Donating Organs in IL

I like that approach.

Maybe they should say nothing, and assume you desire to be an organ donor? :dunno:
I'm with you on that. Sounds a little Orwellian to me. Where does this "default" stop when it comes to making personal choices? Especially when they are imposing "penalties" for those who refuse. Reminds me of the Chinese forcing people to have only one child. Sure, it benefits society as a whole, but this is a slippery slope.
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When is a Jew considered a donor by default? At birth? That link offers few details, which are available by subscription. Now I have to pay for Jewish information?

At birth.

In the UK we toyed with the same system of having to opt out of organ donation, then one aspect of society decided that they did not want to donate on religious and cultural grounds. But they still wanted to be the favoured recipients of the donated organs, this led to a revolt by the population who said if they refuse to donate then we want the right to refuse who our organs go to. The idea was held in abeyance till some future time.

OOOPS forgot to mention the group that wanted all the benefits with none of the giving were the muslims, as apparently it is against their religion to give any organ for donation as they would then be incomplete and would not go to heaven.
When is a Jew considered a donor by default? At birth? That link offers few details, which are available by subscription. Now I have to pay for Jewish information?

At birth.

Thank you.

So henceforth, the entire population of Israel will be born into the harvesting system.

By default, of course.

Oh the irony.

What irony as the vast majority of people are not suitable to be organ donors, I know I cant give 100% of my organs as they are damaged. The only parts worth using are my corneas and they are welcome to them anytime.

By the way the system would need to have a clause allowing for those under the age of majority being protected in LAW and can only be used for donation if their parents agree. No opt in or opt out until say 18, before that the system in place already must be in place.
You are unaware of the origin of life, and God.

I am unoffended by all, offended by none.

The sanctity of life does not relegate humanity to a defaulted donation of the body.

Jews should know this.

That was quite vapid; I'm sure you were trying to get a point across.
Part of subduing the earth is medicine; if a deceased human can improve the quality of someone's life, why not?

Yeshiva student parents are encouraged from pre 1K to get their children donor/recipient cards if a tragedy occurs.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we all belong to one big cycle of life; that's why we are buried in plain pine boxes with a hole.

We're not talking deceased humans, we're talking about Jews from wombs.

Jews from wombs who are, by default, destined to have their organs harvested. And, according to a previous post, will have their hands arms and legs hacked off.

Now you tell me, just who here among us is the seriously fucked?

So if your son or daughter was dying of kidney failure you would refuse the organ donated by a dead child because of some twisted quasi religious thoughts you have
New bill aims to make Israelis organ donors by default
'The bill will not only expand the organ supply but achieve a conceptual change in Israeli society,' Meretz chief Zahava Gal-On says.
New bill aims to make Israelis organ donors by default - National Israel News | Haaretz

MKs have submitted a bill that would make organ donation the default choice for Israelis after death - anyone who did not sign a refusal form would be considered automatically agreeing to donate organs for transplant.

The bill was submitted this week by one left-leaning and one centrist MK - Meretz chairwoman Zahava Gal-On and Kadima's Israel Hasson.

The committee promoting organ donation in Israel, headed by Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda and appointed by Health Minister Yael German, is expected to submit its recommendations in about a month. The committee's recommendations will serve as a basis for a government bill, but Gal-On and Hasson decided to submit their own proposal.

"The bill will not only expand the organ supply but achieve a conceptual change in Israeli society," Gal-On told Haaretz. "The change of default choice is based on the principle of mutual responsibility. Consent to donate organs is a kind of mutual insurance for anyone who won't expressly refuse to donate. This insurance will also mean that people not refusing to donate their organs will be preferred in the organ queue."

Organ donation and receipt is time-critical. Assuming everyone's volunteering unless they state otherwise is a great idea.

I'm a would-be donor. All I ask is ya poke me a bit with a pointy stick first to make sure I'm well and truly dead. :) Fav joke is along these lines:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
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