Never Fit For Command! Hillary Slips In Bathtub-----Fractures Wrist

We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

You can't be president with a fractured wrist?

Tell that to FDR, he's the only president to have served three full terms and he was in a wheel chair.

It's all about the brain, you know, which is why Trump isn't fit to serve.
What about Roosevelt's brain are you impressed with that led him to put American Japs in concentration camps?
That was definitely wrong.
I don't think so. All minorities should be in some form of concentration camp. This country was created only for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Hillary Slips In Bathtub-----Fractures Wrist

which has nothing to do with politics in the least.

poor Mcidiot - beyond pathetic.
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

You can't be president with a fractured wrist?

Tell that to FDR, he's the only president to have served three full terms and he was in a wheel chair.

It's all about the brain, you know, which is why Trump isn't fit to serve.
What about Roosevelt's brain are you impressed with that led him to put American Japs in concentration camps?
That was definitely wrong.
I don't think so. All minorities should be in some form of concentration camp. This country was created only for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Hillary who?

Oh, the woman that lost...

Wishing the best and fast recovery and wish some would not take joy in the misery of others...
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

So let me understand this. A 72 year old woman is traveling around the world, sightseeing or maybe doing some work, she goes to INDIA, climbs up into what looks like an old building or ruin and stumbles?

And YOU are lazily sitting on your ass somewhere behind a computer screen, tapping out how FEEBLE and INCAPACITED she is?

I know which person I want to be like at 72. I just hope I can afford to STUMBLE down some steps, while I'm seeing the world.

(I'm new here, but Jesus there are some real idiots on this board)
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

You can't be president with a fractured wrist?

Tell that to FDR, he's the only president to have served three full terms and he was in a wheel chair.

It's all about the brain, you know, which is why Trump isn't fit to serve.
What about Roosevelt's brain are you impressed with that led him to put American Japs in concentration camps?

The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and scared people demanding Roosevelt do that!

You just had to be there!
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online
Oh please, look at what a pretzel did to Duhbya...


.... it nearly killed him.
I thought that happened when Laura took the training wheels off his bike.

Nope, it was a pretzel that nearly gave us President Cheney.

President Bush fainted after choking on pretzel in 2002
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

I was talking to a friend who is a NASCAR team member. He said he would build a roll cage around the poor soul.

Trump is an alpha-WIMP. Who rides around in a GOLF CART when 40 heads of state take a 2100 foot stroll at the G8 summit. (Some in high heels)

Is your memory that pissy or do you assume ours is?

Jesus, this is a sad bunch here.
Broken wrist or not, isn't Hillary supposed to be on the planet M113 fatally sucking salt out of people's bodies with her suction cups?
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

So let me understand this. A 72 year old woman is traveling around the world, sightseeing or maybe doing some work, she goes to INDIA, climbs up into what looks like an old building or ruin and stumbles?

And YOU are lazily sitting on your ass somewhere behind a computer screen, tapping out how FEEBLE and INCAPACITED she is?

I know which person I want to be like at 72. I just hope I can afford to STUMBLE down some steps, while I'm seeing the world.

(I'm new here, but Jesus there are some real idiots on this board)
You may be new here but I can tell already that watching you think through an issue will be like watching hillary navigate stairs.
Broken wrist or not, isn't Hillary supposed to be on the planet M113 fatally sucking salt out of people's bodies with her suction cups?
There are some very strange people on this board.

(Just so you know, there is actually a psychological 'diagnosis' for that little outburst. Unless that was an attempt at humor--then it was just weird).
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

So let me understand this. A 72 year old woman is traveling around the world, sightseeing or maybe doing some work, she goes to INDIA, climbs up into what looks like an old building or ruin and stumbles?

And YOU are lazily sitting on your ass somewhere behind a computer screen, tapping out how FEEBLE and INCAPACITED she is?

I know which person I want to be like at 72. I just hope I can afford to STUMBLE down some steps, while I'm seeing the world.

(I'm new here, but Jesus there are some real idiots on this board)
And don't forget that she was bashing white US citizens while falling down the stairs. Shame she only broke her wrist in the bathtub...
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

I was talking to a friend who is a NASCAR team member. He said he would build a roll cage around the poor soul.

Trump is an alpha-WIMP. Who rides around in a GOLF CART when 40 heads of state take a 2100 foot stroll at the G8 summit. (Some in high heels)

Is your memory that pissy or do you assume ours is?

Jesus, this is a sad bunch here.
Yeah and at the G8 summit using tons of CO2 getting there, making their contribution to global warming, typical of liberal elites...
Broken wrist or not, isn't Hillary supposed to be on the planet M113 fatally sucking salt out of people's bodies with her suction cups?
There are some very strange people on this board.

(Just so you know, there is actually a psychological 'diagnosis' for that little outburst. Unless that was an attempt at humor--then it was just weird).

Ah, you haven't been here long then. During the Prez campaign amidst all the breathless panting hair-on-fire threads about "Hillary has Parkinsons" and "Hillary has cancer" and "Hillary kills CIA agent", there was actually a thread that claimed Hillary didn't show up at her own rally and was instead replaced by a hologram.

I'm not even making that up.
Broken wrist or not, isn't Hillary supposed to be on the planet M113 fatally sucking salt out of people's bodies with her suction cups?

Nah, that's Moochelle.

I have to admit you're right. Whenever Michelle Obama made that snarling look with her mouth, she really did look like Star Trek's shaggy salt vampire with that weird snout.
Speaking of Star Trek salt vampires, Hillary must have sucked something out of Bill! Just look how terrible he looks!

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