Nevada.Warren Around 13%.Does This Mean That About 90% Of America Can't Stand Her?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
This is just my theory. It seems that Mizz Warren can't seem to get passed 13 to 14% of votes so far. So does this mean that maybe up to 85% of Democrats just don't care for her, and would vote for Trump instead of her?
Then you have to assume that 100% of conservatives/republicans just dont like her and/or also just can't stand Elizabeth Warren.
I wonder if by now she realizes that most people in general just wish she would bow out and go back to where ever she came from.
This is just my theory. It seems that Mizz Warren can't seem to get passed 13 to 14% of votes so far. So does this mean that maybe up to 85% of Democrats just don't care for her, and would vote for Trump instead of her?
Then you have to assume that 100% of conservatives/republicans just dont like her and/or also just can't stand Elizabeth Warren.
I wonder if by now she realizes that most people in general just wish she would bow out and go back to where ever she came from.

Not sure which surprises me more--that she has $14M cash on hand or Sanders has $16M
Warren has been caught in three blatant lies.

The Injin bullshit

Getting fired for being pregnant

Not taking any money from PACs.

Who in hell would want her to be President of the US?
So does this mean that maybe up to 85% of Democrats just don't care for her, and would vote for Trump instead of her?
No dipstick! It means you're too fucking stupid to do the simple reasoning and math to conclude that there are multiple factions with voters casting their ballots over a WIDE range of candidates in several different political tribes! Jesus, you're thick as a brick!
The Injin, the Queer and Debbie Downer will not make it past Super Tuesday. One or more may drop out after SC.

The only question is will Creepy Joe or Mini Mike will be able to stop the Communist.

Probably not. The best will be that they will be able to take enough delegates to prevent the Communist from winning on the first ballot.
i am pretty sure that 100% of laughing hyenas are going to vote for Poker Hantus

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