Netflix presentation, "The social Dilemma".


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
A Netflix original presentation, “The Social Media Dilemma”, is worth watching. The social, psychological, and political influence of social media on the population is a rising concern. As a Baby Boomer that has no Facebook account and does not use Twitter, my view is filtered through a historical context.

I remember vividly an incident that took place in early 1960’s. My aunt had a new car equipped with a Citizen’s Band radio set-up. One of the first things I noticed was that the use of public radio channels had possibilities as a tool to stay in communication with others like a telephone was when it first came into existence. But unfortunately, once established it was quickly adopted by the lowest common denominator of society as a gossip mechanism and while it had actual empirical uses, it rapidly devolved into something very similar to a bathroom stall wall in a factory.

Readers probably remember movies like Smokey and the Bandit, and Convoy as well as television series like the Dukes of Hazard that exemplified morons yacking away on microphones with personal “handles” filling the airwaves with mindlessness. In those days, this behavior was limited to a relatively small percentage of the population.

When personal computers entered the arena in the 1980’s, entrepreneurs quickly realized that a huge market for imbeciles was waiting to be exploited. Facebook and Twitter poured themselves into the void and Aldous Huxley’s genius predictions of an idiot culture came to fruition in spades.

So, where are we today? If you are a boomer or Gen X you are watching culture devolve to the point that human intelligence drops on a graph in the opposite direction of the advance of communication technology. The more information available to the citizen, the dumber the citizen gets. Human stupidity is rewarded and becomes a conditioned response that makes Pavlov’s dogs look like child’s play.

Why is this being done? It is being done because human cognitive decline is a gold mine for those who own, operate, and mass produce the products no one can seem to resist. The future is bleak, Kids are fat and depressed; they commit suicide at rates that are unprecedented in modern times. Cities are dens of inequity that burn like neglected landscapes as abominations of nature.

This sure looks like a fast track to the end of Homo sapiens. Let us hope it isn’t.
We watched it this weekend, and agree. It was worth the watch. It is definitely troubling to always see the mighty dollar win out over decency, and that is something that many agree can lead to our end. I'm so glad that we chose to have no human kids. That would have been so selfish. Glad that we will probably escape this life before the world truly becomes a permanent CHOP zone.

Fake news is very real, and very sinister.
communication has always been ''flawed''/an ''evil'' ......the MSM is also part of the problem mentions the ''political'' influence......I would say that is more inline with social media being very helpful in organizing '''protests'' for political reasons.....but, I would not say that it creates ''more'' political myths than before--you've always had the grapevine myths/etc......always had those political commercials where they are so EVIL/bad that they are very funny .....

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