Netanyahu's "Christmas" Message

There will always be the war against evil. We can only hope for peace when good holds the upper hand

The Gaza Baptist Church is one of only three Christian churches in the Gaza Strip, and the only one that is Protestant and evangelical – the two remaining Christian churches in the Gaza Strip are the Catholic Church of the Holy Family and the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius.
Non-Christians have always been a problem. Being founded as a Christian nation was great, too bad the Founding Fathers didn't do something to keep all non-Christians out.
Non-Christians have always been a problem. Being founded as a Christian nation was great, too bad the Founding Fathers didn't do something to keep all non-Christians out.
If they had required all citizens to be Chritian, we would NEVER have become the great nation that we have become. We would be as narrow minded and restrictive as were the early little theocracies established in the original colonies, all of which had dissolved themselves by the turn of the 19th Century.

To allow a Christian people the free exercise of their faith is a very different thing than demanding that all be Christian. It was when we started restricting Christians the free exercise of their faith in public places that was the beginning of a slow spiral into the narrow minded, judgmental, anti-American, hate among different groups place it is becoming.

Israel requires no one to be a Jew, but only that Israelis accept Israel as a nation established by and for Jews to finally have a homeland where they can be who and what they are in peace and unoppressed by any government.

For Netanyahu to acknowledge a Christian holiday for what it is intended to be is not at all embracing the theology behind that holiday. But it is magnanimous and acknowledges that all can enjoy a traditional holiday whether or not they accept the reason for the season.

That is why I can wish a Merry Christmas to all whether or not you/they/he/she is Christian or a believer.
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