Negroes are still being sold in Africa.

You post that crap on a thread about Muslims having open slave markets?

Yes, because you need to be reminded that evil isn't Muslim, it's human. You have Christian sects which marry their girls off at 13 and 14 in plural marriages. That's a form of slavery which you condone on the grounds of "religious freedom".

You keep painting Muslims as evil. They are no more or less evil than Christians. Open slave markets in Nigeria speaks more to the total lawlessness of Nigeria than it does speak to Muslim practices.

I have a sincere question------of course you need not answer------do you know
muslims who were educated in muslim countries and now live in the USA?
Do you live in the USA? (you are under NO constraint to answer if the question
invades your privacy)

Yes, I do. I also worked with and know a number of Muslim families in Canada. Most came from the Middle East, and all are grateful to be in North America.

I live in Canada near the Canada/US border, and have many family and friends living in the US.

good----we have a kind of basis for discussion-----you probably know something
about islam--------I am going to guess that the people you know are fairly educated??? It would help for me to know in which muslim countries. Education varies. Even in muslim countries like EGYPT---there is a big difference
between people who lived out in the sticks and those who lived in places like
CAIRO. Are you familiar with muslims from southeast Asia?

The Muslims I know and worked with were from Dubai and Nigeria, although the woman from Nigeria was of Indian descent. Her family had moved to Uganda and left when Idi Amin was President and threw out all of the Asians. They owned a resort hotel in Nigeria, and some of her family are still there. The woman from Dubai was born and raised in Dubai and had recently emmigrated. She told me she had watched the Burge Dubai being built from her office windows.

I lived and worked in downtown Toronto for 30 years. Toronto is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world. The area I lived in was heavily Asian - the Gerard St. Chinatown/Little India business district was two blocks from my house. Half of the kids in our public school were Asian, mostly Chinese and Vietnamese, but also Korean and Thai, a quarter of the kids were black or mixed race, and the remaining quarter were white. My newsletter from my daughter's public school came home in 20 different languages.

The law firm I worked for used a Muslim-owned car and driver service, which I used to get to work when I broke my foot, so I would spend the 20 minutes in traffic chatting with the mostly Muslim drivers, 5 days a week. The car service turned out to be cheap and I continued to use it for the next 3 years until I left that firm.

I now live in a small town in rural Ontario, which is whiter than white. My youngest daughter, who grew up in downtown Toronto attended my grandsons' school concert and commented that she had never seen so many white people in one place. There was one brown family - from India, and that was it.

People in Toronto are not scared shitless of Muslims because they're our neighbours, our friends and our coworkers. Where I live, I encounter more people who are terrified of Muslims prescisely because they don't know any.

Ok you have now revealed to me why you know nothing about muslims and islam. ---I live in a city even more diverse than is yours-----but I did not learn about islam HERE. I LEARNED from muslims out in the sticks----when I was very young and
working as a YOUNG COLLEGE KID with young muslim doctors educated in muslim countries. If I had lived in the city in which I live now-----back then, like you; I would know nothing about islam or muslims. Muslims would just be amongst THE VERY DIVERSE POPULATION---------people I ran into every day VERY SUPERFICIALLY-------the people from Nepal no different from the people
from Kenya. OUT IN THE STICKS---there is nothing to do but GET TO KNOW
other people if one wishes------or ignore them if one wishes. I was young OUT IN THE STICKS--------and persons from FAR AWAY fascinated me. Way back----
50 years ago------I was invited to visit mosques------and I read the Koran (at a time
when most people in my area never heard of the book) I got to learn what muslim kids growing up Karachi or New Dehli learned about the world as children and STILL BELIEVED. Later on in my PRESENT very diverse society-----I still learn on a fairly intimate level-------not just because the cab driver is pakistani .
My very own hubby was born in one of the world's most conservative shariah
shit holes in the world. He is not muslim----BUT being from a land still a shariah shit hole-----he does have an instan "link" with persons newly arrived from
that land even if that person is only the person pumping gas at the local gas station. Feel free to ask questions. Your statement "unlike you, WE are not scared shitless by muslims....." .. is vulgar and presumptuous and idiotic
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Any time you deprive a person of their freedom and restrict their movement in any way, you have enslaved them.
So all imprisonment is slavery?

And all our servicemen are slaves as well?

You are an idiot.
All I ask of you is to ponder the words ensconced in the Constitution explaining when slavery is permissible.
The 13th Amendment, as enacted, reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Since conscription is defunct, military service is voluntary and comes with significant pay and benefits. That doesn't qualify as slavery.
The crucial question you should be asking is why does America lead the world in putting people behind bars and making slaves of them.
Slavery Is Still Legal in the United States


Prison inmates lay water pipe on a work project outside Oak Glen Conservation Fire Camp #35 in Yucaipa, California, November 6, 2014. States are increasingly turning to inmate labor to raise revenue.
Slavery Is Still Legal in the United States
This is as it should be.

The negro is incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low-grade slave labor.

The negro is undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse-whippings, it can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what we mean?
This is as it should be.

The negro is incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low-grade slave labor.

The negro is undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse-whippings, it can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what we mean?

You are a racist idiot.

There are plenty of white folks who are incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low grade slave labor.

There are plenty of white folks who are undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse whipping even those white folks can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what I mean?
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

If there weren't illegal immigrants here, they wouldn't be enslaved here, now would they?
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya
You are probably right; we have a Commerce Clause.

history of slavery is fascinating-----black slavery goes back more than 3000
years and DOMINATED the market all that time-------in fact SUDAN is a giant
slave market center dominated by ARABS-----for thousands of years. The arab
proprietors are----ethnically arab-----not African. The merchandise is sub-Saharan
African. Libya was on the SLAVE TRAIL and even supplied slaves to EGYPT-----
and the rest of the "known" world------including PERSIA and GREECE. The same institutions eventurally supplied the slave ships from Amsterdam to the Americas.
The stuff in the present muslim countries of Africa represents the left overs of
a system functioning for thousands of years-----ARABIAN in origin-----like islam.
In ancient writings (like the Mishnah) slave traders were called "ISHMAELITES" See? nothing new under the sun
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

If there weren't illegal immigrants here, they wouldn't be enslaved here, now would they?

not lately
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
Jews are behind a lot of this!
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

your statement is utter nonsense. Who is "BLAMING MUSLIMS FOR EVERY EVIL" you lying pile of dog shit? Who has suggested that ONLY MUSLIMS
ENGAGE IN THE CRIME of sex abuse and illegal immigration------you cock sucking whore? Who is PRETENDING ANYTHING----other than you?.
The point that the poster made is that chattel slavery is legal in many muslim
countries------In fact-----it is tolerated in many other muslim countries under the
rationale that the Koran does not forbid it
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

your statement is utter nonsense. Who is "BLAMING MUSLIMS FOR EVERY EVIL" you lying pile of dog shit? Who has suggested that ONLY MUSLIMS
ENGAGE IN THE CRIME of sex abuse and illegal immigration------you cock sucking whore? Who is PRETENDING ANYTHING----other than you?.
The point that the poster made is that chattel slavery is legal in many muslim
countries------In fact-----it is tolerated in many other muslim countries under the
rationale that the Koran does not forbid it

Well aren't you the decent, reasonable purveyor of discussion. When you have no reasonable discussion, you resort to name calling and personal attacks. Very telling considering I treated you with respect and consideration.

The OP used this factoid to demonstrate how evil Muslims are, how this is the result of Obama's failed policies in Libya.

This ignores the open trade in slaves all over the US. Conservatives even defended Warren Jeffs and his trade in prepubescent teen girls masquerading as "freedom of religion", which went on openly in the United States. Many people were mortified when Jeffs was arrested and sent to prison.

Or the current trade which goes on fairly openly in Eastern European sex trade workers - many of whom are lured from small towns with promises of good jobs, and just disappear into the west.

Or those who are indentured to coyotes who smuggle them across the border.
Great - SLAVERY has returned, and we have Barry and Hillary to thank for it.

After deciding to drag the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war, jumping into the middle of a civil war between Libyan dictator Gadaffi - who was helping Coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and Al Qaeda - in an attempt to side with Al Qaeda, Gadaffi is dead, Al Qaeda and ISIS run amok in Libya, more and more terrorist training camps have opened up, and slavery is now a public business.

Refugees showing up in Libya, attempting to get to Europe, are being taken hostage and sold as slaves.



Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

"Migrants from West Africa are being openly traded in "public slave markets" across Libya.

As a departure point for refugees trying to get to Europe,
migrants arriving in Libya from sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of money and little in the way of documentation.

The going rate for a migrant was between $200 (£160) and $500 (£400) each, with many forced into captivity for months before they are freed or sold on. So far this year more than 170 bodies have washed up on the shores of the Mediterranean while the Libyan Coast Guard has also rescued thousands more.

"Migrants who go to Libya while trying to get to Europe, have no idea of the torture archipelago that awaits them just over the border," said Leonard Doyle, chief IOM spokesman in Geneva. "There they become commodities to be bought, sold and discarded when they have no more value."
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

your statement is utter nonsense. Who is "BLAMING MUSLIMS FOR EVERY EVIL" you lying pile of dog shit? Who has suggested that ONLY MUSLIMS
ENGAGE IN THE CRIME of sex abuse and illegal immigration------you cock sucking whore? Who is PRETENDING ANYTHING----other than you?.
The point that the poster made is that chattel slavery is legal in many muslim
countries------In fact-----it is tolerated in many other muslim countries under the
rationale that the Koran does not forbid it

Well aren't you the decent, reasonable purveyor of discussion. When you have no reasonable discussion, you resort to name calling and personal attacks. Very telling considering I treated you with respect and consideration.

The OP used this factoid to demonstrate how evil Muslims are, how this is the result of Obama's failed policies in Libya.

This ignores the open trade in slaves all over the US. Conservatives even defended Warren Jeffs and his trade in prepubescent teen girls masquerading as "freedom of religion", which went on openly in the United States. Many people were mortified when Jeffs was arrested and sent to prison.

Or the current trade which goes on fairly openly in Eastern European sex trade workers - many of whom are lured from small towns with promises of good jobs, and just disappear into the west.

Or those who are indentured to coyotes who smuggle them across the border.

This is the comment from the "DECENT" "RESPECTFUL" person >>>>>

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil
while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans.
Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.[/


your statement is utter nonsense. Who is "BLAMING MUSLIMS FOR EVERY EVIL" you lying pile of dog shit? Who has suggested that ONLY MUSLIMS
ENGAGE IN THE CRIME of sex abuse and illegal immigration------you cock sucking whore? Who is PRETENDING ANYTHING----other than you?.
The point that the poster made is that chattel slavery is legal in many muslim
countries------In fact-----it is tolerated in many other muslim countries under the
rationale that the Koran does not forbid it

Well aren't you the decent, reasonable purveyor of discussion. When you have no reasonable discussion, you resort to name calling and personal attacks. Very telling considering I treated you with respect and consideration. <quote>

Lookie looke at the "decent, reasonable, respectful and considerate one>>>

" I love how you ASSHATS blame Muslims for every evil,
while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery,
selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of
these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend
they don't."

^^^^^^ a SPEW of libelous shit from the pen of the considerate one
who magically ----after farting out "YOU ASSHATS" decides
what her betters "ignore" and "pretend" do not exist. Never
mind that every EVIL that the bitch enumerates is a serious CRIME
in the US-----whilst rape and slavery is LEGAL under shariah law and
even lauded as an HONOR FOR ALLAH. by some "clerics" of the
perversity she lauds

I don't "laud" Islam. I don't denigrate it either. Nor do I lie about it.

My strong feeling is that if all of the selling points in your discussions are, at best, exaggerations, and at worst outright lies your arguments have to be pretty weak.

A strong, defensible position is easy to discuss and easy to live on a day to day basis.

Hate wears you down, increases your stress, and will shorten your life.
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.

So we can talk about things that Americans do but we should refrain from talking about the Muslims. Interesting concept.
On Obama's Kenyan side, he descends from a long line of slave traders. Probably cannibals also at various times.
Migrants from West Africa are being openly traded in "public slave markets" across Libya.

As a departure point for refugees trying to get to Europe, migrants arriving in Libya from sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of money and little in the way of documentation.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

The Arab slave trade was massive long before slaves were deported to North and
South America yet few are knowledgable about the Arab slave trade...especially the Negro militants in America who converted to Islam like that would be some sort of protest??? More like a submission to their former masters. web proxy

you are surprised?

not just libya, across many nations in africa and even some in asia
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
You post that crap on a thread about Muslims having open slave markets?

Yes, because you need to be reminded that evil isn't Muslim, it's human. You have Christian sects which marry their girls off at 13 and 14 in plural marriages. That's a form of slavery which you condone on the grounds of "religious freedom".

You keep painting Muslims as evil. They are no more or less evil than Christians. Open slave markets in Nigeria speaks more to the total lawlessness of Nigeria than it does speak to Muslim practices.
Does that excuse any of the rest?
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
You post that crap on a thread about Muslims having open slave markets?

Yes, because you need to be reminded that evil isn't Muslim, it's human. You have Christian sects which marry their girls off at 13 and 14 in plural marriages. That's a form of slavery which you condone on the grounds of "religious freedom".

You keep painting Muslims as evil. They are no more or less evil than Christians. Open slave markets in Nigeria speaks more to the total lawlessness of Nigeria than it does speak to Muslim practices.
Right on cue the leftards come running in to defend Islam, saying America has open slave markets too. :cuckoo:
We have open slave markets?I Where do I find one? I need someone to clean my toilet and floors.

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