Need a New TV Reality Show


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"Cooking Emergency" where people run out of things for recipes and they use a substitute. :) Baking cookies today so making the batter and totally out of butter! No shortening either. Just got back from legging it up to the inconvenience store (heh) and they don't sell butter. Every soda, energy drink, and beer int he world seemingly, but nothing actually in the spirit of a convenience store. Told the manager "You're not a very convenient convenience store with no butter." :) Getting back and making the dreaded call to Mom she doesn't answer 3 times I call. Finally she does and has some there she'll briung right over. But not before in the spirit of my angst about insufficient selection at supposed convenience stores I tease her a bit about paying however much each month for a cellphone if she isn't then easily reached on it. :)
Batter's made thanks be to God, freezing up a bit in the freezer for a couple hours. Seems to help them not flatten out so quickly baking or egt crispy. Mine stay soft for days. Stole Mrs. Fields' recipe and made some tweaks. :)
Most of the cooking competition reality shows will do some sort of twist like that.
Batter's made thanks be to God, freezing up a bit in the freezer for a couple hours. Seems to help them not flatten out so quickly baking or egt crispy. Mine stay soft for days. Stole Mrs. Fields' recipe and made some tweaks. :)

BTW, applesauce is a good substitute for butter in a pinch.

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