NC to Dems: Thanks for the Convention, We're voting Romney


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"Democratic strategist Paul Begala, asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if the Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, said "Yes. I'm not supposed to say that Wolf. I work for the pro-Obama super PAC, so I'm being paid to help reelect the president, but if you look at where he's going and where he's spending money, yes, it looks like Governor Romney is likely to carry North Carolina."

Team Obama: N.C. gone. Is Va. next? |

Not looking good for the Hope Change Brigade.

Obama 2012: Change, this time for the better (we hope)
Very good that NC is going for Romney. That is a swing state that now cannot help the pres.
"Democratic strategist Paul Begala, asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if the Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, said "Yes. I'm not supposed to say that Wolf. I work for the pro-Obama super PAC, so I'm being paid to help reelect the president, but if you look at where he's going and where he's spending money, yes, it looks like Governor Romney is likely to carry North Carolina."

Team Obama: N.C. gone. Is Va. next? |

Not looking good for the Hope Change Brigade.

Obama 2012: Change, this time for the better (we hope)

Yay!!! The Tarheel State REJECTS Obama..

On a side note: DUKE RULEZ!

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