NBC: Oprah is OUR future President


2001-2008 Bad
2017-Present Bad
It’s easy when you’re handed a functioning economy not a Great Recession. Greatest Recession since the Great Depression
Yes, you would consider a 0.7% GDP to be a functional economy, you’re a lefty.

Here's what the GDP was in 2016 (Obama's last year).

What was the GDP in 2016?
Current-dollar GDP increased 3.0 percent, or $532.5 billion, in 2016 to a level of $18,569.1 billion, compared with an increase of 3.7 percent, or $643.5 billion, in 2015 (table 1 and table 3). Real GDI increased 1.6 percent in 2016, compared with an increase of 2.5 percent in 2015 (table 1).Mar 30, 2017
Gross Domestic Product: Fourth Quarter and Annual 2016 (Third ...

Obama DID hand Trump a functioning economy.
If I have a dollar and I increase that to 2 dollars, that’s a 100% increase. But still a dollar.
Real GDP - 2.1%
Real GDI - 1.0%
Per your link
Math R hard.

Weatherman moving the goalposts.
Sadaam did get rid of his WMD when he realized that the US was coming, he sent that shit to Syria.

No proof of that. You're repeating a lie. And actually, Saddam and Assad were not allies. Saddam was a Sunni Arab and Assad is an Alawite Sunni. In fact, Syria fought alongside the United States and the coalition in the First Gulf War and was diplomatically estranged from Syria for close to 20 years until 2006, when Iraq had a new leader.

You people make shit up all the fucking time to retroactively justify your poor decision making and instincts.

Surely you don't really believe he destroyed his own chemical weapons cache and development programs ?

He actually did. You're the ones who haven't been able to find any of these weapons anywhere. Why? Because they didn't exist.
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Sadaam did get rid of his WMD when he realized that the US was coming, he sent that shit to Syria.

No proof of that. You're repeating a lie. And actually, Saddam and Assad were not allies. Saddam was a Sunni Arab and Assad is an Alawite Sunni. In fact, Syria fought alongside the United States and the coalition in the First Gulf War.

Surely you don't really believe he destroyed his own chemical weapons cache and development programs ?

He actually did. You're the ones who haven't been able to find any of these weapons anywhere. Why? Because they didn't exist.

Maybe we should have let the Democrats and Bob Mueller have 5 years and 40 investigations to find out if there were any WMDs

I see which side of the 50% you are on. I mean who would believe that a total douche like Saadam just woke up one morning and said " I think I will destroy my own chemical weapon system, I don't need it any more" Come on, that defies common sense
Maybe we should have let the Democrats and Bob Mueller have 5 years and 40 investigations to find out if there were any WMDs

Hold on. Back up. YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SADDAM MOVING WEAPONS TO SYRIA. We cannot move forward in this discussion until you admit it.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

There were no WMDs. That's what I don't think you want to admit. At the time of the invasion in 2003, Iraq did not have WMDs that made it an imminent threat to the United States.

I remember that because you and I argued about it on the Yahoo boards.

You insisted, at the time, that Saddam had WMDs and that he was going to give them to al Qaeda to use against us (stupid, yes, because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies). I told you that you were fucking stupid and wrong, and you arrogantly and rudely insisted you weren't. Even though you were. Even though you still are.

The stink of Iraq is never going to leave you.
Sad Hillary insisted on invading and Bill Clinton defended the invasion.

Yeah, because Bush was feeding everyone lies in order to get an invasion. Lies you bought. I didn't buy them, though. Most people around the world didn't.
Damn President Elect Bush tricked the Clintons!

Tricked you too.

And because of that, we cannot trust anything any Conservative says today. Lesson learned.
Yeah he has. Certainly worked a lot harder when Pres than the moron in chief who occupies that office now.
No he hasn’t.
Yes he did. Trumps always golfing and everyone else has been delegated all the work
Outdoor Recreation
2001-2008 Bad
2008-2017 Good
2017-Present Bad
Your new schtick
Tell me more about the President can control how much States can tax their people. The Derp thinks your full of crap too on that.

Never said that but that doesn't stop you from lying about it.
The people who attacked us on 9-11 died on 9-11, Dufus.

Sophistry. If the people who attacked us on 9/11 all died on 9/11, why did we invade Afghanistan?

So Bush did good listening to Hillary say we must attack because AQ was in Iraq.

Sophistry. Ansar-al-Islam was not Al Qaeda in Afganistan. Different groups, different goals. The common denominator was only that they were Sunni Muslims. Ansar-al-Islam were Kurds. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan were Arabs. I thought you loved the Kurds. Like most things, you don't know much about it.
Oil. Bush invaded for oil!

Bush invaded Afghanistan for oil?
View attachment 170743
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?
Must be nice to just be so oblivious to facts

Obliviousness is a defining trait of Conservatism.

09/14/06 FOX News Poll: 2006 Election Is All About Iraq
NEW YORK – The gap has narrowed to a slim 3-percentage point advantage for Democrats over Republicans in the latest FOX News likely voter poll, though many voters say they are still deciding which candidate to support in the upcoming Congressional elections. Iraq is mentioned at least twice as often as any other topic as the most important issue in voting this fall. While there are sharp divisions on Iraq, a slim majority says they support the war.

So when it comes to Conservatism, facts and truth are like poison. Conservatives cannot handle either, so they create bubbles for themselves in which their delicate egos and entitlement can be preserved and protected.

I want to know why you respond with things that are knowingly false. Is it because it's your job and you have to, or is it a deeper pathology of unearned entitlement and ignorance? What gives? Why are you such a garbage person?
View attachment 170743
Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?

No, but I did help pay for some idiot liberals to get welfare...does that count?
View attachment 170743 You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?

No, but I did help pay for some idiot liberals to get welfare...does that count?

Why am I having a hard time believing you? Oh right, because you're a Conservative and we simply cannot trust anything you people say because of the Iraq War.
It was until Obama fucked it up

Wow. Delusional. You remember what happened to Conservatives in the 2006 election because of how "well" Iraq was going?
They lost a midterm.... That historically happens to a party when said party is in the whitehouse

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

And it wasn't just the Iraq war we were unhappy about. Republicans like to pretend Bush didn't lead us into the greatest recession since the great depression. Or they like to pretend it was Nancy and Harry's fault. Yea, they caused all that in 1 year of being in charge. SUUUURE they did. LOL.

Rising healthcare costs, stagnant wages, slow growth, teetering on a recession for all of Bush's 8 years, the rich got richer. The 2000's was not a good decade.
You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?

No, but I did help pay for some idiot liberals to get welfare...does that count?

Why am I having a hard time believing you? Oh right, because you're a Conservative and we simply cannot trust anything you people say because of the Iraq War.

You mean the one most democrats approved?
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?

No, but I did help pay for some idiot liberals to get welfare...does that count?

Why am I having a hard time believing you? Oh right, because you're a Conservative and we simply cannot trust anything you people say because of the Iraq War.

You mean the one most democrats approved?

Most Democrats? No. Actually, most Democrats voted against the Iraq War in the House.

And by invoking Democrats, all you're doing is proving my point that we cannot trust Conservatives because they lied to the Democrats by presenting fake intel. Should the Democrats have known better than to trust what Conservatives were telling them? Yes. And that lesson is exactly why no one should trust you people today.

So thanks for helping me make my point!
Really? You have a list of those WMDs that the UN inspectors found and destroyed 2001-2003?

The fact that we didn't find any means there weren't any there.

You're the ones who insisted they were there. 8 years, $1T, and 4,500 lives later, not one was found.

So you all lied.

The fact that we didn't find any means there weren't any there.

Damn, you're stupid.

You probably also believe that Iran stopped building nukes because Obama made an agreement with them....

You're the ones who insisted they were there.

Bill and Hillary were very convincing.

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