NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

You probably also believe that Iran stopped building nukes because Obama made an agreement with them....

You're the one who continues to buy into the bullshit spewed forth by the same people who bullshitted you into supporting Iraq. Those same folks are now hacking your little brain again, this time about Iran.

How many times do you personally have to be wrong before you admit you're not as clever, smart, or intuitive as you think?

YBill and Hillary were very convincing.

They should have known better than to trust the intel Bush and the Conservatives were giving them. Lesson learned. It's precisely why no one should trust you today.
You probably also believe that Iran stopped building nukes because Obama made an agreement with them....

You're the one who continues to buy into the bullshit spewed forth by the same people who bullshitted you into supporting Iraq. Those same folks are now hacking your little brain again, this time about Iran.

How many times do you personally have to be wrong before you admit you're not as clever, smart, or intuitive as you think?

YBill and Hillary were very convincing.

They should have known better than to trust the intel Bush and the Conservatives were giving them. Lesson learned. It's precisely why no one should trust you today.

They were convincing in the 90s.
True story: Trump said he'd have Oprah as his running mate. Despite knowing that, I still don't know /any/ of her political views, opinions, or stances. Does anyone?
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Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.
They were convincing in the 90s.

What may have been true in the 90's wasn't true by 2003. And why would you rely on 5 year old intel? Because you want to dupe gullible morons like yourself into supporting a War that would end up being the worst foreign policy blunder in our nation's history.

Time is linear; it's a concept Conservatives don't seem to grasp.
They were convincing in the 90s.

What may have been true in the 90's wasn't true by 2003. And why would you rely on 5 year old intel? Because you want to dupe gullible morons like yourself into supporting a War that would end up being the worst foreign policy blunder in our nation's history.

Time is linear; it's a concept Conservatives don't seem to grasp.

What may have been true in the 90's wasn't true by 2003.

Prove it.
If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

So you got welfare under Obama, didn't you?

No, but I did help pay for some idiot liberals to get welfare...does that count?

Why am I having a hard time believing you? Oh right, because you're a Conservative and we simply cannot trust anything you people say because of the Iraq War.

You mean the one most democrats approved?

Most Democrats? No. Actually, most Democrats voted against the Iraq War in the House.

And by invoking Democrats, all you're doing is proving my point that we cannot trust Conservatives because they lied to the Democrats by presenting fake intel. Should the Democrats have known better than to trust what Conservatives were telling them? Yes. And that lesson is exactly why no one should trust you people today.

So thanks for helping me make my point!

Sure, they were against the war after they voted for the war...more democrat logic. All the intel that was available to Bush was the same intel available to congress.
So...the only point seem to be on your head.
True story: Trump said he'd have Oprah as his running mate. Despite knowing that, I still don't know /any/ of her political views, opinions, or stances. Does anyone?

Oprah shouldn't run for President, regardless of what her positions are.
Did Saddam provide proof in 2003 that he had destroyed his WMD capacity?

That's what the inspectors were determining before Bush told them to leave for their own safety because he was gonna bomb Iraq based on lies and bullshit.

And you all believed every word of it because you're a bunch of gullible dupes, and that includes the people who voted for it in Congress and the Senate, and it's why I voted for Obama in the 2008 primaries, and why I voted Sanders in the 2016 primaries. HRC's support for the Iraq War wasn't something I could get over.
Did Saddam provide proof in 2003 that he had destroyed his WMD capacity?

That's what the inspectors were determining before Bush told them to leave for their own safety because he was gonna bomb Iraq based on lies and bullshit.

And you all believed every word of it because you're a bunch of gullible dupes, and that includes the people who voted for it in Congress and the Senate, and it's why I voted for Obama in the 2008 primaries, and why I voted Sanders in the 2016 primaries. HRC's support for the Iraq War wasn't something I could get over.

That's what the inspectors were determining before Bush told them to leave

That's what the inspectors were trying to determine.

because he was gonna bomb Iraq based on lies and bullshit.

Clinton in December 1998?
That's what the inspectors were trying to determine.

Yeah. And they wanted more time. The UN wanted more time. The only ones who didn't were you Conservatives and Bush. Wonder why....

Clinton in December 1998?

The intel Clinton had in 1998 was not the same intel Bush pretended to have in 2003.

Time is linear; a concept you seem unable to grasp.
Hillary said Saddam was a threat in 1998.

Based on the intel she was given at the time.

Hillary said Saddam was a threat in 2003.

Based on the intel she was given at the time.

What may have been true in 1998 wasn't true in 2003.

Where are the WMDs? It's been 15 years...surely you would have found them by now if they existed.

What may have been true in 1998 wasn't true in 2003.

What may have been true in 1998 may have been true in 2003.
So because Clinton had intel in 1998 that said Saddam had WMDs, that means the intel Bush was spreading in 2003 was the same?


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