NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

NBC and the BBC: There were violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville - Hot Air

"Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight."

Bottom line: There was violence on both sides as Trump suggested.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville
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Its not PC to point out the violence and hypocrisy of the left. The liberal media is used to reporting just one slanted side of an event, having a POTUS embarrass the liberal media by pointing out how biased and one sided they are pisses the liberal media off.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
Its not PC to point out the violence and hypocrisy of the left. The liberal media is used to reporting just one slanted side of an event, having a POTUS embarrass the liberal media by pointing out how biased and one sided they are pisses the liberal media off.
It's the moral equivalence between White Supremicists and people like the girl who was murdered that is getting the Orange Cetin hung out to dry
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

NBC and the BBC: There were violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville - Hot Air

"Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight."

Bottom line: There was violence on both sides as Trump suggested.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville
The NEO NAZIs and White Supremacists Hate Donald Trump because "He Gave His Daughter To A Jew"

Direct quote from the Video from a Neo Nazi
Its not PC to point out the violence and hypocrisy of the left. The liberal media is used to reporting just one slanted side of an event, having a POTUS embarrass the liberal media by pointing out how biased and one sided they are pisses the liberal media off.
It's the moral equivalence between White Supremicists and people like the girl who was murdered that is getting the Orange Cetin hung out to dry

Your point is based on a lie, hence you have no point. This is nothing new from the left, you are attempting to intentionally twist the facts and tell half truths wow shocker.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Why wouldnt he condemn them in the same light? Whos is committing the most violence in the US? Nazis or Left-wing rioters? If you have an ounce of intellectual honesty, youll say the latter.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Why is race hate worse than hate from bigotry?
Shouldnt we condemn all hate?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.
The White Supremacist Work for The Democrat Party. You realize that, don't you? That's what their job is....to draw attention to themselves and then use it as propaganda to discredit their enemies, even if it's a President who "GAVE HIS DAUGHTER TO A JEW"
The goddamn ANTIFA group has been doing crazy violent and destructive thing for a year or two. BLM as well.
NAZIs and KKK havent done shit in years. Well besides this one guy. But that one murder doesnt equate to all the murder violence and destruction from the other two groups i mentioned.
HOW is one worse than the other?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

And we are back to liberal intolerance of anyone who disagrees with their liberal view. The US Constitution guarantees the right of white supremacists to assemble even though you may find their views vile. Don't like it then lobby to amend the US Constitution, good luck with that.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
No, the liberal media was not the only one to get pissed off... Republican party leaders got pissed, many on Fox news were shocked, military leaders spoke out, the CEO's of some of our largest companies who were on Trumps council said bye bye. You can't pretend that this is liberal MSM fake outrage. The evidence does not support your spin. Maybe you should stop talking for a minute and try listening.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Why wouldnt he condemn them in the same light? Whos is committing the most violence in the US? Nazis or Left-wing rioters? If you have an ounce of intellectual honesty, youll say the latter.
There is a time and place to condemn left wing violence... It's been highlighted over the past few months as they act out inappropriately. The time is not in the same breath that follows a dead girl at a Nazi/KKK/WS rally.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
No, the liberal media was not the only one to get pissed off... Republican party leaders got pissed, many on Fox news were shocked, military leaders spoke out, the CEO's of some of our largest companies who were on Trumps council said bye bye. You can't pretend that this is liberal MSM fake outrage. The evidence does not support your spin. Maybe you should stop talking for a minute and try listening.

Yes there are Trump haters in the GOP that was obvious during the GOP primaries. This is classic liberal media gotcha politics. The CEO's know full well if they challenge the liberal view the left will attack them, hence its best for business leaders and their corporations to avoid getting tangled up in politics, the left are just too unstable.

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