Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Metaphor Was Hanged at Nuremberg


Skittles weren't even around back then.

sheeesh I was going to ask how one says "skittles" in german DIE SCHKITTLEN????
Der Schkittlen. That be the masculine gender.
There's nothing wrong with comparing something to an aspect of Nazism, if the comparison is valid.
And obviously, "validity" is subjective.

If you really compare Trump to Hitler in your mind, great.

If you don't want to be compared to the Nazis, don't single out an entire race or religion or ethnicity of people for blanket condemnation.

You can condemn them without wanting to put them in the gas chamber.
For fun, go to the search box and search 'nuke Mecca'. You'll find quite a few posters around here who support the mass incineration of innocent Muslims.

You get THAT analogy?
There's nothing wrong with comparing something to an aspect of Nazism, if the comparison is valid.
And obviously, "validity" is subjective.

If you really compare Trump to Hitler in your mind, great.

If you don't want to be compared to the Nazis, don't single out an entire race or religion or ethnicity of people for blanket condemnation.

You can condemn them without wanting to put them in the gas chamber.

Oh, of course. Hitler actually didn't get to the gas chamber level for years. He was still anti-Semitic though throughout his pre-genocide phase.
...that there was no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That to me sounds very comparable to the sort of attitude that a Nazi would hold towards Jews.
I absolutely believe you.

I absolutely believe that, in your mind, Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are friendly neighbors in Evil Mass Murderer Avenue.

So it's all good, we're simpatico here.

Our resident 'centrist' is all in to defend Trump's bigotry. Interesting. And unsurprising.
There's nothing wrong with comparing something to an aspect of Nazism, if the comparison is valid.
And obviously, "validity" is subjective.

If you really compare Trump to Hitler in your mind, great.

If you don't want to be compared to the Nazis, don't single out an entire race or religion or ethnicity of people for blanket condemnation.

Well, maybe some right-winger can compare Hillary to Mao, and you two can have a real rational, high-minded conversation.



...that there was no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That to me sounds very comparable to the sort of attitude that a Nazi would hold towards Jews.
I absolutely believe you.

I absolutely believe that, in your mind, Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are friendly neighbors in Evil Mass Murderer Avenue.

So it's all good, we're simpatico here.

Our resident 'centrist' is all in to defend Trump's bigotry. Interesting. And unsurprising.
Who's a centrist?

Are you gonna start lying again?
...that there was no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That to me sounds very comparable to the sort of attitude that a Nazi would hold towards Jews.
I absolutely believe you.

I absolutely believe that, in your mind, Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are friendly neighbors in Evil Mass Murderer Avenue.

So it's all good, we're simpatico here.

Our resident 'centrist' is all in to defend Trump's bigotry. Interesting. And unsurprising.
Who's a centrist?

Are you gonna start lying again?

Are you finally confessing to being a conservative?
Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Metaphor Was Hanged at Nuremberg
Source: The Intercept
DONALD TRUMP JR.’S tweet comparing Syrian refugees to Skittles has deep roots. The concept dates back at least to 1938 and a children’s book called Der Giftpilz, or The Toadstool, in which a mother explains to her son that it only takes one Jew to destroy an entire people.

The book’s author, Julius Streicher, also published a newspaper that Adolf Hitler loved to read, Der Stürmer. The newspaper published anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Communist, and anti-capitalist propaganda. In 1933, soon after Hitler took power, Streicher used his newspaper to call for the extermination of the Jews.

German Propaganda Archive Hitler said: “One must never forget the services rendered by the Stürmer … Now that Jews are known for what they are, nobody any longer thinks that Streicher libelled them.”

Streicher was hanged at Nuremburg in 1946 for crimes against humanity. The judgment read:
"For his twenty-five years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ” Jew-Baiter Number One.” In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism. and incited the German people to active persecution. Each issue of Der Stürmer, which reached a circulation of 600,000 in 1935, was filled with such articles, often lewd and disgusting."

Read more: Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Analogy Was Hanged at Nuremberg

holy shit!

well it doesnt seem like a match dumbass
Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Metaphor Was Hanged at Nuremberg
Source: The Intercept
DONALD TRUMP JR.’S tweet comparing Syrian refugees to Skittles has deep roots. The concept dates back at least to 1938 and a children’s book called Der Giftpilz, or The Toadstool, in which a mother explains to her son that it only takes one Jew to destroy an entire people.

The book’s author, Julius Streicher, also published a newspaper that Adolf Hitler loved to read, Der Stürmer. The newspaper published anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Communist, and anti-capitalist propaganda. In 1933, soon after Hitler took power, Streicher used his newspaper to call for the extermination of the Jews.

German Propaganda Archive Hitler said: “One must never forget the services rendered by the Stürmer … Now that Jews are known for what they are, nobody any longer thinks that Streicher libelled them.”

Streicher was hanged at Nuremburg in 1946 for crimes against humanity. The judgment read:
"For his twenty-five years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ” Jew-Baiter Number One.” In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism. and incited the German people to active persecution. Each issue of Der Stürmer, which reached a circulation of 600,000 in 1935, was filled with such articles, often lewd and disgusting."

Read more: Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Analogy Was Hanged at Nuremberg

holy shit!

Completely hysterical, these Leftist journalists need dragging off to the nearest mental institution.

they certainly do

what a bunch of wackidos
Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Metaphor Was Hanged at Nuremberg
Source: The Intercept
DONALD TRUMP JR.’S tweet comparing Syrian refugees to Skittles has deep roots. The concept dates back at least to 1938 and a children’s book called Der Giftpilz, or The Toadstool, in which a mother explains to her son that it only takes one Jew to destroy an entire people.

The book’s author, Julius Streicher, also published a newspaper that Adolf Hitler loved to read, Der Stürmer. The newspaper published anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Communist, and anti-capitalist propaganda. In 1933, soon after Hitler took power, Streicher used his newspaper to call for the extermination of the Jews.

German Propaganda Archive Hitler said: “One must never forget the services rendered by the Stürmer … Now that Jews are known for what they are, nobody any longer thinks that Streicher libelled them.”

Streicher was hanged at Nuremburg in 1946 for crimes against humanity. The judgment read:
"For his twenty-five years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ” Jew-Baiter Number One.” In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism. and incited the German people to active persecution. Each issue of Der Stürmer, which reached a circulation of 600,000 in 1935, was filled with such articles, often lewd and disgusting."

Read more: Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Analogy Was Hanged at Nuremberg

holy shit!

There's nothing wrong with Donald Trump Jr's Skittles metaphor, it's accurate and most people will be agreeing with it.

This M&M useage by Militant Feminists attempting to say that not all men are monsters ie. rapists, women beaters etc, this M&M useage is okay?


But the below M&M useage referring to the Leftists Muslim pets, a good portion who want to blow us up in suicide attacks, or attack our people with machetes and meat cleavers etc the below useage of M&M's isn't okay, yes we know, sorry to upset the Leftists and their Muslim pets.

Good stuff from Donald Trump Jr :thup:

Wow. That is a seriously schizophrenic post you made!

First, you imply the feminist M&M usage is not okay, and then you say Junior's Skittles usage is!
That's a huge leap there.

My M&M posts were far more similar. He was obviously inspired by ME, not some old dead guy.

But you Godwin smear is noted and ridiculed.





The American Communist Party have endorsed Hillary Clinton.

That's a huge leap there.

My M&M posts were far more similar. He was obviously inspired by ME, not some old dead guy.

But you Godwin smear is noted and ridiculed.





The American Communist Party have endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Oh, I see. The Nazis are GOOD guys!

Based on the content of her posts it's reasonable to conclude that Lucy is the closest thing to a Nazi we have on this board (or at least she's tied for first, lol)
...that there was no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That to me sounds very comparable to the sort of attitude that a Nazi would hold towards Jews.
I absolutely believe you.

I absolutely believe that, in your mind, Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are friendly neighbors in Evil Mass Murderer Avenue.

So it's all good, we're simpatico here.

Our resident 'centrist' is all in to defend Trump's bigotry. Interesting. And unsurprising.
Who's a centrist?

Are you gonna start lying again?

Are you finally confessing to being a conservative?
I'm just an Independent. Same thing I've always called myself. Maybe a little left-leaning.

But enough about me. That's not what the thread is about. As you know.

If you're comfy comparing Trump to Hitler, I think that's just great. And not surprising.

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