Nazi Sources Prove the Nazis Were Socialists


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
A few days ago, The Federalist website published a fascinating article by Paul Jossey on evidence from Nazi sources that shows that Hitler and the Nazis were socialists. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Yet the evidence the Nazis were leftists goes well beyond the views of this one scholar. Philosophically, Nazi doctrine fit well with the other strains of socialism ripping through Europe at the time. Hitler’s first “National Workers’ Party” meeting while he was still an Army corporal featured the speech “How and by What Means is Capitalism to be Eliminated?”

The Nazi charter published a year later and coauthored by Hitler is socialist in almost every aspect. It calls for “equality of rights for the German people”; the subjugation of the individual to the state; breaking of “rent slavery”; “confiscation of war profits”; the nationalization of industry; profit-sharing in heavy industry; large-scale social security; the “communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low costs to small firms”; the “free expropriation of land for the purpose of public utility”; the abolition of “materialistic” Roman Law; nationalizing education; nationalizing the army; state regulation of the press; and strong central power in the Reich.​
Bismarck brought socialism to Germany before Hitler, because Bismarck was afraid of communism.
I bet the bed wetters ignore this thread entirely.

They're the sort of imbeciles who vote for incompetent meat puppets who will stand in front of a TV camera and declare to the entire world that the Islamic State weren't muslims.

Never mind that people who knew what socialism was, declared themselves to be socialists, Modern bed wetters will contort themselves into shapes that nearly defy physics in order to argue the National Socialist German Workers Party was "right wing" or had any economic policy objectives even remotely similar to a libertarian or Republican (not a republicrat).

Never mind that hordes of bearded sociopaths around the world bash their heads on the ground 5 times a day with their asses pointing away from Mecca, praying to a fictional moongod dreamed up by a flea bitten warlord, thief, pedophile and slave merchant "prophet" (piss be upon them all) for the opportunity to murder Americans, bed wetters will insist they're not islamic. You can hook these idiotic pieces of shit to a polygraph and they will flat line it, because they're brain dead drones parroting their moonbat messiah's bullshit.

A few days ago, The Federalist website published a fascinating article by Paul Jossey on evidence from Nazi sources that shows that Hitler and the Nazis were socialists. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Yet the evidence the Nazis were leftists goes well beyond the views of this one scholar. Philosophically, Nazi doctrine fit well with the other strains of socialism ripping through Europe at the time. Hitler’s first “National Workers’ Party” meeting while he was still an Army corporal featured the speech “How and by What Means is Capitalism to be Eliminated?”

The Nazi charter published a year later and coauthored by Hitler is socialist in almost every aspect. It calls for “equality of rights for the German people”; the subjugation of the individual to the state; breaking of “rent slavery”; “confiscation of war profits”; the nationalization of industry; profit-sharing in heavy industry; large-scale social security; the “communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low costs to small firms”; the “free expropriation of land for the purpose of public utility”; the abolition of “materialistic” Roman Law; nationalizing education; nationalizing the army; state regulation of the press; and strong central power in the Reich.​

Ignant OP tries to float "Nazis = Socialists" because hey they said so and Hitler would never lie ----- and then proceeds to list the traits of Fascism.

Pop quiz OP .... how many grapes are in this box? How many nuts?


Because hey, Post cereals would never lie.....

Some wags will just never grok the concept of marketing, even while they swallow it whole.
A few days ago, The Federalist website published a fascinating article by Paul Jossey on evidence from Nazi sources that shows that Hitler and the Nazis were socialists. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Yet the evidence the Nazis were leftists goes well beyond the views of this one scholar. Philosophically, Nazi doctrine fit well with the other strains of socialism ripping through Europe at the time. Hitler’s first “National Workers’ Party” meeting while he was still an Army corporal featured the speech “How and by What Means is Capitalism to be Eliminated?”

The Nazi charter published a year later and coauthored by Hitler is socialist in almost every aspect. It calls for “equality of rights for the German people”; the subjugation of the individual to the state; breaking of “rent slavery”; “confiscation of war profits”; the nationalization of industry; profit-sharing in heavy industry; large-scale social security; the “communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low costs to small firms”; the “free expropriation of land for the purpose of public utility”; the abolition of “materialistic” Roman Law; nationalizing education; nationalizing the army; state regulation of the press; and strong central power in the Reich.​

Ignant OP tries to float "Nazis = Socialists" because hey they said so and Hitler would never lie ----- and then proceeds to list the traits of Fascism.

Pop quiz OP .... how many grapes are in this box? How many nuts?


Because hey, Post cereals would never lie.....

Some wags will just never grok the concept of marketing, even while they swallow it whole.

They are all at least this stupid folks.

Never mind the fact that the nazi's ran a country with a centralized authority that nationalized labor and industry, severely restricted property ownership, operated a national health care system, and restricted an individual's ability to make significant profits and capitalize in a free market.

Bed wetting pieces of shit like pogo say they're not really nazis.

They were actually republicans!!! If you don't agree you're a racist or something....

Fucking imbeciles....

Remind me why I'm not supposed to encourage these parasites to kill themselves?

In light of evidence the responses from the snowflakes, predictably, are 'Uh-uh', opinion, insults, and personal attacks.

As they march towards socialism, call for the party to embrace Socialism, they do not want to be bothered by fact.

Their response to Trump's 'Make America Great Again' is 'Let's Make America Venezuela!'
Of course, Jossey's fine article is not the first treatise to point out the evidence that the Nazis were socialists. Here's another written just a few weeks ago:

Nazis Were Not Marxists, but They Were Socialists | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Additionally, there have been many studies on the fact that Hitler and the Nazis loved Darwinian evolution and used it to support their Aryan-supremacy views. See, for example, California State University Professor Richard Weikart's book From Darwin to Hitler:

See also his article "Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany?":

Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany? | Evolution News
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Of course, Jossey's fine article is not the first treatise to point out the evidence that the Nazis were socialists. Here's another written just a few weeks ago:

Nazis Were Not Marxists, but They Were Socialists | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Additionally, there have been many studies on the fact Hitler and the Nazis loved Darwinian evolution and used it to support their Aryan supremacy views. See, for example, California State University Professor Richard Weikart's book From Darwin to Hilter:

See also his article "Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany?":

Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany? | Evolution News

You make up a good point about "progressives" and their universal disdain for people outside whatever qualities are trendy to them at the time. They do not value individual lives of others. Only their own is a real concern.

The theories of Ernst Rüdin and Franz Kallmann coincided with a growing interest in Germany in eugenics and “race hygiene” (Rassenhygiene) in the early 1930s. At the time, the eugenics movement was strongest in the United States and Britain. Indiana had passed the first state compulsory sterilization law in 1907, and by 1928, 20 more states had followed, most including “lunatics” among the target population; California was the most active state in this regard. In 1916, New York patrician Madison Grant had published The Passing of the Great Race, a jeremiad about the dangers of interracial marriage that Science magazine called “a work of solid merit”4; it was subsequently translated into German and cited by Hitler in Mein Kampf. The International Congress of Eugenics was also based in the United States, and in 1932, its presidency passed from Dr C. B. Davenport of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to Dr Rüdin.

We had "progressives" running around the US that inspired hitler in the 1920's.

There is nothing "progressive" about leftist "philosophy".

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Of course, Jossey's fine article is not the first treatise to point out the evidence that the Nazis were socialists. Here's another written just a few weeks ago:

Nazis Were Not Marxists, but They Were Socialists | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Additionally, there have been many studies on the fact that Hitler and the Nazis loved Darwinian evolution and used it to support their Aryan-supremacy views. See, for example, California State University Professor Richard Weikart's book From Darwin to Hitler:

See also his article "Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany?":

Was Darwinism Banned from Nazi Germany? | Evolution News
It's a little known fact that prewar Democrats were big fans of social Darwinism and eugenics. Margret Sanger was quite plain that she wanted to eliminate the black race with selective birth control. Woodrow Wilson was also a well known advocate of eugenics.

Woodrow Wilson and the science of eugenics: He believed that certain races and people were better than others. | Our Great American Heritage
After I sent him this article, Phil Mirowski also sent me this piece by Germà Bell, “against the mainstrweam,” from the Economic History Review. This article also has some fascinating findings. From the abstract:

In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in western capitalistic countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s.
So far only one moonbat showed up to post something asinine about cereal.

Is that the best they can do? Where are all the leftwing "intellectuals"? Riding unicorns?

How is this even a discussion? It's like saying members of the Communist Party are really Communists. Maybe this will help:

noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis
a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Nazi's said they were socialists. Why would we argue with the acronym?
north korea says it is democratic, you see how that works, people say a lot of things, alex jones says the moon landing was faked, they said it for a reason, people lie for many reasons , sometimes people even think they are telling the truth because they are delusional
Nazi's said they were socialists. Why would we argue with the acronym?
north korea says it is democratic, you see how that works, people say a lot of things, alex jones says the moon landing was faked, they said it for a reason, people lie for many reasons , sometimes people even think they are telling the truth because they are delusional

Yeah, and the Democrat party says it's democratic!

After I sent him this article, Phil Mirowski also sent me this piece by Germà Bell, “against the mainstrweam,” from the Economic History Review. This article also has some fascinating findings. From the abstract:

In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in western capitalistic countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s.

Capitalism and Nazism

There's the link you completely plagiarized, unless you're the twit who wrote the blog...

Looks like a whole bunch of bullshit too me. The fuckin chinese are the biggest "communist" country but they've made significant reforms to allow some capital to move freely and generate wealth. It's still a nanny state. They still came to power exalting the virtues of collectivism and cradle to grave care.
How many friggin' threads do we have to have from right wingers arguing that Nazis who slaughtered socialists, communists and liberals were left wing?
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