Nazi fake propaganda vs. today's fake news

This forum is a repository for fake news and the moderation does next to nothing to curtail it. Every day I come here and there's a whole slew of fake bullshit being hustled by the moronic rightist cretins here from Breitbart, Infowars, TheGatewayPundit, etc., this shit never ends.

Whether it's Pizzagate, or the recent debunked false claim that Trump won 3,084 counties and Clinton won 57, it's ENDLESS on this forum. Something about this forum seems to attract people to fake news, perhaps it's because there are so many people here who are frauds. Seems like every week a new conservative is being found out for pretending to have military experience. This forum is a haven for conservative frauds and bullshit.
Your last statement discredits everything you just wrote as it exposes your own raging, rabid partisanship that skews how you think and everything you say.

I agree there is a lot of false crap on this board, but I have continued to point out just as many liberal false narratives.

ANYONE who claims 'only one side does it' is full of shit....and you are no different.
This forum is a repository for fake news and the moderation does next to nothing to curtail it. Perhaps because even the site owner participates in spreading fake news? Remember when cereal_killer posted that long ass thread about anonymous' threats that never materialized? Yeah, it was bullshit -- and he never apologized for it either. Every day I come here and there's a whole slew of fake bullshit being hustled by the moronic rightist cretins here from Breitbart, Infowars, TheGatewayPundit, etc., this shit never ends.

Whether it's Pizzagate, or the recent debunked false claim that Trump won 3,084 counties and Clinton won 57, it's ENDLESS on this forum. Something about this forum seems to attract people to fake news, perhaps it's because there are so many people here who are frauds. Seems like every week a new conservative is being found out for pretending to have military experience. This forum is a haven for conservative frauds.

I've been keeping track of these fucking frauds here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A believer of the liberal media opposes fake news. That is classic. How'd the election coverage work out for ya, Holmes?
Media needs to police itself, and be more careful in what they choose to promote - I think they're starting to look at this seriously.
----------------------------------------------------------------- nobody pays any attention to the media , let them police themselves . People to people news is really all that matters .
so called Fake News is not a big deal as long as people get to decide for themselves what is fake or not fake news .

This is the problem with the public nowadays. You dont get to choose reality.
Again you accuse others of that which you know you are guilty.
"8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).

– Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”

– 8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.

– 97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote."
POLL: 70% of American citizens do not believe the news media is honest or truthful
so called Fake News is not a big deal as long as people get to decide for themselves what is fake or not fake news . The way things sound to me is that someone or some entity is looking to be put in charge of deciding what is fake news or not fake news and thats not a good thing . Print or distribute what you like and let the reader or hearer decide for himself whats FAKE or NOT fake !!
Impossible to discern the truth when you're drunk on Trump koolaid, just like the Germans were on Hitler koolaid.
Granted the historical perspective of most lefties doesn't go back further than the last administration but it's embarrassing and disrespectful to the greatest Country in the world to compare it to anything the Nazis did.
If you don't learn from what the nazis did, Trump will repeat it.
Apparently it is needed, Pismoe. Or at least fact checkers working overtime to dispel the funk by keeping REALITY in front of everyone's face. The problem is, people who want to believe Pizzagate won't pay any attention to the REAL facts, because they have already been gulled into believing that the fact checkers are lying. This is where we are running into serious danger.

And it's not polite to laugh at people who are making a serious point, Pismoe. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to be rude, either.
Rule #1 is "do not believe anything you read on the Internet."

Rule #2 is "fact check everything that you want to believe on the Internet."
By going to a pizza parlor with a gun?
so called Fake News is not a big deal as long as people get to decide for themselves what is fake or not fake news . The way things sound to me is that someone or some entity is looking to be put in charge of deciding what is fake news or not fake news and thats not a good thing . Print or distribute what you like and let the reader or hearer decide for himself whats FAKE or NOT fake !!
Fake news is made up. It is not backed up by facts. That is "fake" news. When people take your attitude and willingly suspend disbelief in order to bolster their political views, it can lead to real consequences. Real as in real bullets, in this case.
This is no different than the belief in Aliens from a different star cluster. We can "prove" it isn't true by the consistent and overwhelming lack of evidence to support such a claim, but some people will continue to "believe." That is their right, but it shouldn't be taken seriously, and it certainly shouldn't spill into areas where "beliefs" have serious consequences, like who we elect as leaders to run our country.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the consequence of your fake news deciders or CENSORS is more dangerous than a guy with a gun . You eem to be advocating censors to police the news Oldlady !!
Apparently it is needed, Pismoe. Or at least fact checkers working overtime to dispel the funk by keeping REALITY in front of everyone's face. The problem is, people who want to believe Pizzagate won't pay any attention to the REAL facts, because they have already been gulled into believing that the fact checkers are lying. This is where we are running into serious danger.

And it's not polite to laugh at people who are making a serious point, Pismoe. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to be rude, either.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everything is acceptable , free speech and all that , crazy people or loons are just the cost of business in a Free Country that we need to restore Oldlady .
^^^^like yelling FIRE! in a movie theater.
This forum is a repository for fake news and the moderation does next to nothing to curtail it. Every day I come here and there's a whole slew of fake bullshit being hustled by the moronic rightist cretins here from Breitbart, Infowars, TheGatewayPundit, etc., this shit never ends.

Whether it's Pizzagate, or the recent debunked false claim that Trump won 3,084 counties and Clinton won 57, it's ENDLESS on this forum. Something about this forum seems to attract people to fake news, perhaps it's because there are so many people here who are frauds. Seems like every week a new conservative is being found out for pretending to have military experience. This forum is a haven for conservative frauds and bullshit.
Your last statement discredits everything you just wrote as it exposes your own raging, rabid partisanship that skews how you think and everything you say.

I agree there is a lot of false crap on this board, but I have continued to point out just as many liberal false narratives.

ANYONE who claims 'only one side does it' is full of shit....and you are no different.
One is not an excuse for the other.
so called Fake News is not a big deal as long as people get to decide for themselves what is fake or not fake news . The way things sound to me is that someone or some entity is looking to be put in charge of deciding what is fake news or not fake news and thats not a good thing . Print or distribute what you like and let the reader or hearer decide for himself whats FAKE or NOT fake !!
Fake news is made up. It is not backed up by facts. That is "fake" news. When people take your attitude and willingly suspend disbelief in order to bolster their political views, it can lead to real consequences. Real as in real bullets, in this case.
This is no different than the belief in Aliens from a different star cluster. We can "prove" it isn't true by the consistent and overwhelming lack of evidence to support such a claim, but some people will continue to "believe." That is their right, but it shouldn't be taken seriously, and it certainly shouldn't spill into areas where "beliefs" have serious consequences, like who we elect as leaders to run our country.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the consequence of your fake news deciders or CENSORS is more dangerous than a guy with a gun . You eem to be advocating censors to police the news Oldlady !!
Apparently it is needed, Pismoe. Or at least fact checkers working overtime to dispel the funk by keeping REALITY in front of everyone's face. The problem is, people who want to believe Pizzagate won't pay any attention to the REAL facts, because they have already been gulled into believing that the fact checkers are lying. This is where we are running into serious danger.

And it's not polite to laugh at people who are making a serious point, Pismoe. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to be rude, either.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everything is acceptable , free speech and all that , crazy people or loons are just the cost of business in a Free Country that we need to restore Oldlady .
^^^^like yelling FIRE! in a movie theater.
----------------------------------------------------- and then they arrest you IF there is no fire hangover .
Fake news is made up. It is not backed up by facts. That is "fake" news. When people take your attitude and willingly suspend disbelief in order to bolster their political views, it can lead to real consequences. Real as in real bullets, in this case.
This is no different than the belief in Aliens from a different star cluster. We can "prove" it isn't true by the consistent and overwhelming lack of evidence to support such a claim, but some people will continue to "believe." That is their right, but it shouldn't be taken seriously, and it certainly shouldn't spill into areas where "beliefs" have serious consequences, like who we elect as leaders to run our country.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the consequence of your fake news deciders or CENSORS is more dangerous than a guy with a gun . You eem to be advocating censors to police the news Oldlady !!
Apparently it is needed, Pismoe. Or at least fact checkers working overtime to dispel the funk by keeping REALITY in front of everyone's face. The problem is, people who want to believe Pizzagate won't pay any attention to the REAL facts, because they have already been gulled into believing that the fact checkers are lying. This is where we are running into serious danger.

And it's not polite to laugh at people who are making a serious point, Pismoe. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to be rude, either.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everything is acceptable , free speech and all that , crazy people or loons are just the cost of business in a Free Country that we need to restore Oldlady .
^^^^like yelling FIRE! in a movie theater.
----------------------------------------------------- and then they arrest you IF there is no fire hangover .
------------------------------------------ but , i can walk into any movie theatre in the USA and yell fire as much as i like Hangover !!
course , as i said , if there is no fire i get arrested Hangover .
Your attempt to label the "liberal news" as fake is just right wing propaganda, in an a lame effort to justify the fake news this thread is about. Fail!

CNN - in the middle of being on air - openly declared they had done EVERYTHING they could to help Hillary win, even giving her 'a pass' on all of her scandals'.

No, the labeling of liberal media as 'fake news' has already been proven.
Notice how prevalent fake news has gotten since Trump's campaign started a year ago?

Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

The liberal media has been feeding it to you all your life, Holmes
Your attempt to label the "liberal news" as fake is just right wing propaganda, in an a lame effort to justify the fake news this thread is about. Fail!

Yes, liberals like the lamestream media just fine, it couldn't possibly be liberal ...
Fake news is made up. It is not backed up by facts. That is "fake" news. When people take your attitude and willingly suspend disbelief in order to bolster their political views, it can lead to real consequences. Real as in real bullets, in this case.
This is no different than the belief in Aliens from a different star cluster. We can "prove" it isn't true by the consistent and overwhelming lack of evidence to support such a claim, but some people will continue to "believe." That is their right, but it shouldn't be taken seriously, and it certainly shouldn't spill into areas where "beliefs" have serious consequences, like who we elect as leaders to run our country.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the consequence of your fake news deciders or CENSORS is more dangerous than a guy with a gun . You eem to be advocating censors to police the news Oldlady !!
Apparently it is needed, Pismoe. Or at least fact checkers working overtime to dispel the funk by keeping REALITY in front of everyone's face. The problem is, people who want to believe Pizzagate won't pay any attention to the REAL facts, because they have already been gulled into believing that the fact checkers are lying. This is where we are running into serious danger.

And it's not polite to laugh at people who are making a serious point, Pismoe. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to be rude, either.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everything is acceptable , free speech and all that , crazy people or loons are just the cost of business in a Free Country that we need to restore Oldlady .
^^^^like yelling FIRE! in a movie theater.
----------------------------------------------------- and then they arrest you IF there is no fire hangover .
Trump's birther lie should get him arrested....Flynn's pizza parlor lie should get him arrested....Trump's 3 million illegal votes lie should get him arrested...Trump's bragging about sexual assault should get him arrested.....Trump's lie about Mexico paying for the wall should get him arrested.....shall I go On?

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