Nazi backs Nazis shocker.

All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.

Yes, the need for more intense study of the war & Third Reich, in America is too obvious. It seems remote to those who grew up on "comedies" about the era, and maybe a few movies. Schools must do more to educate those sympathetic to 'poor Germany'.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

I got to tell you that Germany's "atonement" is pretty embarrassing and demeaning. I worked in Germany in the late 80s early 90s for awhile. About 3 months over about 6 visits. And people got to know me. Knew I was raised Jewish and they would invite me to their homes. Where I'd be confronted by a serious looking living room full of folks who then proceeded to APOLOGIZE to me (in various levels of English speaking success) for a full 1/2 hour or so -- before the hors d'ourves came out.. I was appalled by this "groveling".

It's some kind of masochism that is inspired SOLELY by leftist guilt. NOT by any sense of patching old wounds. I took it as more of a "look at me -- I'm so liberal and inclusive and dedicated to multiculturalism" type of thing.

OTH -- I wept FOR my new German buds at the Keil Naval Museum looking at the wall of depictions of every German war boat lost in the war. History should be kept that way. It's cruel and sometimes inexcusable. AND out of reach of "atonement"..

Spare me the drama. Just run your fucking country in a RESPONSIBLE manner for the benefit of your citizens. Without exerting FORCE on them --- or your neighbors.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

I got to tell you that Germany's "atonement" is pretty embarrassing and demeaning. I worked in Germany in the late 80s early 90s for awhile. About 3 months over about 6 visits. And people got to know me. Knew I was raised Jewish and they would invite me to their homes. Where I'd be confronted by a serious looking living room full of folks who then proceeded to APOLOGIZE to me (in various levels of English speaking success) for a full 1/2 hour or so -- before the hors d'ourves came out.. I was appalled by this "groveling".

It's some kind of masochism that is inspired SOLELY by leftist guilt. NOT by any sense of patching old wounds. I took it as more of a "look at me -- I'm so liberal and inclusive and dedicated to multiculturrism" type of thing.

OTH -- I wept at the Keil Naval Museum looking at the wall of depictions of every German war boat lost in the war. History should be kept that way. It's cruel and sometimes inexcusable. AND out of reach of "atonement"..

Spare me the drama. Just run your fucking country in a RESPONSIBLE manner for the benefit of your citizens. Without exerting FORCE on them --- or your neighbors.

I do not advocate force, I advocate education HERE, and support fir Israel. But you remind me of something my father told me, I was young when he brought a German sailor home for the day (a program out of the Navy base). I was wary, and scared, A GERMAN, A NAZI!!!!! He denied ANYONE in his family had been father said, after he left "Honey, its tough to find a German who admits any of their ancestors were Nazis". Those you wrote of may protest too much.
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.
So does the the legacy of Holodomor with 10 million people dead. Nothing to be proud of, is it? The kettle calls the pot black.

Am I Russian now?
I did not say that. The reference was to the communist leadership executing the food confiscation. You are implying that the descendants of 1940-s Germans are somehow responsible for something, then somebody needs to take responsibility for the Holodomor also even if he has noting to do with it.
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.
So does the the legacy of Holodomor with 10 million people dead. Nothing to be proud of, is it? The kettle calls the pot black.

This is why I posted about the Holodomor.

Between 1932-1933, some say it was 7 million who were deliberately starved to death in the Ukraine but the high end figure could be 12 million, over 3,000,000 children born between 1932-1933 died of starvation, all carefully planned, man-made.

Ukrainian 'Holodomor' (man-made famine) Facts and History

Holodomor: Memories of Ukraine's silent massacre - BBC News

Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933

So far 25 nations have recognised this Genocide of Ethnic Ukranians.

"The Soviet famine of 1932–33 affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union, leading to millions of deaths in those areas and severe food shortage throughout the USSR. These areas included Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Volga Regionand Kazakhstan,[2] the South Urals, and West Siberia.[3][4] Gareth Jones was the first western journalist to report the inhumane devastation.[5][6][a] The subset of the famine within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Kuban, all of which were heavily populated by Ukrainians, is referred to as Holodomor.

The famine was the result of the actions of the Soviet state in the implementation of forced collectivization, in economic planning, and political repression in the countryside."

Soviet famine of 1932–33 - Wikipedia

"The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р),[a] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an estimated 2.5–7.5 million Ukrainians, with millions more counted in demographic estimates. It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

During the Holodomor millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe
unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[11] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[12]and 24 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.[13]

Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly; anywhere from 1.8[14] to 12 million[15]ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine. Recent research has since narrowed the estimates to between 2.4[16] and 7.5[17] million. The exact number of deaths is hard to determine, due to a lack of records,[18][19] but the number increases significantly when the deaths inside heavily Ukrainian-populated Kuban are included.[20]Older estimates are still often cited in political commentary.[21] According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficit.[18]"

Holodomor - Wikipedia

"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

No mental illness here, and your icon looks like a swastika from a distance; I am sure it is unintentional........

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

I got to tell you that Germany's "atonement" is pretty embarrassing and demeaning. I worked in Germany in the late 80s early 90s for awhile. About 3 months over about 6 visits. And people got to know me. Knew I was raised Jewish and they would invite me to their homes. Where I'd be confronted by a serious looking living room full of folks who then proceeded to APOLOGIZE to me (in various levels of English speaking success) for a full 1/2 hour or so -- before the hors d'ourves came out.. I was appalled by this "groveling".

It's some kind of masochism that is inspired SOLELY by leftist guilt. NOT by any sense of patching old wounds. I took it as more of a "look at me -- I'm so liberal and inclusive and dedicated to multiculturrism" type of thing.

OTH -- I wept at the Keil Naval Museum looking at the wall of depictions of every German war boat lost in the war. History should be kept that way. It's cruel and sometimes inexcusable. AND out of reach of "atonement"..

Spare me the drama. Just run your fucking country in a RESPONSIBLE manner for the benefit of your citizens. Without exerting FORCE on them --- or your neighbors.

I do not advocate force, I advocate education HERE, and support fir Israel. But you remind me of something my father told me, I was young when he brought a German sailor home for the day (a program out of the Navy base). I was wary, and scared, A GERMAN, A NAZI!!!!! He denied ANYONE in his family had been father said, after he left "Honey, its tough to find a German who admits any of their ancestors were Nazis". Those you wrote of may protest too much.

Nobody cares what a vile Xenophobic insect like you thinks, you have already posted that you hate Germanic peoples you even brought Otto von Bismarck into your incoherent Xenophobic rant.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

I got to tell you that Germany's "atonement" is pretty embarrassing and demeaning. I worked in Germany in the late 80s early 90s for awhile. About 3 months over about 6 visits. And people got to know me. Knew I was raised Jewish and they would invite me to their homes. Where I'd be confronted by a serious looking living room full of folks who then proceeded to APOLOGIZE to me (in various levels of English speaking success) for a full 1/2 hour or so -- before the hors d'ourves came out.. I was appalled by this "groveling".

It's some kind of masochism that is inspired SOLELY by leftist guilt. NOT by any sense of patching old wounds. I took it as more of a "look at me -- I'm so liberal and inclusive and dedicated to multiculturalism" type of thing.

OTH -- I wept FOR my new German buds at the Keil Naval Museum looking at the wall of depictions of every German war boat lost in the war. History should be kept that way. It's cruel and sometimes inexcusable. AND out of reach of "atonement"..

Spare me the drama. Just run your fucking country in a RESPONSIBLE manner for the benefit of your citizens. Without exerting FORCE on them --- or your neighbors.

Thank you FCT for being decent :thup:
peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

Where have we heard THAT before?

"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

No mental illness here, and your icon looks like a swastika from a distance; I am sure it is unintentional........

Your mental illness is on display with your complete hatred of an entire people.
Last edited:
"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

No mental illness here, and your icon looks like a swastika from a distance; I am sure it is unintentional........
Your eyes see what your mind desires to see... You really should get help.
peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

Where have we heard THAT before?


You are now devoid of an original points, no you posting that does not bring the reaction you usually expect.

Just doing you a favour. If you're going to quote someone, you need to cite them. It avoids accusations of plagiarism.
I word of advice to you also. Do not promote the eradication of Western culture. There is no gain in it. The savages will turn against you after they finished with us.
because they were a cook or a secretary, you know the usual crap.

I've always thought it was amazing that the day after Germany surrendered no German had ever heard of the Nazis. War? What war? I have to admire the efficiency of the German people when I hear that a few dozen top officials were able to kill six million Jews all by themselves.

Maybe we could discuss something that is deliberately ignored, like this:

View attachment 148260

Holodomor - Wikipedia

^^^^ This was planned primarily by:

Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia

He was still alive until 1991, why are these Communist filth never brought to any type of trial, yet pathetic mentally ill people like to put 90 year old German SOLDIERS on trial for being a cook or a secretary?

View attachment 148261

Let's talk about the Russians ... shall we?

The Russians were and remain raging anti-Semites. They have persecuted Jewish communities for centuries (as have Europeans). Pogroms going back to the 1600's killed more than a million Jews.

But ... Russia never created a systematic program to completely kill every single Jew in any country they controlled.

Germany created laws to identify who is Jewish (didn't matter if they had any contact with a Jewish community or any religions inclination). If the Germans thought they had any portion of 'Jewish Blood', they were were on the hit list.

Germany built ghettos all over Europe to lock up the Jews until they could be exterminated. Many died right there in those ghettos.

Germany built dozens of massive facilities to kill as many as 6,000 Jews a day and burn their bodies to ash.

Germany did this by involving nearly every government agency including their economic planning boards, their ministry of transportation, the various army departments. Every German for miles around each centre KNEW what they were doing. Every railroad worker from Brest to Bialystok KNEW who they were hauling in railroad cars and where they were going. Tens of thousand of government workers had full knowledge of the systematic slaughter and attempted extermination of of the Jewish people.

And the German people not only went along with it ... they VOTED for it.

So ... as bad as Russians have been to the Jews and other people ... they have never, put all their national energies into a single-minded effort to eliminate an entire people from the face of the Earth. Maybe the Russians are just too lazy compared to the Germans.

^^^^ Are those people in your opinion somehow MORE special and important than the 7-12 MILLION Ethnic Ukranians who were deliberately and in pre-meditated fashion starved to death in the Holodomor?

Are those people you mention MORE special and important because of the METHODS?

Is that or is that not what you are saying?

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

I got to tell you that Germany's "atonement" is pretty embarrassing and demeaning. I worked in Germany in the late 80s early 90s for awhile. About 3 months over about 6 visits. And people got to know me. Knew I was raised Jewish and they would invite me to their homes. Where I'd be confronted by a serious looking living room full of folks who then proceeded to APOLOGIZE to me (in various levels of English speaking success) for a full 1/2 hour or so -- before the hors d'ourves came out.. I was appalled by this "groveling".

It's some kind of masochism that is inspired SOLELY by leftist guilt. NOT by any sense of patching old wounds. I took it as more of a "look at me -- I'm so liberal and inclusive and dedicated to multiculturrism" type of thing.

OTH -- I wept at the Keil Naval Museum looking at the wall of depictions of every German war boat lost in the war. History should be kept that way. It's cruel and sometimes inexcusable. AND out of reach of "atonement"..

Spare me the drama. Just run your fucking country in a RESPONSIBLE manner for the benefit of your citizens. Without exerting FORCE on them --- or your neighbors.

I do not advocate force, I advocate education HERE, and support fir Israel. But you remind me of something my father told me, I was young when he brought a German sailor home for the day (a program out of the Navy base). I was wary, and scared, A GERMAN, A NAZI!!!!! He denied ANYONE in his family had been father said, after he left "Honey, its tough to find a German who admits any of their ancestors were Nazis". Those you wrote of may protest too much.

My wife and I have a best life friend that raised in dual culture in Oregon. In a place where you can be German and send your kids to German language school. Her mother/father were on the Nazi train during the war. I listened to the hell and carnage of Dresden firebombing from her mother OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Her mother was a very old lady. Her Nazi father long dead. But the PAIN was very human indeed. You don't HAVE to "protest too much". You're right. You just have to listen to ALL of the pain..
peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

Where have we heard THAT before?


You are now devoid of an original points, no you posting that does not bring the reaction you usually expect.

Just doing you a favour. If you're going to quote someone, you need to cite them. It avoids accusations of plagiarism.

Except I didn't quote did I, no that's right I didn't.

Peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples = my own words.
peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

Where have we heard THAT before?


You are now devoid of an original points, no you posting that does not bring the reaction you usually expect.

Just doing you a favour. If you're going to quote someone, you need to cite them. It avoids accusations of plagiarism.
YouTube - Horrible Jewish woman moves to Europe to destroy western culture.flv
"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

No mental illness here, and your icon looks like a swastika from a distance; I am sure it is unintentional........

"and your icon looks like a swastika from a distance"

You must need contact lenses :smoke:

Let's do an Eye Test for you?

What do you see? :poke:


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