Nazi backs Nazis shocker.

"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
Yes, you can say that since it means "leader." The POTUS is the führer of us Americans but our official language is English therefore we call him by the name of his office the President.

No, in reality a Fuhrer is quite different. Try "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" for basic reading.
because they were a cook or a secretary, you know the usual crap.

I've always thought it was amazing that the day after Germany surrendered no German had ever heard of the Nazis. War? What war? I have to admire the efficiency of the German people when I hear that a few dozen top officials were able to kill six million Jews all by themselves.

Maybe we could discuss something that is deliberately ignored, like this:

View attachment 148260

Holodomor - Wikipedia

^^^^ This was planned primarily by:

Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia

He was still alive until 1991, why are these Communist filth never brought to any type of trial, yet pathetic mentally ill people like to put 90 year old German SOLDIERS on trial for being a cook or a secretary?

View attachment 148261

Let's talk about the Russians ... shall we?

The Russians were and remain raging anti-Semites. They have persecuted Jewish communities for centuries (as have Europeans). Pogroms going back to the 1600's killed more than a million Jews.

But ... Russia never created a systematic program to completely kill every single Jew in any country they controlled.

Germany created laws to identify who is Jewish (didn't matter if they had any contact with a Jewish community or any religions inclination). If the Germans thought they had any portion of 'Jewish Blood', they were were on the hit list.

Germany built ghettos all over Europe to lock up the Jews until they could be exterminated. Many died right there in those ghettos.
Germany built dozens of massive facilities to kill as many as 6,000 Jews a day and burn their bodies to ash.

Germany did this by involving nearly every government agency including their economic planning boards, their ministry of transportation, the various army departments. Every German for miles around each centre KNEW what they were doing. Every railroad worker from Brest to Bialystok KNEW who they were hauling in railroad cars and where they were going. Tens of thousand of government workers had full knowledge of the systematic slaughter and attempted extermination of of the Jewish people.

And the German people not only went along with it ... they VOTED for it.

So ... as bad as Russians have been to the Jews and other people ... they have never, put all their national energies into a single-minded effort to eliminate an entire people from the face of the Earth. Maybe the Russians are just too lazy compared to the Germans.

Thank you for this well written summary, the Nazi apologists know so very little history. Perhaps you can educate them.

"Perhaps you can educate them."

Your comments in this thread show that it's you who are in need of educating, you are ignorant and uneducated.
Perhaps you can educate them

You can't, you really can't. You can't convince people who are planning the next slaughter of innocents that the old slaughter of innocents was bad.

But, perhaps a few people who might be swayed by their 'poor innocent Germans' rhetoric will think twice when they know the full story.
I have good friends in Haifa

'But... but... but... I have Jewish friends' -- you'd think after a few decades, you guys would come up with something more original than that.

At least I don't hate them and they don't hate me and so because of this we are friends, this is because people cannot go through life concentrating on things that ended a very long time ago, most people prefer to move on and instead be positive with each other.

Well you think that after 72 years your side and your Useful Idiots would come up also with something more original.

The next time you're talking to your 'Jewish Friends', tell them to their faces what you say here behind an anonymous keyboard.

That Germany accepting refugees is comparable to the Holocaust.
That Germany should exist only for Germans of 'pure blood'.
That it's wrong to point to the example of the Holocaust and the Germans suffered as badly as the Jews from the war.
That Germany shouldn't have to face up to its past and that people who bring it up are persecuting the poor Germans.

Tell them that and see how much longer they're your friends.

I don't give a fetid dingo's kidney who immigrates to Germany. It's not my country and I have no stake in it. Make it Sesame Street or make it Valhalla ... I don't care.

But if you're trying to drum up sympathy for the poor Germans having to put up with living next to people of other races ... well.

You're selling at the wrong market.

A long time ago I asked them "do I have anything to apologise for?" and they said "no"
I have good friends in Haifa

'But... but... but... I have Jewish friends' -- you'd think after a few decades, you guys would come up with something more original than that.

At least I don't hate them and they don't hate me and so because of this we are friends, this is because people cannot go through life concentrating on things that ended a very long time ago, most people prefer to move on and instead be positive with each other.

Well you think that after 72 years your side and your Useful Idiots would come up also with something more original.

The next time you're talking to your 'Jewish Friends', tell them to their faces what you say here behind an anonymous keyboard.

That Germany accepting refugees is comparable to the Holocaust.
That Germany should exist only for Germans of 'pure blood'.
That it's wrong to point to the example of the Holocaust and the Germans suffered as badly as the Jews from the war.
That Germany shouldn't have to face up to its past and that people who bring it up are persecuting the poor Germans.

Tell them that and see how much longer they're your friends.

I don't give a fetid dingo's kidney who immigrates to Germany. It's not my country and I have no stake in it. Make it Sesame Street or make it Valhalla ... I don't care.

But if you're trying to drum up sympathy for the poor Germans having to put up with living next to people of other races ... well.

You're selling at the wrong market.
Why don't Israel take the Somalis? If they cannot put up with living next to people of other races...well. You see your hypocrisy? Do what I say but not what I do.
Perhaps you can educate them

You can't, you really can't. You can't convince people who are planning the next slaughter of innocents that the old slaughter of innocents was bad.

But, perhaps a few people who might be swayed by their 'poor innocent Germans' rhetoric will think twice when they know the full story.

"You can't convince people who are planning the next slaughter of innocents"

And that would be what?
Why don't Israel take the Somalis?

Why doesn't any country in the Middle East?

Israel is by far the most multiethnic country for 1,000 miles in any direction of Tel Aviv.

But ... we know why you single out Israel for 'special consideration', don't we?
Perhaps you can educate them

You can't, you really can't. You can't convince people who are planning the next slaughter of innocents that the old slaughter of innocents was bad.

But, perhaps a few people who might be swayed by their 'poor innocent Germans' rhetoric will think twice when they know the full story.
What are you talking about? Why are you talking about slaughter? Are you trying to be dramatic whipping up emotions? We are talking about moving on and let all nations and races live in peace without any Globalist interference to eradicate them.
because they were a cook or a secretary, you know the usual crap.

I've always thought it was amazing that the day after Germany surrendered no German had ever heard of the Nazis. War? What war? I have to admire the efficiency of the German people when I hear that a few dozen top officials were able to kill six million Jews all by themselves.

Maybe we could discuss something that is deliberately ignored, like this:

View attachment 148260

Holodomor - Wikipedia

^^^^ This was planned primarily by:

Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia

He was still alive until 1991, why are these Communist filth never brought to any type of trial, yet pathetic mentally ill people like to put 90 year old German SOLDIERS on trial for being a cook or a secretary?

View attachment 148261

Let's talk about the Russians ... shall we?

The Russians were and remain raging anti-Semites. They have persecuted Jewish communities for centuries (as have Europeans). Pogroms going back to the 1600's killed more than a million Jews.

But ... Russia never created a systematic program to completely kill every single Jew in any country they controlled.

Germany created laws to identify who is Jewish (didn't matter if they had any contact with a Jewish community or any religions inclination). If the Germans thought they had any portion of 'Jewish Blood', they were were on the hit list.

Germany built ghettos all over Europe to lock up the Jews until they could be exterminated. Many died right there in those ghettos.

Germany built dozens of massive facilities to kill as many as 6,000 Jews a day and burn their bodies to ash.

Germany did this by involving nearly every government agency including their economic planning boards, their ministry of transportation, the various army departments. Every German for miles around each centre KNEW what they were doing. Every railroad worker from Brest to Bialystok KNEW who they were hauling in railroad cars and where they were going. Tens of thousand of government workers had full knowledge of the systematic slaughter and attempted extermination of of the Jewish people.

And the German people not only went along with it ... they VOTED for it.

So ... as bad as Russians have been to the Jews and other people ... they have never, put all their national energies into a single-minded effort to eliminate an entire people from the face of the Earth. Maybe the Russians are just too lazy compared to the Germans.

All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.
Perhaps you can educate them

You can't, you really can't. You can't convince people who are planning the next slaughter of innocents that the old slaughter of innocents was bad.

But, perhaps a few people who might be swayed by their 'poor innocent Germans' rhetoric will think twice when they know the full story.

I can only hope and pray. It is shocking. I met a Holocaust denier in graduate school, it took months but he realized the filth he had seen, and believed, was the lies of the NeoNazi nest.
"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.
Why don't Israel take the Somalis?

Why doesn't any country in the Middle East?

Israel is by far the most multiethnic country for 1,000 miles in any direction of Tel Aviv.

But ... we know why you single out Israel for 'special consideration', don't we?
Why Poland? Why Germany? Same question why do you single them out for special consideration. It is that Israel wants to keep its heritage, his national identity so do other nations but you do not consider that other nations have the same desire and the same right to do so. I have no problem with Israel keeping its national identity but you have problem other nations doing the same. Hypocrisy?
Last edited:
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.
"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

I had never seen this Peach until this thread, of course it's comments in this thread probably illustrate why they have so low ratings:

All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.
So does the the legacy of Holodomor with 10 million people dead. Nothing to be proud of, is it? The kettle calls the pot black.
"The Donald", your new Fuhrer : ) : )
The fact that you can so easily, and erroneously conflate Hitler, with Trump; displays not only your complete ignorance of both men; but also the severity of your mental illness. Get help.

Incorrect, I posted in another thread about a teacher terming the President a Nazi, any punishment, including firing, is just, the gravity of the a school teacher terming Trump a Nazi, (he is NOT,
OBVIOUSLY) cannot be ignored. The prior poster made excuses for Nazi Germany, I responded. Look up the meaning of Fuhrer.
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.

Nobody in any nation on this Continent is under obligation to have MILLIONS of Non-Europeans living on this Continent, peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

It is a normal human trait to want to be surrounded by peoples who you have things in common with, it's been like this for many multiple Centuries.

Multiculturalism = death of the dominant culture by mixing it with x amount of radically different cultures.

Multiculturalism = national suicide.

Only people who are mentally ill would agree that that is a good idea.
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.

Nobody in any nation on this Continent is under obligation to have MILLIONS of Non-Europeans living on this Continent, peoples from different cultures that we have nothing in common with and they have nothing in common with our peoples.

It is a normal human trait to want to be surrounded by peoples who you have things in common with, it's been like this for many multiple Centuries.

Multiculturalism = death of the dominant culture by mixing it with x amount of radically different cultures.

Multiculturalism = national suicide.

Only people who are mentally ill would agree that that is a good idea.
The same people who so passionately proclaim to love, and respect diversity; are the same people who are so vigorously trying to destroy it...
All of this happened before the MAJORITY of people were born, so NOBODY is under obligation to apologise for ANYTHING that happened before they were born as they had NOTHING to do with it.

I don't want an apology. If I got one it wouldn't be sincere. I don't care if the Germans hate and despise every non-Aryan person on the planet. I don't live in Germany and I don't care how they run their country.

But, when Germans start bemoaning their plight of having to live next to non-Aryan people well ... I can see that the people who perpetuated the Holocaust may be dead ... but their legacy lives on.
So does the the legacy of Holodomor with 10 million people dead. Nothing to be proud of, is it? The kettle calls the pot black.

Am I Russian now?
Folks, best not to feed the troll.

This one's approaching a Truthmatters level of dumbshittery.

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