Natural immunity AND the Covid vaccine may be the best way to go


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
A CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated

JUL 30 2021

  • About three-fourths of people infected in a Massachusetts Covid-19 outbreak were fully vaccinated, according to new data published Friday by the CDC.

  • The new data, published in the U.S. agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people.

So, 74% of the fully vaccinated getting covid seems to indicate the “vaccine” is not very effective. Not only that, but it seems that mother nature has a way of providing better protection to those who do get infected!

See Previous COVID-19 may cut risk of reinfection 84%

Apr 12, 2021

”People who had COVID-19 had an 84% lower risk of becoming reinfected and a 93% lower risk of symptomatic infection during 7 months of follow-up, according to findings from a large, multicenter study published late last week in The Lancet.”

The article goes on to point out "the findings of the authors suggest that infection and the development of an antibody response provides protection similar to or even better than currently used SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.”

From the mountain of material I have read over the past two years, I am beginning to think the vaccine is probably a useful tool for those at high risk of seriously complications should they get covid, and that allowing nature to take its course with those at low risk of serious complications from covid, i.e., letting their body create a natural immunity to covid, may very well be the proper course of action, at least, the evidence seems to suggest this.

One thing for certain, NYC's one size fits all _ No Vax, No Service _ is not only absurd, but destructive to the general welfare of the community.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
A CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated

JUL 30 2021

  • About three-fourths of people infected in a Massachusetts Covid-19 outbreak were fully vaccinated, according to new data published Friday by the CDC.

  • The new data, published in the U.S. agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people.

So, 74% of the fully vaccinated getting covid seems to indicate the “vaccine” is not very effective. Not only that, but it seems that mother nature has a way of providing better protection to those who do get infected!

See Previous COVID-19 may cut risk of reinfection 84%

Apr 12, 2021

”People who had COVID-19 had an 84% lower risk of becoming reinfected and a 93% lower risk of symptomatic infection during 7 months of follow-up, according to findings from a large, multicenter study published late last week in The Lancet.”

The article goes on to point out "the findings of the authors suggest that infection and the development of an antibody response provides protection similar to or even better than currently used SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.”

From the mountain of material I have read over the past two years, I am beginning to think the vaccine is probably a useful tool for those at high risk of seriously complications should they get covid, and that allowing nature to take its course with those at low risk of serious complications from covid, i.e., letting their body create a natural immunity to covid, may very well be the proper course of action, at least, the evidence seems to suggest this.

One thing for certain, NYC's one size fits all _ No Vax, No Service _ is not only absurd, but destructive to the general welfare of the community.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
No, that vax went bad fast, didn't it. But hey, get your shot! Get your shot! Get your shot!! AAAaaarrrrrrrrgh.

Of course natural immunity is best. But the older vaccines actually worked, unlike this mess: if you got the smallpox and polio and measles shots you never got those diseases as long as you lived. One shot, permanent protection. Okay, it took some years to get it perfect in each case, but yeah.

Natural immunity is even better, but it comes at a cost: I'm sure natural immunity to bubonic plague was great, but how many survived to enjoy it? (Some did, not many.) And in some cases the illness is so debilitating that you'd almost better just die: yellow fever. You never got it again, but you maybe never got over it, either, not really.

The problem here is that with covid, there is a real and serious danger of dying. As well as Long Covid. I know people minimize the deaths here, some people, but we're at 630,000 and counting, and a lot of epidemiologists think it's an undercount because the excess death count is higher than the official covid death count, and we keep very good death records in this country, perhaps the best anywhere. So I'm impressed.

You can see that people naturally wanted a saving solution, and whoops, we didn't get one, looks like. A lot of lies are being told so that the elites can somehow keep their grip on public opinion, and control of the people. But it's not working; it just isn't.

So I agree with you. I wish I didn't, but if things don't work, they don't work.
Indeed, that is concerning news. Only four have been hospitalized.

So, make sure you are vaccinated and wear masks around other people.
with the afghan debacle the dems are really going to double down on the covid mandates
Probably going to look like australia around here
To distract us?? I wonder if you are right. Could be. Wonderful! mask mandates, shutdowns, closed schools again --- hey, it worked so great the first time, right? So why not keep on and on with it all forever? Which is worse, government or covid? I'm going to say government.
To distract us?? I wonder if you are right. Could be. Wonderful! mask mandates, shutdowns, closed schools again --- hey, it worked so great the first time, right? So why not keep on and on with it all forever? Which is worse, government or covid? I'm going to say government.
Get the vaccine. Wear a mask. Be concerned about others. The infection will do down radically.
None of the Fauxi cult of moonbats are the least bit interested in natural immunity....They've all gone corporate and thrown in with BigPharm's snake juice.
If natural immunity exceeds even 1% the mortality rate drops. The fear factor is diminished and they might have to actually focus on those at the highest risk. That would cut into big pharma's profit potential. Is it a wonder CDC ignores it completely?
Get the vaccine. Wear a mask. Be concerned about others. The infection will do down radically.
The COVID vaccines are leaky vaccines, like flu vaccines. They confer limited immunity, do not block infection or transmission, and need regular boosters.

Leaky vaccines set up a constant mutation in the viruses they protect against because viruses evolve to get around vaccines. A recent study showed that the vaccine against Marek's had caused the virus to mutate in directions that made it more dangerous, killing birds even faster and creating a situation where super-hot variants could emerge that could devastate the chicken industry.

Read more: To understand the COVID vaccine and the delta variant, check out the chickens
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Get the vaccine. Wear a mask. Be concerned about others. The infection will do down radically.
Why are you ordering me around? Do you just luuuuuuvvvvvvv to boss women around? Has it ever, EVER worked for you? I'm guessing a lot of divorce in your past. And Mansplaining. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh.
To distract us?? I wonder if you are right. Could be. Wonderful! mask mandates, shutdowns, closed schools again --- hey, it worked so great the first time, right? So why not keep on and on with it all forever? Which is worse, government or covid? I'm going to say government.
More news about natural immunity from covid


Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?

July 13, 2021

Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated - compared to just 1% who had been infected previously.

"Health Ministry data on the wave of COVID outbreaks which began this May show that Israelis with immunity from natural infection were far less likely to become infected again in comparison to Israelis who only had immunity via vaccination."

Also see: Dr. Makary Says Natural Immunity Is More Effective Then Vaccine Immunity


“Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, during an appearance on The Vince Coglianese Show, said individuals formerly infected with COVID-19 are seven times more likely then vaccinated people to fight off the virus.”

“It appears that natural immunity is better against the Delta variant. When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus,” Makary said. “Not just the slight protein that the vaccines gives you, but the entire surface. And so you get a more diverse antibody portfolio in your system.”


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
More news about natural immunity from covid


Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?

July 13, 2021

Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated - compared to just 1% who had been infected previously.

"Health Ministry data on the wave of COVID outbreaks which began this May show that Israelis with immunity from natural infection were far less likely to become infected again in comparison to Israelis who only had immunity via vaccination."

Also see: Dr. Makary Says Natural Immunity Is More Effective Then Vaccine Immunity


“Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, during an appearance on The Vince Coglianese Show, said individuals formerly infected with COVID-19 are seven times more likely then vaccinated people to fight off the virus.”

“It appears that natural immunity is better against the Delta variant. When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus,” Makary said. “Not just the slight protein that the vaccines gives you, but the entire surface. And so you get a more diverse antibody portfolio in your system.”


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
I'm kind of a fan of Dr. Makary, and have one of his books. Hopkins is really taking the lead on the epidemiology of this epidemic.

A little nervous-making that the Israelis who had been infected were THAT much better protected than the people who were vaccinated --- but we should get used to that quickly. The vaccine failed, and that's that. Things happen.
Why are you ordering me around? Do you just luuuuuuvvvvvvv to boss women around? Has it ever, EVER worked for you? I'm guessing a lot of divorce in your past. And Mansplaining. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh.
Who is ordering you around? Oh, yes, public health laws have worked in the UK and in Europe and in the USA. Comments about 'divorce' and 'Mansplaining' are merely complaining that you have to follow the law.

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