Nato Plans a Military Schengen.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

NATO’s European logistics chief has urged nations on the continent to establish a “military Schengen” zone to allow for the rapid movement of troops, equipment, and ammunition in the event of war with Russia.

Could this be the beginning of preparations the Ukraine has been waiting for?
Will Europe's countries start to join the fight under their countries' flags.

Or is Nato just blowing smoke and understands that America has a more important war to worry about? Thus, spelling the end of the Ukraine?
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Do you think that it has ever been refused if requested in a NATO agreed situation ?
Do you think it ever would be refused if requested in a NATO agreed situation .

This seeks to formalise what already is informally accepted.
Fine, but a nothingburger really .
Particularly if NATO becomes an irrelevancy in the short term with US importance being drastically reduced .
Do you think that it has ever been refused if requested in a NATO agreed situation ?
Do you think it ever would be refused if requested in a NATO agreed situation .
Maybe, if it's logistically impossible.
This seeks to formalise what already is informally accepted.
Yes, but it has no chance of succeeding, other than maybe a threat. The same conditions exist in which US/Nato war against Russia can't be permitted due to Russia's resolve to never accept defeat. They will go nuclear first.
Fine, but a nothingburger really
I think that's most likely it. But it's a slow day here and this thread can also measure US interest in their war against Russia, at least with Litwin.
Particularly if NATO becomes an irrelevancy in the short term with US importance being drastically reduced .
If America bows out slowly and relatively unnoticed, then the rest of the Nato countries will fold their tents too.

The other war has spiralled into something much more important for America now. They're losing the sympathy of the entire world and there's big trouble within the US on supporting the Zionist cause.
Who the fuck cares what the Ukraine government wants? All they do is take orders from the warmongers of Washington.

Why not ask what the people of Ukraine want? Do they want to fight over land that ha historically belonged to Russia and is full of ethnic Russians? Or do they just want to live in peace?
Who the fuck cares what the Ukraine government wants? All they do is take orders from the warmongers of Washington.

Why not ask what the people of Ukraine want? Do they want to fight over land that ha historically belonged to Russia and is full of ethnic Russians? Or do they just want to live in peace?
That's to the point!

But always remember that the main point is in what America wants and the reason that the Ukraine can be left on their own to provide cannon fodder for a while longer.

Has it finally been accepted by all that this is America's war against Russia?

Could this be the beginning of preparations the Ukraine has been waiting for?
Will Europe's countries start to join the fight under their countries' flags.

Or is Nato just blowing smoke and understands that America has a more important war to worry about? Thus, spelling the end of the Ukraine?

It is a common miltary practice to prepare an invasion, and that is what NATO is doing. Remember during the Cold War NATO would do their REFORGER every year in and or around the Fulda Gap in Germany.

What NATO is doing is preparing for Russian Military action on the Eurpoean Continent.
It is a common miltary practice to prepare an invasion, and that is what NATO is doing. Remember during the Cold War NATO would do their REFORGER every year in and or around the Fulda Gap in Germany.

What NATO is doing is preparing for Russian Military action on the Eurpoean Continent.
Nato and America know that Russia doesn't intend military action on the continent. Russia doesn't even want more Ukrainian territory. Russia/Putin only wants a security guarantee that guards against more US attempts to destroy Russia.
Nato and America know that Russia doesn't intend military action on the continent. Russia doesn't even want more Ukrainian territory. Russia/Putin only wants a security guarantee that guards against more US attempts to destroy Russia.

Miliary Planning is exactly that, Military Planning. Such exercises are common. Right now, Tooty Pooty is fighting a war that should he was he was goin to win and has gottten his ass kicked for it.

NATO is doing what NATO does, protecting Europe against Russian Military aggression.
It is a common miltary practice to prepare an invasion, and that is what NATO is doing. Remember during the Cold War NATO would do their REFORGER every year in and or around the Fulda Gap in Germany.

What NATO is doing is preparing for Russian Military action on the Eurpoean Continent.
America's propaganda message that you swallow is contradictory.

It makes Russia out to be a small gas station that's become powerless.
and then
It makes Russia out to be a threat to Europe.

Could you decide on that before we go any further
America's propaganda message that you swallow is contradictory.

It makes Russia out to be a small gas station that's become powerless.
and then
It makes Russia out to be a threat to Europe.

Could you decide on that before we go any further

IF it weren't for the fact that you know absolultey nothing about Military, I would you are a dumb as bag dried up dog shit.
Maybe, if it's logistically impossible.

Yes, but it has no chance of succeeding, other than maybe a threat. The same conditions exist in which US/Nato war against Russia can't be permitted due to Russia's resolve to never accept defeat. They will go nuclear first.

I think that's most likely it. But it's a slow day here and this thread can also measure US interest in their war against Russia, at least with Litwin.

If America bows out slowly and relatively unnoticed, then the rest of the Nato countries will fold their tents too.

The other war has spiralled into something much more important for America now. They're losing the sympathy of the entire world and there's big trouble within the US on supporting the Zionist cause.
The is no RUSSIAN refusal to accept defeat. There is a PUTIN refusal to accept defeat. The Russian military will never follow through on an order from him to go nuclear because it will result in the total and utter destruction of the motherland.
That's to the point!

But always remember that the main point is in what America wants and the reason that the Ukraine can be left on their own to provide cannon fodder for a while longer.

Has it finally been accepted by all that this is America's war against Russia?
This isn't America's war against Russia, it's Russia's war against everyone else. All you have to do to understand that is listen to the official statements made by Russian politicians and leaders.
Nato and America know that Russia doesn't intend military action on the continent. Russia doesn't even want more Ukrainian territory. Russia/Putin only wants a security guarantee that guards against more US attempts to destroy Russia.
Putin wants the Czarist empire, and what he will get is an unmarked grave.
Putin wants the Czarist empire, and what he will get is an unmarked grave.
So then: Russia is a small gas station posing as a powerful nuclear armed super power?

Or in fact a powerful military force that's capable of walking over Europe?

You can't have it both way horse boy.
Putin dead is the way you will get it, Donald H.

And why are you supporting Putin and Hamas anyway?
Putin? Most of the world is supporting Putin now. It's been completely proven to be America's proxy war to destroy Russia. And America has a track record of nearly 40 similar wars of aggression. Why would you pretend otherwise?

The whole world supports Hamas and that included 80% of Americans who want a ceasefire to save civilians.

I think that maybe the party's over for the evil Zionist apartheid regime this time.

Even Biden has come a long way from kissing and hugging Natanyahu, the Zionist anti-christ.
Donnie does not understand and/or refuses to grasp on the fact of Military Training Exercises are exactly, training exercises. There no attempt at subterfuge, NATO knows Russia is doing the exact same thing. But due to Tooty Pooty fucking up his invasion of Ukraine, the scale of the Russian training will be a great or grand.

Pooty wanted himself a fast, clean and what he thought would an easy roll over Ukraine. Instead he stepped knee deep into shit of his own making. Now he is playing with a war of attrition and he is on the losing side.

As for half baked idea of using a Nuclear Weapon on the battlefield against Ukraine, no right thinking Russian General would give the order. That kinda of stupidity would be met with full scale NATO Invasion through the Poland/Ukraine border. Russia does NOT have the assets to fight that kind of war. Any use of Nuclear Weapons would result the destruction Russia and the possibility World War Three. No one, not that Communist KGB Lieutenant Colonel Putin wants that. He is without a doubt stupid, but he sure as shit ain't that stupid.
Putin? Most of the world is supporting Putin now. It's been completely proven to be America's proxy war to destroy Russia. And America has a track record of nearly 40 similar wars of aggression. Why would you pretend otherwise?

The whole world supports Hamas and that included 80% of Americans who want a ceasefire to save civilians.

I think that maybe the party's over for the evil Zionist apartheid regime this time.

Even Biden has come a long way from kissing and hugging Natanyahu, the Zionist anti-christ.
Maybe 10% of the world supports Putin.

Supporting Israel is God's path, Palestinian thug.

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