Native American Activists Ramp Up Push To Rebrand Columbus Day

Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.
Columbus named you Indians because your ancestors didn't want to be called DumbFucks.
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Would you rather we called them what they should have been by 1890 - Extinct or Corpses?

Should have called them Victims.

Eastern Tainos were more violent than the Western Tainos tribe Columbus encountered and they attacked him when he landed on his 2nd voyage.
They were not victims.
Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Would you rather we called them what they should have been by 1890 - Extinct or Corpses?

Should have called them Victims.

Eastern Tainos were more violent than the Western Tainos tribe Columbus encountered and they attacked him when he landed on his 2nd voyage.
They were not victims.
Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.

Are you implying that Columbus lied in his logs?
If you are, you got any proof?
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Would you rather we called them what they should have been by 1890 - Extinct or Corpses?

Should have called them Victims.

Eastern Tainos were more violent than the Western Tainos tribe Columbus encountered and they attacked him when he landed on his 2nd voyage.
They were not victims.
Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.

Are you implying that Columbus lied in his logs?
If you are, you got any proof?

Are you asking yourself a question? Are you on medication?
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Would you rather we called them what they should have been by 1890 - Extinct or Corpses?

Should have called them Victims.
Nahhhhhh... to hell with 'em...
In other words, another minority is trying to impose their views on the majority.

Fuck the Indians. They are a conquered people. When I need info on alcoholism and Sasquatch I'll give you a call, Tonto.
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Indians are called Indians because the English and Spanish could not pronounce the tribal names correctly.
Same thing happened when we became America when Europeans arrived they made their names more American because they could not spell or pronounce the names correctly.

Do you have any "credible" proof to back up your claims?

My own family name was, from my Grandparrents who were born in Germany.
The Americanization of many immigrant families' surnames was for the most part adopted by the family after the immigration process, or by the second or third generation of the family after some assimilation into American culture. However, many last names were altered slightly due to the disparity between English and other languages in the pronunciation of certain letters of the alphabet this is well known and documented.

Yes...very common. Off the top of my head, I have ancestors from Portugal. Their name was Ferias...which became Ferry. Many eastern European (especially Polish and Czech) names were spelled phonetically.

It is even referred to in The Godfather....Corleone was not a family name (which was Andolini), but a village.
Columbus was so dumb that when landed in the Bahamas, he thought he was in India - so he called the natives Indians. That is sadly funny. So, Indians are called Indians because of an idiot who never set foot in North America.

Would you rather we called them what they should have been by 1890 - Extinct or Corpses?

Should have called them Victims.

Eastern Tainos were more violent than the Western Tainos tribe Columbus encountered and they attacked him when he landed on his 2nd voyage.
They were not victims.
Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.

More likely: he saw his accomplishments in the light of keeping the Inquisition off his ass.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.
These stupid Indian tribesmen don't know, that it is not the language of an occupying tribe that they speak now, but English, the world's central language. Also, they don't know that in the 21st century, they are now allowed to leave their reservations, and set up a business anywhere in the USA. There are tribes under occupation in many countries in the world, and they don't have any of these basic benefits. Phony troublemaking bullies.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.
We would have gotten there eventually had we been given 2000 more years. ;)
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.

Your comment doesn't even rise to the level of nonsense.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.
We would have gotten there eventually had we been given 2000 more years. ;)

What's your hurry?
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.

Your comment doesn't even rise to the level of nonsense.
That's because it's a facetious comment.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

I think it goes without saying that need is the mother of invention and would explain why other civilizations advanced so far beyond and ahead of our Native Americans here..There was no need for them to advance beyond where they were at the time of our arrival. America was great place to be and for obvious reasons. Everything imaginable to the Native American was easily found and in great abundance. Add pretty good weather to that, and you have paradise.
If it wasn't for Europeans they wouldn't have casinos.
We would have gotten there eventually had we been given 2000 more years. ;)

What's your hurry?
Right. By then they should have face-paint-book on the arrow-net.

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