National Security Threat: PRESIDENT Biden MOCKS 'Freedom' During Attack On 1st Responders For Un-Constitutional Mandate Non-Compliance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the Oath of Office every President takes when they are sworn in. President Biden took this oath. He swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. He swore to protect the Constitutional Rights, the freedom the Constitution provides every American citizen. He lied.

President and Democrats prefer an Oligarchy, a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people, specifically DEMOCRATS.

President Biden recently made this perfectly clear, that he does not care what Rights and freedom the Constitution affords American citizens when those freedoms conflict with Marxist/Socialist ideology and get in the way of their agenda:

Biden says cops and other first responders SHOULD be fired for not getting the vaccine and mocks people who use 'freedom' as a defense for refusing a shot during CNN town hall​

President Biden unleashed his anger at people refusing vaccination on Thursday. During a CNN town hall, he said it was right that emergency responders were fired if they would not get vaccinated against COVID-19.

President Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate is Un-Constitutional, as in 'ILLEGAL'; however, as THE top authoritarian in the Democrat Party's Oligarchy, Biden does not care and demands compliance.

Biden put this on full display at the CNN Town Hall where he OPENLY MOCKED Americans who are defying his illegal, Un-Constitutional mandate.

'Mandates are working.'
- President Biden

1. Again, Vaccine Mandates are ILLEGAL and UN-CONSTITUTIONAL

2. The Mandates are not working to get people vaccinated. The extortion and punishment for not complying with Biden's illegal mandate is working...with SOME Americans. Others, not so much.

Biden wants unilateral compliance with his Un-Constitutional, illegal vaccine mandate.
- He doesn't want to hear anyone cite their Constitutional right NOT to get the vaccines.
- He doesn't want to hear, 'My Body, MY Choice' unless it deals with abortions.
- He doesn't want to follow the science and hear about Natural Immunity.
- He doesn't want to hear how being vaccinated is a decision to be madeby a person and their doctor


Biden wants unilateral compliance with his Un-Constitutional, illegal vaccine mandate.
- He doesn't want to hear anyone cite their Constitutional right NOT to get the vaccines.
- He doesn't want to hear, 'My Body, MY Choice' unless it deals with abortions.
- He doesn't want to follow the science and hear about Natural Immunity.
- He doesn't want to hear how being vaccinated is a decision to be madeby a person and their doctor

Actually non-communicable diseases are between a person and their doctor. When the supreme court weighed in on vaccination mandates for communicable diseases, they sided with the governments "compelling interests".
Actually non-communicable diseases are between a person and their doctor. When the supreme court weighed in on vaccination mandates for communicable diseases, they sided with the governments "compelling interests".
Sorry, as the baby killers love to say, 'MY body, MY choice'.

I have been vaccinated, but only after I talked to my doctor to find out if the vaccine would affect me considering my disability and medication I take to keep it in remission. As it turns out the medicine I am taking actually helped nullify the side effects people were experiencing after taking the vaccines.

Had my doctor told me the vaccine would have interfered with my treatment and / or had the strong potential for causing a relapse there is no way I would have taken it.
I have been vaccinated, but only after I talked to my doctor to find out if the vaccine would affect me ...

Had my doctor told me the vaccine would have interfered with my treatment and / or had the strong potential for causing a relapse there is no way I would have taken it. [/SIZE]

Vaccine mandates have medical exemptions. If you get a doctors note, they can't mandate vaccinations.

As the Biden administration urges workers across the U.S. to get their shots against COVID-19, many Americans are asking their employers to exempt them from vaccination requirements on medical grounds.

Yet while federal law requires companies to accommodate workers with qualifying medical conditions that interfere with vaccination

Make more sense for you to to look up Cause and Effect.

4-5 years of TDS, BDS is sure to follow.

vaccine has nothing to do with it.
Trump came in as the anti-Obama. Trump was against masks, Biden was for masks. Biden was for vaccinations, which means Trump supporters have to be against them.

Trumps whole popularity was being against whatever previous administrations were for. The whole "drain the swamp", anti-government anger.
Trump came in as the anti-Obama. Trump was against masks, Biden was for masks. Biden was for vaccinations, which means Trump supporters have to be against them.

Trumps whole popularity was being against whatever previous administrations were for. The whole "drain the swamp", anti-government anger.
What's really funny is that you can only understand something to a very shallow depth. If you looked a little deeper, you'd see that lots of Trump supporters are people with a great deal of self respect, and people who respect themselves often do not poison themselves with pHARMaceuticals. You self-loathers take all the shots you want to. We like ourselves and will not put the poison into ourselves.
Trump came in as the anti-Obama. Trump was against masks, Biden was for masks. Biden was for vaccinations, which means Trump supporters have to be against them.

Trumps whole popularity was being against whatever previous administrations were for. The whole "drain the swamp", anti-government anger.
When Trump pissed off the French, Australians, Germans, Mexicans, Canadians, Japanese, British, Spanish, Greeks, etc... the neanderthals who really think he never lies cheered. When Biden pissed off the French and actually did a good turn for our defense contractors...they of course were against it.

Its a reflex.
What's really funny is that you can only understand something to a very shallow depth. If you looked a little deeper, you'd see that lots of Trump supporters are people with a great deal of self respect, and people who respect themselves often do not poison themselves with pHARMaceuticals.

Really? They're the one's taking horse de-worming meds, and lupus drugs.

I may have to buy another irony meter, just so you can make it explode.

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