National polls don't matter when looking at whites and white males in Ohio

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
National polls don't matter when looking at whites and white males in Ohio

"what is interesting about Ohio is it is whiter and older than the country. And that's been -- the Republican growth area has been among white, more white and older voters...Barack Obama took GM and Chrysler through bankruptcy. Mitt Romney was for guaranteeing loans. I mean, they're still trying to explain it. And he's very much on the defensive. So Obama is running better with whites and white males in Ohio than he is elsewhere, in large part because of the auto bailout, and they have got a great ground game in Ohio too."

Shields and Brooks on the Importance of Ohio, Microtargeting Voters | PBS NewsHour | Oct. 26, 2012 | PBS


so please, stop wetting your pants over national polls and spin
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