National Enquirer Turns On Michael Cohen


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

“The president is in the hot seat because of his lawyer,” according to the Trump-friendly tabloid.

A tabloid magazine often featuring positive coverage of President Donald Trump skewered his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, in its latest issue.

The National Enquirer published a three-page spread listing the numerous legal issues currently plaguing Cohen.

Cohen “is under the spotlight, as scandals swirl around his boss, and some are questioning Cohen’s role, alleging blackmail, threats, hush-money payoffs ― and even collusion with Russia,” the tabloid’s staff wrote. “The president is in the hot seat because of his lawyer.”

The National Enquirer is owned by American Media Inc, a company chaired by Trump friend David Pecker. The company’s four-member board also includes a former chief financial officer of Trump’s casino business.

The tabloid is linked to the criminal investigation into Cohen’s financial dealings opened by the U.S. attorney’s office for New York’s southern district. The FBI raided Cohen’s office earlier this month as part of the investigation, seizing records related to payments made to women who have alleged having affairs with Trump.

More: National Enquirer Turns On Michael Cohen

It looks like Trump and his friends are trying to throw Michael Cohen under the bus.
Do you have any idea how stupid you look? I suppose Melania had Bigfoot's baby too. God you're a detriment to human kid.
Everyone knows Melina had Littlehand’s baby.

I sure am glad HRC is not president.
Do you have any idea how stupid you look? I suppose Melania had Bigfoot's baby too. God you're a detriment to human kid.
You do know that the enquirer is owned by one of Trump's buddies right? And that he has killed stories detrimental to Trump before right?

I swear, I get tired of holding you tRumpkin's hands and guiding you through this shit.

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