National debt: $18T and counting

Furthermore, calling our system capitalism shows you lack the IQ to tell others they do not understand or lack the IQ to be here.

Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Capitalism is about businesses standing on their own merits, not receiving taxpayer bailouts. If they fail, they fail and other step in to fill the void. If the government steps in and bails out banks, automotive businesses and a handful of others, it is no longer capitalism. it's corporatism.

Do YOU understand now, skippy? I realize this is WAY above your caliber grade, but do try to keep up.
Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Capitalism is about businesses standing on their own merits, not receiving taxpayer bailouts. If they fail, they fail and other step in to fill the void. If the government steps in and bails out banks, automotive businesses and a handful of others, it is no longer capitalism. it's corporatism.

Do YOU understand now, skippy? I realize this is WAY above your caliber grade, but do try to keep up.

dear, allowing another depression (with millions of capitalist businesses failing) and allowing liberals to think of it as a failure of capitalism would be very very stupid. Only a knee jerk libertarian who cant think for himself would encourage that.
Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Capitalism is about businesses standing on their own merits, not receiving taxpayer bailouts. If they fail, they fail and other step in to fill the void. If the government steps in and bails out banks, automotive businesses and a handful of others, it is no longer capitalism. it's corporatism.

Do YOU understand now, skippy? I realize this is WAY above your caliber grade, but do try to keep up.

dear, allowing another depression (with millions of capitalist businesses failing) and allowing liberals to think of it as a failure of capitalism would be very very stupid. Only a knee jerk libertarian who cant think for himself would encourage that.

They blame capitalism now. And you keep calling this system capitalism, which it isn't. It is invasive corporatism. I realize, you will simply play repeater with your soundbites and complete lack of understanding a capitalist system. We haven't had any capitalism since the inception of a central bank. Which means central price controls, currency controls and invasive monetary policy. The only capitalism we can even try to distinguish is happening on a micro level in certain sectors and is completely non-exisent in the macro sense.

Fuck are you dumb.
Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Furthermore, calling our system capitalism

where did I do that?

Bail outs from taxpayers is not "very capitalist" you shmuck.

I'm done now, You're obfuscating because you lack the understanding of what you discuss. Cheerleading for corporatism makes you look even more follish though.

Where were teh taxpayer bail outs for all those people who lost homes, businesses etc due to government and central bank policy? Wouldn't that have been capitalist too?

Fuckin retard.
-Base Federal tax on corporations at 30% of revenue.

that would triple all prices in America and create massive poverty.

As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.

Again.....You don't pay tax rates, you pay the effective rate. Under my plan, a business would deduct $1.00 for every $1,00 spent on employee costs AND State and local taxes and expenses, making the effective rate for 99% of all businesses for federal tax zero. Most, including mine, would receive a subsidy check.
Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Capitalism is about businesses standing on their own merits, not receiving taxpayer bailouts. If they fail, they fail and other step in to fill the void. If the government steps in and bails out banks, automotive businesses and a handful of others, it is no longer capitalism. it's corporatism.

Do YOU understand now, skippy? I realize this is WAY above your caliber grade, but do try to keep up.

What if the actions of an administration (Bush) caused the problem?
-Base Federal tax on corporations at 30% of revenue.

that would triple all prices in America and create massive poverty.

As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.

Again.....You don't pay tax rates, you pay the effective rate. Under my plan, a business would deduct $1.00 for every $1,00 spent on employee costs AND State and local taxes and expenses, making the effective rate for 99% of all businesses for federal tax zero. Most, including mine, would receive a subsidy check.

no idea what you're talking about. Best is to elimionate corporate taxes so businesses are free to conduct business efficiently against international competition.
Where were teh taxpayer bail outs for all those people who lost homes,

It might have been a cheaper way to bail out the system. After all the system was shaky because home owner mortgages were shaky. Again, if you are locked into thoughtless knee jerk libertarianism you will miss these things.
Bailing out banks is not a capitalist endeavor, fool. It's a corporatist one.

of course temporarily bailing out a few banks so millions of capitalist businesses can survive is very very capitalist. Do you understand now?

Capitalism is about businesses standing on their own merits, not receiving taxpayer bailouts. If they fail, they fail and other step in to fill the void. If the government steps in and bails out banks, automotive businesses and a handful of others, it is no longer capitalism. it's corporatism.

Do YOU understand now, skippy? I realize this is WAY above your caliber grade, but do try to keep up.

What if the actions of an administration (Bush) caused the problem?

They didn't. The results of the financial crisis are the direct results of the federal reserve first and foremost. Your wish for it to be partisan is just that - a wish. Not in coordination with reality.
Bail outs from taxpayers is not "very capitalist" you shmuck.

dear, neither is allowing a depression to happen and allowing millions of capitalist businesses to fail.

Got it now?

Right. You favor central planners to the free market. You're not a capitalist nor an advocate for it. You're an authoritarian progressive cloaking yourself in talks of capitalism to hide it. The most offensive of all the progressive fucktards.
Right. You favor central planners to the free market..

I favor libertarian regulators preventing a depression, preventing the failure of millions of capitalists businesses that did nothing wrong, and preventing communists from stepping in to clean up exactly as FDR and Hitler did!!
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