bravoactual ain't gonna be the Orange-Haired Fascist.
Silver is giving former Secretary of State Clinton a 79% chance of winning, as opposed to the Der Trumpenfuhrer's measly 20%.
I can hear the Seig Heil lock step, dead from the neck followers of Brain Dead Donny.
How wrong Silver is.
How biased Silver is.
The fact is that Silver accurately predicted both of President Obama's election victories and the 2010 Republican Landslide.
The Five Thirty-Eight Poll as of today.
Der Dummy is underwater with:
African-American Voters.
Asian-American Voters.
Hispanic-American Voters.
Jewish-American Voters.
Women Voters.
Dumb Donny does have the VFW (Very Few Whites) voters.
All that hate is paying off though, Neo-Nazi's love Trumpenasshole. ain't gonna be the Orange-Haired Fascist.
Silver is giving former Secretary of State Clinton a 79% chance of winning, as opposed to the Der Trumpenfuhrer's measly 20%.
I can hear the Seig Heil lock step, dead from the neck followers of Brain Dead Donny.
How wrong Silver is.
How biased Silver is.
The fact is that Silver accurately predicted both of President Obama's election victories and the 2010 Republican Landslide.
The Five Thirty-Eight Poll as of today.
Der Dummy is underwater with:
African-American Voters.
Asian-American Voters.
Hispanic-American Voters.
Jewish-American Voters.
Women Voters.
Dumb Donny does have the VFW (Very Few Whites) voters.
All that hate is paying off though, Neo-Nazi's love Trumpenasshole.