Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. Thank you wiki-leaks for helping to defeat the Clinton regime once and for all. Oh happy days.

Just don't whine when Putin and Assange do it to you NaziCons. What goes around comes around...
. If the repubs keep it up, and keep undermining this President along with the democrats, then you might be right that weakness may abound, and these people you speak of might smell blood in the water, and just might attack if they allegedly are guilty of doing such a thing in the past for whatever reason. What goes around comes around your right.
Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?
Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.
Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.
Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.
. And I thought you people loved immigrants ?? Only immigrants you can get to cut your grass for a dollar eh ?
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.
. And I thought you people loved immigrants ?? Only immigrants you can get to cut your grass for a dollar eh ?

You be sure an let me know when you find somebody willing to mow your fer shit yard for a dollar.
Nancy Pelosi might not be the most well liked politician in the country, and there's been a time or two I found myself wishing she would just shut her pie hole.
But I have to admit that she's done a great job of helping to identify General Flynn as a serious threat to our national security & than further helping to root him out of the whitehouse where he had no business being

Job well done.
How was he a threat to national security ? Do go on splaining yourself. Why didn't Intel wait for him to really make a call in which actually had some substance or merit to it, instead of working to politically assassinate Flynn who had broke no laws ? The fact that they listened in on a call prior to the man having power, and during an election, and then leaking the information stinks to high heaven on what the motivation was. It was purely political is what it was.

Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.


Has the left really come unhinged to this degree ?

Why don't you make a bet ?

If they expose Trump and convict him in the next six months.....I'll post nothing but nice things for Obama for 100 posts and then I'll leave for good.

If they don't you post 100 times about Trump (good things) and then you take your sorry ass somewhere else and never show up on this board again.

You got the guts ?
Like someone else already said on this board.

They were recording the ruskies , Flynn was dumb enough to phone in his treason .

The exact details of which I'm not aware but I'm more than happy to take pelosis word for it.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.
. And I thought you people loved immigrants ?? Only immigrants you can get to cut your grass for a dollar eh ?

You be sure an let me know when you find somebody willing to mow your fer shit yard for a dollar.
I put Americans 1st, and pay the right price to get work done by Americans. So you are right that there won't be no illegals mowing my grass for little of nothing like so many were doing for the wealthy over the years. Glad I was doing the right thing, because now I don't have to cry about the illegal cheap labor leaving now.
. They leaked the call, so now what's your excuse for them ?

Rooting out Russian moles working at the highest levels of the trump administration and that's just for starters.

Or should I say the republican administration.

Just how many Russian moles are inside the Trump Administration? Hopefully, investigations will expose them. Is Trump a Russian mole? After all, his commie wife was raised in a communist family. Her father was/is an official in the Communist Party. These traitors must be exposed.
. And I thought you people loved immigrants ?? Only immigrants you can get to cut your grass for a dollar eh ?

You be sure an let me know when you find somebody willing to mow your fer shit yard for a dollar.
I put Americans 1st, and pay the right price to get work done by Americans. So you are right that there won't be no illegals mowing my grass for little of nothing like so many were doing for the wealthy over the years. Glad I was doing the right thing, because now I don't have to cry about the illegal cheap labor leaving now.

The illegals trumps deporting at present wouldn't be mowing your lawn at any price. Nor are they criminals. So nothing's changed in your world.
Obama spent his entire presidency pretending Putin's crimes didn't exist. Remember the Russian Reset? The open mic incident?
Obama only sanctioned Russia and kicked out diplomats to try and legitimize his claims that Russia helped Trump get elected and this crap about Flynn is more of the same. No one's buying it.
You clearly are uninformed.

Big Ears leveled sanctions against Russia well before the last election. He sanctioned Russia during the Ukrainian coup (a coup he instigated) claiming Russia was involved in the fighting, in the Ukrainian province of Donboss. Obama has yet to provide any proof Russia was involved.

Big Ears than further sanctioned Russia after the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine. Again, claiming Russian rebels did it. Of course, he never once provided any proof.

Then after the election he sanctioned AGAIN...claiming Russia influenced the election....and again no proof.

Are you aware that sanctions is considered an ACT OF WAR?

Why does Obama want war with Russia and why are you believing his lies?

Are the Russians really that worked up over the actions of President Obama?
2014 MOSCOW - Russia's deputy prime minister laughed off President Obama's sanction against him today asking "Comrade @BarackObama" if "some prankster" came up with the list.
The Obama administration hit 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials with sanctions today as punishment for Russia's support of Crimea's referendum.
It remains to be seen whether the sanctions will dissuade Russia from annexing Crimea, but one an early clue that they will not be effective came just hours later when President Putin signed a decree recognizing Crimea as an independent state, perhaps an early step towards annexation.
U.S. official have warned of additional sanctions for Russian action, hoping it will deter Russia from any further aggression towards Ukraine, but it didn't appear to upset the often outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

Does this sound like Obama is serious about sanctioning Russia?
April 2014 ASIA - Speaking on his tour of Asia, Obama said it was vital to avoid "falling into the trap of interpreting this as the US is trying to pull Ukraine out of Russia's orbit, circa 1950. Because that's not what this is about."
"The goal here is not to go after Mr Putin personally," Obama said. "The goal is to change his calculus with respect to how the current actions that he's engaging in could have an adverse impact on the Russian economy over the long haul."
Even as he announced the new sanctions package, Obama acknowledged that "we don't yet know whether it's going to work".

The Canadian Free Press reported this about the latest Russian sanctions over the election outcome:
2016 Dec. The Canadian Free Press: There is no proof anywhere that the Russians hacked the 2016 presidential election, but lots of proof that a sulky Obama resorts to internationally reported temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

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