Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

I made a mistake Lee from California Both Pelosi and herself are campaigning for Democratic hopeful Donna Shalala. Lee is the one with the glowing remarks about Castro. Apparently they were supposed to appear to press the flesh. It seems that Lee canceled Shalala and Pelosi were left holding the bag.

Shalala walks into anti-Castro buzz saw
And the way I see it, SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! to those Cuban Americans.

Regardless of her sociopolitical position, Nancy Pelosi has a constitutionally protected right to her opinions and, once she is legally elected to a congressional office, she has the right to act on them within the established law and rules of the House.

And she has the right of any citizen to have a pleasant meal in a restaurant without being harassed, threatened, or driven out by an angry mob.

If we don't like her point of view or promoted policies, the way to prevent her from forcing them on us is by voting, expressing our point of view as one of the people in letters to the editor and our elected representatives, and using whatever soapbox is available to us. We have to make sure we have more votes in Congress than those who vote as she does. And if the laws and policies we vote for via our elected representatives are superior to the laws and policies people like her would pass, sooner or later only the idiots and hard core leftists will be putting people like her in Congress. There's a lot more of us than there are of them.

But if we behave like them, act like them, we are no better than them.

We can't be intellectually honest and have it both ways folks. If you deplore the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were treated, the way so many others have been treated, we must condemn that kind of ugly, hateful, disrespectful, and dangerous mob mentality regardless of who it is the target or what side of the political spectrum they are on.
The thing is Pelosi is there campaigning for Barbra Lee a person who has praised Castro many times.

So what. Pelosi has made so many absurd, even disturbing statements about this or that over the years, has supported many MANY questionable people, and comes across as so clueless and dumb at times that I wonder how she EVER got elected to anything. But the Founders intended that the Constitution protect unalienable rights of EVERYBODY to hold whatever opinions they hold, speak what they want to speak, believe what they want to believe, join whatever they want to join so long as they are not violating anybody else's rights.

If we think it is okay to attack, threaten, punish, and if possible destroy THEM because they don't speak, believe, act in ways we can't support, how can we object to them doing the same to us?

Yes, if somebody falsely accuses me, attacks me, disrespects me in a way that I choose not to ignore, I will push back and can push back hard. Most of the time, people who do that are such idiots and so clueless and devoid of any argument other than personal insults or diversion, it isn't worth my time and effort to acknowledge them. Those who allow me to be who and what I am will have my respect regardless of how wrong or clueless I think they are, and I will treat them with respect.

But those who would deny a person the right to have a peaceful dinner in a restaurant just because they don't like his or her politics? Those people do not deserve anybody's respect. And I don't care what political party they happen to represent.
She was campaigning for a women who venerates a murderous tyrant in an area filled with people who directly experienced that tyranny.
Cubans need to get over it. The revolution was over 50 years ago

The rest of the world has moved on
Are you fucking serious ?
Liewinger is a hardcore anti-American leftist.
He'll say anything to destroy the US.

Meanwhile, how many dems have been clobbered, sucker punched, hit with bike locks, hit with asps, hit with bricks, blown up... recently by so-called "violent right wing protesters"?

Answer: 0

"Minnesota state representative candidate Shane Mekeland, who “suffered a concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a restaurant in Benton County,” the Free Beacon reported. Mekeland has also “suffered memory loss” after the assault, which occurred Friday evening, Oct. 12.

"On his campaign Facebook page, Mekeland said he never expected to be physically attacked over politics.

“While I had never met my assailant, the words he yelled at me before he attacked led me to believe his actions were politically motivated. When I chose to run for office, I expected to be politically attacked, but never physically,” Mekeland wrote on Sunday, Oct. 14."

Democrat Staffer Calls For Taking GOP ‘To the Guillotines’
The thing is Pelosi is there campaigning for Barbra Lee a person who has praised Castro many times.

So what. Pelosi has made so many absurd, even disturbing statements about this or that over the years, has supported many MANY questionable people, and comes across as so clueless and dumb at times that I wonder how she EVER got elected to anything. But the Founders intended that the Constitution protect unalienable rights of EVERYBODY to hold whatever opinions they hold, speak what they want to speak, believe what they want to believe, join whatever they want to join so long as they are not violating anybody else's rights.

If we think it is okay to attack, threaten, punish, and if possible destroy THEM because they don't speak, believe, act in ways we can't support, how can we object to them doing the same to us?

Yes, if somebody falsely accuses me, attacks me, disrespects me in a way that I choose not to ignore, I will push back and can push back hard. Most of the time, people who do that are such idiots and so clueless and devoid of any argument other than personal insults or diversion, it isn't worth my time and effort to acknowledge them. Those who allow me to be who and what I am will have my respect regardless of how wrong or clueless I think they are, and I will treat them with respect.

But those who would deny a person the right to have a peaceful dinner in a restaurant just because they don't like his or her politics? Those people do not deserve anybody's respect. And I don't care what political party they happen to represent.
She was campaigning for a women who venerates a murderous tyrant in an area filled with people who directly experienced that tyranny.
Cubans need to get over it. The revolution was over 50 years ago

The rest of the world has moved on
Are you fucking serious ?

Fucking A
It would be great if you could just pop on down there and let the communities know they should "get over it". I'm curious do tell the Black community that slavery ended over 150 years ago they should just "get over it" ?
"Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan is “calling for his immediate firing in the aftermath of separate attacks against Republican candidates,” the Free Beacon wrote.

"One of these candidates is Sarah Anderson, a Minnesota state representative who “was punched in the arm after spotting a man destroying Republican yard signs” on Sunday, Oct. 14, according to the Free Beacon."

By a guy who has attacked Republican women before. A staunch Hillary defender.

Democrat Staffer Calls For Taking GOP ‘To the Guillotines’
The thing is Pelosi is there campaigning for Barbra Lee a person who has praised Castro many times.

So what. Pelosi has made so many absurd, even disturbing statements about this or that over the years, has supported many MANY questionable people, and comes across as so clueless and dumb at times that I wonder how she EVER got elected to anything. But the Founders intended that the Constitution protect unalienable rights of EVERYBODY to hold whatever opinions they hold, speak what they want to speak, believe what they want to believe, join whatever they want to join so long as they are not violating anybody else's rights.

If we think it is okay to attack, threaten, punish, and if possible destroy THEM because they don't speak, believe, act in ways we can't support, how can we object to them doing the same to us?

Yes, if somebody falsely accuses me, attacks me, disrespects me in a way that I choose not to ignore, I will push back and can push back hard. Most of the time, people who do that are such idiots and so clueless and devoid of any argument other than personal insults or diversion, it isn't worth my time and effort to acknowledge them. Those who allow me to be who and what I am will have my respect regardless of how wrong or clueless I think they are, and I will treat them with respect.

But those who would deny a person the right to have a peaceful dinner in a restaurant just because they don't like his or her politics? Those people do not deserve anybody's respect. And I don't care what political party they happen to represent.
She was campaigning for a women who venerates a murderous tyrant in an area filled with people who directly experienced that tyranny.
Cubans need to get over it. The revolution was over 50 years ago

The rest of the world has moved on
Are you fucking serious ?
Liewinger is a hardcore anti-American leftist.
He'll say anything to destroy the US.

Meanwhile, how many dems have been clobbered, sucker punched, hit with bike locks, hit with asps, hit with bricks, blown up... recently by so-called "violent right wing protesters"?

Answer: 0

"Minnesota state representative candidate Shane Mekeland, who “suffered a concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a restaurant in Benton County,” the Free Beacon reported. Mekeland has also “suffered memory loss” after the assault, which occurred Friday evening, Oct. 12.

"On his campaign Facebook page, Mekeland said he never expected to be physically attacked over politics.

“While I had never met my assailant, the words he yelled at me before he attacked led me to believe his actions were politically motivated. When I chose to run for office, I expected to be politically attacked, but never physically,” Mekeland wrote on Sunday, Oct. 14."

Democrat Staffer Calls For Taking GOP ‘To the Guillotines’
I don't have many friends but the ones I do would beat wholesale ass if someone sucker punched me. I would do the same.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

And the way I see it, SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! to those Cuban Americans.

Regardless of her sociopolitical position, Nancy Pelosi has a constitutionally protected right to her opinions and, once she is legally elected to a congressional office, she has the right to act on them within the established law and rules of the House.

And she has the right of any citizen to have a pleasant meal in a restaurant without being harassed, threatened, or driven out by an angry mob.

If we don't like her point of view or promoted policies, the way to prevent her from forcing them on us is by voting, expressing our point of view as one of the people in letters to the editor and our elected representatives, and using whatever soapbox is available to us. We have to make sure we have more votes in Congress than those who vote as she does. And if the laws and policies we vote for via our elected representatives are superior to the laws and policies people like her would pass, sooner or later only the idiots and hard core leftists will be putting people like her in Congress. There's a lot more of us than there are of them.

But if we behave like them, act like them, we are no better than them.

We can't be intellectually honest and have it both ways folks. If you deplore the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were treated, the way so many others have been treated, we must condemn that kind of ugly, hateful, disrespectful, and dangerous mob mentality regardless of who it is the target or what side of the political spectrum they are on.

Agreed. This mob mentality in the US is regressive. Mobs crying their right to free speech while in the process infringing on other people’s rights and maintaining that it is peaceful protest is corrupt.

Who is infringing upon other people's rights by engaging in free speech?
And it is peaceful, until the violent anti-1st amendment goons show up. That's my point.

You guys showing up and throwing shit and screaming and blowing horns and threatening people is not you exercising your free speech.That is you being a mob.

Patriot Prayer gathering to celebrate freedom of speech at legally licensed events is not "infringing on other people's rights". That is free speech.

See the difference?

Of course you don't, you're an anti-free speech commie traitor.

Showing up as a PEACEFUL counter protest is a very different thing than mobbing a person trying to have a nice dinner in a restaurant for no other reason than you don't like her politics.

If you approve of what that mob was doing to Nancy Pelosi, then you can't ethically have a problem with any conservative or Republican getting mobbed on the street, or in a restaurant, or a theater, or trying to attend an event.

If that makes me an anti-free speech commie traitor in your eyes, so be it.

This is true. It is also the first time I’ve seen Republicans mob a Democrat or liberal figure.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

And the way I see it, SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! to those Cuban Americans.

Regardless of her sociopolitical position, Nancy Pelosi has a constitutionally protected right to her opinions and, once she is legally elected to a congressional office, she has the right to act on them within the established law and rules of the House.

And she has the right of any citizen to have a pleasant meal in a restaurant without being harassed, threatened, or driven out by an angry mob.

If we don't like her point of view or promoted policies, the way to prevent her from forcing them on us is by voting, expressing our point of view as one of the people in letters to the editor and our elected representatives, and using whatever soapbox is available to us. We have to make sure we have more votes in Congress than those who vote as she does. And if the laws and policies we vote for via our elected representatives are superior to the laws and policies people like her would pass, sooner or later only the idiots and hard core leftists will be putting people like her in Congress. There's a lot more of us than there are of them.

But if we behave like them, act like them, we are no better than them.

We can't be intellectually honest and have it both ways folks. If you deplore the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were treated, the way so many others have been treated, we must condemn that kind of ugly, hateful, disrespectful, and dangerous mob mentality regardless of who it is the target or what side of the political spectrum they are on.

They have the right to call her out.
They didn't threaten her.
They didn't throw anything at her.
They didn't punch her, or hit her with an asp, or shoot her.

And there is a difference between having an opinion...and inciting mob violence.
One is illegal. Leftists don't get it though.

And there is also a difference between making your opinions known...and threatening people. Calling Pelosi a bitch, a traitor, a communist..those aren't threats.

Saying you intend to defend people from attack isn't a threat.

Swinging at someone's face..saying nazis (meaning all free speech proponents) will be punched in the face...those are threats.

Nancy Pelosi has a right to have a nice dinner without an angry, threatening, insulting mob harassing her when she does that. Any time you have a mob of people yelling insults at you and calling your names, you will see that as a threat whether or not they actually commit assault.

Whatever we think of her personally, she does not do that to people and has not encouraged anyone to do that to people. Maxine Waters yes. If they had done it to her, they could make a justification for giving her an example of what she has been calling for. But Pelosi is unpopular for her opinions and the kinds of things she promotes. Nobody, including her, should be attacked just because we don't agree with their point of view or politics. She and nobody else deserves mob attacks however non violent they are.

And the fact is many such mobs do turn violent, and they encourage copy cat events and activities that can turn violent. And no civil society should accept that as okay.
those days are over now. the days of smiling and saying yes sir may have another are over.

I don't believe that for a minute. I don't believe for a minute that Americans are incapable of returning to a time when we could have serious vigorous debate and disagreement without inciting ugly, hateful, disrespectful, unlawful mob violence. But for sure when we condone that kind of thing and refuse to speak out against it because they are attacking somebody we don't approve of or like, we are as much of the problem as they are.
Well, let me know when the leftist elites denounce mobs! They won’t even admit it. Till then, gloves off. Fk them
A taste of their own medicine.

Still don't like it.

I detest Madame Botox along with her friends Feinkenstien and Barbara Bullshit (Boxer).

But I don't like seeing this kind of stuffy.

I'd be willing to punch out anyone who does it to either side.
A taste of their own medicine.

Still don't like it.

I detest Madame Botox along with her friends Feinkenstien and Barbara Bullshit (Boxer).

But I don't like seeing this kind of stuffy.

I'd be willing to punch out anyone who does it to either side.

Here's my feelings on the topic.
I dont like it but maybe a little return will teach the left a lesson.
If not I'd rather see the right go peaceful and make the left look worse than they do already.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Anyone who has ever lived under communism hates the Democrats.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event
You don't read very well. It doesn't state that they were paid. It alleges they were paid with absolutely no back up to support it.
IOW, more back up than Donnie Dirtbag had for his claim that rapist drunk Kavanaugh protesters were paid.

It actually names the two Republiscum candidates who paid for the mob of TrumpThugs.
From the link.
Republican House candidates are said to have paid the protesters to disrupt the event:

View image on Twitter

Michael Austin@mike_austin_jr

Replying to @taveljimena and 2 others

It’s not fair to them — and to the many who want us to hold Trump accountable. And this is a photo I saw online. @carloslcurbelo and @MaElviraSalazar paid Proud Boy protesters to organize this protest. It’s disgraceful.

9:37 PM - Oct 17, 2018
Last edited:
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event
You are making a joke right?
Nope, unlike Donnie Dirtbag, I'm citing an actual news report.
This is true. It is also the first time I’ve seen Republicans mob a Democrat or liberal figure.
How quick the Right pretends to forget the corporate sponsored "Brooks Brothers" Gore election recount riot mob flown in to Florida to violently stop the recount.
I'm sorry but your response is so non sequitur and absolutely idiotic if you actually read what I posted, I won't bother responding to it.
I did, you're balling out the repubs. like always we kill ourselves from within. not only is our party harassed by evil, we do it and we still get harassed by our own to fking funny son.

When you can make some sense, get back to me. This honestly makes no sense whatsoever. Do have a pleasant afternoon.
so you are the evil? hmm ok. carry on then. here I thought your post indicated you were balling someone out because we shouldn't do what they do comment.

I am not evil but it is your right to believe that I am.

I was not bawling out Republicans. I was ashamed of a group of people opposed to Pelosi who were behaving in as hateful and ugly manner as her constituents do. As I am not of the school that if they do the indefensible we should do it too, I want Republicans, libertarians (small 'L'), classical liberals, modern day American Conservatives, and honorable liberty loving people everywhere to behave better and set much better examples than the hateful, destructive, obscene, lawless mobs among Pelosi' contituency.

I want us to be better than them. And when they harass her in the most hateful, disrespectful manner when all she is trying to do is have a nice meal in a restaurant, they are as bad as those I despise on her side.

So sue me.
we are automatically better then them. I would think you'd know that. she deserved it, no matter how you may think. evil people are those who think normal conservatives should sit back, shut up and take the left's shit. those days are now over my friend. What once was a respectful existence has matured into a hateful scenario of disrespect to the conservative views and policies. I no longer will accept the sit back and take it position any longer. got my mace and ready for any encounter. defense is the best offense, just remember. And, we don't need a lecture on morality from anyone.

people on the evil left want to take me on, bring it on.
Well I would be that every Cuban in the place was yelling in English. They are very much American.
Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.

I did, you're balling out the repubs. like always we kill ourselves from within. not only is our party harassed by evil, we do it and we still get harassed by our own to fking funny son.

When you can make some sense, get back to me. This honestly makes no sense whatsoever. Do have a pleasant afternoon.
so you are the evil? hmm ok. carry on then. here I thought your post indicated you were balling someone out because we shouldn't do what they do comment.

I am not evil but it is your right to believe that I am.

I was not bawling out Republicans. I was ashamed of a group of people opposed to Pelosi who were behaving in as hateful and ugly manner as her constituents do. As I am not of the school that if they do the indefensible we should do it too, I want Republicans, libertarians (small 'L'), classical liberals, modern day American Conservatives, and honorable liberty loving people everywhere to behave better and set much better examples than the hateful, destructive, obscene, lawless mobs among Pelosi' contituency.

I want us to be better than them. And when they harass her in the most hateful, disrespectful manner when all she is trying to do is have a nice meal in a restaurant, they are as bad as those I despise on her side.

So sue me.
we are automatically better then them. I would think you'd know that. she deserved it, no matter how you may think. evil people are those who think normal conservatives should sit back, shut up and take the left's shit. those days are now over my friend. What once was a respectful existence has matured into a hateful scenario of disrespect to the conservative views and policies. I no longer will accept the sit back and take it position any longer. got my mace and ready for any encounter. defense is the best offense, just remember. And, we don't need a lecture on morality from anyone.

people on the evil left want to take me on, bring it on.

The eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth philosophy could leave the world blind and toothless.

We are NOT better than they are unless we are more honest, more honorable, more fair, more just, and more civil than they are. When we behave as they behave when they are at their worst, we can claim no moral high ground whatsoever. The 'you started it' argument is pretty worthless as a defense when we go into the gutter with them.
Let’s see where we are...

Republicans are harassed in public and Republicans post threads whining about it

Democrats are harassed and REPUBLICANS post threads about it

Dems just write it off as democracy in action
Well you're a moron then......democracy is not invading people personal space and disturbing in public......
dude these fks don't care about you or me. they'd as soon shit on us and kills us. they are evil people and should be treated as such. spit at them when you get a chance.
The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event.

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