Naming Names? Maxwell trial soon, judge says NAMES!!!

picture of Maxwell at the In and Out Burger in LA. the book she's reading is about CIA operatives who get murdered. some say the photo is fake because Epstein liked his girls skinny so Maxwell never eats

picture of Maxwell at the In and Out Burger in LA. the book she's reading is about CIA operatives who get murdered. some say the photo is fake because Epstein liked his girls skinny so Maxwell never eats


It's a proven fake.
Sorry,crybaby cultist. Trump was, indeed, accused in court of child rape by one of Epstein's alleged victims. So by your own logic that is even stronger evidence that what you presented about Clinton. It's not my fault you fell on your face, don't get mad at me. Maybe think through your posts a little more. That's free advice.
link ?
Maxwell is in somebody's sites and she knows it. Her demise would be certain if she gave up certain names, IMO.
Will you be as pleased if you see names of Clintons or Bidens or Obamas on it?
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hunter Biden’s name on the list. I would expect to see Bill Clinton’s name on the list. I doubt that Trump was into underaged girls but I could be wrong. Trump strikes me as a man who likes beautiful adult women and gets them.

As far as Joe Biden, watch this video and form your own opinion. I personally am undecided. It would help if she had some evidence such as DNA to produce.

Bwahahahaha! Synthia believes that our news organizations report facts!???

That’s incredible. Literally.
And when they get it wrong they issue retractions in print media and on air corrections in broadcast media.

The legitimate news organizations do this, but not propaganda like Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, OANN, FoxNews.

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