NAFTA deal is done between U.S. and Canada...Canada to cede large part of dairy to U.S.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

BREAKING - Top US Source says "deal is done" re #NAFTA. Joint statement from @USTradeRep & Canada's Freeland expected soon.

I'm told #NAFTA deal was reached around 9:30pm tonight. Canada giving a larger % of its dairy market to US products in exchange for cultural protection & some form of dispute resolution process (formerly Ch 19).

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I will speak more to this tomorrow once the details are finalized, but from what I have read, Trump won this large for the U.S. In fact, he ceded nothing in the new agreement and obtained complete gain, though he didn't get all that he wanted (he could have, if he had waited and applied tariffs on cars without reservation in my opinion).

The fact is, as I said from Day One, if he REALLY wanted a major victory, he should have done it on his first week in office. Give six months notice and demand and receive everything he wanted as the Canadian economy does not innovate, believe in free market or liberty, they protected enough to keep the covert government happy. However, that said, you guys made out like bandits, and this is going to hit Ontario and Quebec hard. FORCE us to compete for once. Force us to be free and reward the best and brightest? I doubt it, we are too Centrally Controlled, but this will only hurt us more as you swoop into our markets.

It has been a 10 year battle for me, reaching out to the U.S officials in particular with continued abuses and career interference. I'm certainly far from done as only the U.S can force us to embrace liberty and capitalism and I will continue to share with them how Canada Plays the Game. This opens up our dairy, but the big win, was major quota concessions by Canada on auto, with the opportunity for the U.S to place tariffs.

Trumps team indeed used their leverage. Trudeau was in a corner and desperate. I do feel for him, I do wish it was Harper who was the victim here as Trump would have beaten his team as well. Since I did the honourable thing and reached out to Harper first, he sided with the RCMP obviously, I have little love lost for him. I warned him I wouldn't stop and Americans would understand what we are doing to them. As it were, God sent the best fighter for my case, Mr, Donald J Trump who for decades had been calling out trade abusers. I mean really, considering what I warned Canada of, who would answer the bell more than Trump? Was a Godsend to someone who only wanted peace in his pursuits.

I would love to share some of the many emails I've sent. Instead, I will discuss more tomorrow if and when the agreement is finalized. Make no mistake, Trump outfoxed Canada and I was never quiet in emailing and contacting them to let them know Canada was stalling and going to try and team with Mexico which Canada did. Trumps team wisely, divided Mexico from Canada and got maximize returns from both. I would bet my right arm if Trump didn't isolate Mexico, force the timeframe and threaten heavy auto tariffs, Canada would have continued to run out the clock.

Canada, U.S. reach tentative NAFTA deal; Trump approves pact
Since the original deal completely fleeced the US, any improvement is a big help.
Well the big benefit was from Mexico, Canada still have free reign to steal your jobs. The auto quotas are actually higher than what they are today, by 40%. That's a huge boon for Canada to be honest, I thought he would limit it from current numbers.

Canada lost, but they didn't lose as much as they could have. Trump still has to sign off on it so who knows. Trump won't be happy with only 5% access to dairy, but certainly the U.S gained from the original deal, Canada didn't get any benefit, just relief of pain added on (such as steel tariffs) before this negotiated deal.

I hope you guys defend yourself against dumping, or you will see some cheap Chinese steel and aluminum come back in across Canada.
I will speak more to this tomorrow once the details are finalized, but from what I have read, Trump won this large for the U.S. In fact, he ceded nothing in the new agreement and obtained complete gain, though he didn't get all that he wanted (he could have, if he had waited and applied tariffs on cars without reservation in my opinion).

The fact is, as I said from Day One, if he REALLY wanted a major victory, he should have done it on his first week in office. Give six months notice and demand and receive everything he wanted as the Canadian economy does not innovate, believe in free market or liberty, they protected enough to keep the covert government happy. However, that said, you guys made out like bandits, and this is going to hit Ontario and Quebec hard. FORCE us to compete for once. Force us to be free and reward the best and brightest? I doubt it, we are too Centrally Controlled, but this will only hurt us more as you swoop into our markets.

It has been a 10 year battle for me, reaching out to the U.S officials in particular with continued abuses and career interference. I'm certainly far from done as only the U.S can force us to embrace liberty and capitalism and I will continue to share with them how Canada Plays the Game. This opens up our dairy, but the big win, was major quota concessions by Canada on auto, with the opportunity for the U.S to place tariffs.

Trumps team indeed used their leverage. Trudeau was in a corner and desperate. I do feel for him, I do wish it was Harper who was the victim here as Trump would have beaten his team as well. Since I did the honourable thing and reached out to Harper first, he sided with the RCMP obviously, I have little love lost for him. I warned him I wouldn't stop and Americans would understand what we are doing to them. As it were, God sent the best fighter for my case, Mr, Donald J Trump who for decades had been calling out trade abusers. I mean really, considering what I warned Canada of, who would answer the bell more than Trump? Was a Godsend to someone who only wanted peace in his pursuits.

I would love to share some of the many emails I've sent. Instead, I will discuss more tomorrow if and when the agreement is finalized. Make no mistake, Trump outfoxed Canada and I was never quiet in emailing and contacting them to let them know Canada was stalling and going to try and team with Mexico which Canada did. Trumps team wisely, divided Mexico from Canada and got maximize returns from both. I would bet my right arm if Trump didn't isolate Mexico, force the timeframe and threaten heavy auto tariffs, Canada would have continued to run out the clock.

Canada, U.S. reach tentative NAFTA deal; Trump approves pact
Very interesting post :113:
I will speak more to this tomorrow once the details are finalized, but from what I have read, Trump won this large for the U.S. In fact, he ceded nothing in the new agreement and obtained complete gain, though he didn't get all that he wanted (he could have, if he had waited and applied tariffs on cars without reservation in my opinion).

The fact is, as I said from Day One, if he REALLY wanted a major victory, he should have done it on his first week in office. Give six months notice and demand and receive everything he wanted as the Canadian economy does not innovate, believe in free market or liberty, they protected enough to keep the covert government happy. However, that said, you guys made out like bandits, and this is going to hit Ontario and Quebec hard. FORCE us to compete for once. Force us to be free and reward the best and brightest? I doubt it, we are too Centrally Controlled, but this will only hurt us more as you swoop into our markets.

It has been a 10 year battle for me, reaching out to the U.S officials in particular with continued abuses and career interference. I'm certainly far from done as only the U.S can force us to embrace liberty and capitalism and I will continue to share with them how Canada Plays the Game. This opens up our dairy, but the big win, was major quota concessions by Canada on auto, with the opportunity for the U.S to place tariffs.

Trumps team indeed used their leverage. Trudeau was in a corner and desperate. I do feel for him, I do wish it was Harper who was the victim here as Trump would have beaten his team as well. Since I did the honourable thing and reached out to Harper first, he sided with the RCMP obviously, I have little love lost for him. I warned him I wouldn't stop and Americans would understand what we are doing to them. As it were, God sent the best fighter for my case, Mr, Donald J Trump who for decades had been calling out trade abusers. I mean really, considering what I warned Canada of, who would answer the bell more than Trump? Was a Godsend to someone who only wanted peace in his pursuits.

I would love to share some of the many emails I've sent. Instead, I will discuss more tomorrow if and when the agreement is finalized. Make no mistake, Trump outfoxed Canada and I was never quiet in emailing and contacting them to let them know Canada was stalling and going to try and team with Mexico which Canada did. Trumps team wisely, divided Mexico from Canada and got maximize returns from both. I would bet my right arm if Trump didn't isolate Mexico, force the timeframe and threaten heavy auto tariffs, Canada would have continued to run out the clock.

Canada, U.S. reach tentative NAFTA deal; Trump approves pact
Very interesting post :113:

I'm nothing if not interesting. If only Canada and our covert security apparatus were half as honest as I am, America would have a much more reliable ally. As it were, we love to export our socialism to the U.S along with the cheap Chinese goods we pass as our own...
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BREAKING - Top US Source says "deal is done" re #NAFTA. Joint statement from @USTradeRep & Canada's Freeland expected soon.

I'm told #NAFTA deal was reached around 9:30pm tonight. Canada giving a larger % of its dairy market to US products in exchange for cultural protection & some form of dispute resolution process (formerly Ch 19).

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Well its about time. I guess they found that this President does not fold like the last few ones we had. Go Trump.
The US and Canada reached the basis of a free trade deal Sunday night (Monday NZT), a senior Canadian government official said.

The agreement preserved a NAFTA dispute-resolution process that the US wanted to jettison, the official told The Associated Press ahead of an official announcement. The official was not authorised to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

The agreement also exempts tariffs on 2.6 million cars. On dairy Canada essentially gave the US the same access it offered in the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement that President Donald Trump rejected.

Official says basis of Canada-US NAFTA deal has been reached
Now that details are more out, you guys didn't win as much as you would have liked as much of the language is still "needs to be completed". Canada can and still will run out the clock, the current NAFTA agreement remains.

I think this is about getting it inked to include Canada with continued negotiations. This is going to cost you some leverage unless the wording is finalized overnight as Canada getting into this deal along with avoiding auto tariffs was their main goal.

I jumped the gun too, America still might continue to get fleeced on this as Canada works to avoid these changes...stay tuned didn't throw your weight around and just go ahead with Mexico as you could have...

The bilateral approach would have been best certainly. Let's wait and see the details I suppose. Trump definitely won big for farmers and in weakening Canadian influence in the deal, but, he didn't get back as much of the auto industry as he could have.
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The deal will preserve a trade dispute settlement mechanism that Canada fought hard to maintain to protect its lumber industry and other sectors from US anti-dumping tariffs, Canadian sources said.

But this came at a cost. Canada had agreed to provide US dairy farmers access to about 3.5% of its approximately $16bn annual domestic dairy market, the sources said, adding that the Canadian government was prepared to offer compensation to dairy farmers hurt by the deal.

The influential Dairy Farmers of Canada lobby group – which strongly opposes the idea – said in a statement that it insisted “any final Nafta deal should have no further negative impact on the dairy sector”.

Canada also agreed to a quota of 2.6m vehicles exported to the US in the event that Trump imposed 25% global autos tariffs on national security grounds, Canadian and US industry sources said.

The quota would allow for significant growth in tariff-free automotive exports from Canada above current production levels of about 2 million units, safeguarding Canadian plants.

But the deal failed to resolve US tariffs on Canada’s steel and aluminum exports, the Canadian sources said.

Nafta: Canada and US reach deal on 'new, modernised trade agreement'
The deal will preserve a trade dispute settlement mechanism that Canada fought hard to maintain to protect its lumber industry and other sectors from US anti-dumping tariffs, Canadian sources said.

But this came at a cost. Canada had agreed to provide US dairy farmers access to about 3.5% of its approximately $16bn annual domestic dairy market, the sources said, adding that the Canadian government was prepared to offer compensation to dairy farmers hurt by the deal.

The influential Dairy Farmers of Canada lobby group – which strongly opposes the idea – said in a statement that it insisted “any final Nafta deal should have no further negative impact on the dairy sector”.

Canada also agreed to a quota of 2.6m vehicles exported to the US in the event that Trump imposed 25% global autos tariffs on national security grounds, Canadian and US industry sources said.

The quota would allow for significant growth in tariff-free automotive exports from Canada above current production levels of about 2 million units, safeguarding Canadian plants.

But the deal failed to resolve US tariffs on Canada’s steel and aluminum exports, the Canadian sources said.

Nafta: Canada and US reach deal on 'new, modernised trade agreement'

Yes, Trump should have hit the auto industry harder, along with "cultural protections". Only a Communist country like Canada wants a carve out to protect culture. What that means is, we don't want American networks and news in Canada, we wanted to safeguard our Pravda, which is the CBC.

Trudeau will get creamed by the dairy farmers, especially if Conservatives reach out to them, it could cost Trudeau the election in 2019. He was desperate to defend Ontarios auto industry though and he did to some extent. Canada desperately wants foreign tech companies and manufacturing as we have a heavy covert presence there, for reasons you can guess...

Here are the specifics if you guys like reading:

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Text | United States Trade Representative

BREAKING - Top US Source says "deal is done" re #NAFTA. Joint statement from @USTradeRep & Canada's Freeland expected soon.

I'm told #NAFTA deal was reached around 9:30pm tonight. Canada giving a larger % of its dairy market to US products in exchange for cultural protection & some form of dispute resolution process (formerly Ch 19).

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Well, If a "TOP US SOURCE" says so, it must be true!
Remember Carrier and what a joke that was? None of these USMB Republicans have read two words about what the agreement actually does. Here, let me help:

Canada, U.S. reach NAFTA deal, Canadian officials say

The Trump official said there had not been a resolution on the issue of the steel and aluminum tariffs Trump imposed on Canada or the retaliatory tariffs Trudeau imposed on various U.S. products.

The Trump official said there had not been substantial changes on the issue of the “TN” visas for professional workers.

Self Explanatory.

Canada insisted on preserving the “Chapter 19” system that allows Canada to challenge U.S. trade duties at an independent tribunal rather than in U.S. courts. The U.S. had wanted to eliminate it. Trump budged in the end.

According to U.S. and Mexican government reports, a car will qualify for tariff-free treatment only if 75 per cent of its contents are made in North America, up from 62.5 per cent in the current NAFTA. And at least 40 per cent of the contents must be produced by workers earning at least $16 (U.S.) per hour, more than three times the wage of the average Mexican autoworker.

Two things, Mexican workers will get raises and Mexico is part of North America. This doesn't stop car companies from moving to Mexico.

Over the next few days, we will find out a lot about this agreement.

One: It will make a fortune for Trump and billionaires

Two: It will be a disaster for the American middle class.

Nothing Republicans do help the middle class.

But Trump will sell it. But will they buy it this time? Everyone knows who those Trump tax cuts helped.
US diary industry worth 445 billion.

US Auto Industry worth 1.8 trillion

Just sayin'

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