Nadler Pathetically Used Debunked Russian Collusion Accusation During House Impeachment Debate


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During heated debate in the House over Impeachment, D-Nadler pathetically resurrected the insane, already-debunked false accusation of 'Russian Collusion' to attack House Republicans who were poi ting out how the Democrats had conducted a 3+ year Inquisition resulting in a pre-determined Impeachment despite proving they have zero crime, zero evidence if a crime, and zero witnesses.

Nadler, already touch about going down in history as the House Judiciary Committee Chairman who successfully led the effort to CENSURE the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW, experienced an obvious case of Dementia brought on by guilt and polls showing the majority of Americans oppose the Democrats' Impeachment push.

During this fit of dementia Nadler forgot how the Weismann-Mueller report showed NO collusion with Russians...forgot how it was revealed HILLARY paid a Trump-hating foreign spy working with Russians for. Russian-authored Counter Intelligence propaganda...forgot it was Obama's criminals who intentionally knowingly used this propaganda provided by the known unreliable foreign source...committed crimes, violated the Constitution, committed FISA Court Abuses....

Nadler cracked under the mounting pressure of the majority of Americans turning on the democrats and accused the GOP of pushing Russian propaganda when all existing evidence proves the only ones who did this was Hillary, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Clinesmith, & other criminal Democrats.

"Nadler, returning to the podium after Gohmert concluded his speech, returned the fire.

"I am deeply concerned that any member of the House would spout Russian propaganda on the floor of the House," Nadler said."

It is pathetic that due to having no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses Nadler had to resort to bringing back up an already debunked lie during the Impeachment debate.

No wonder it was reported that several more Democrats defected / abandoned the Democrats' final coup attempt.

Fiery clash ensues after Nadler accuses GOP rep of spouting Russian propaganda on House floor

If Nadler is still so concerned about Russians why hasn't he publicly asked Schiff to explain why he took millions from a Russian-born arms dealer?

Why hasn't Nadler asked Comey why he and corrupt / criminal FBI members intentionally hid from the FISA Court that Carter Page was an official information source for the State Department, which is why he had been talking to Russians?

Why don't Nadler ask Comey why he willingly eliminated a source of information collection on the Russians, damaging our Intel collecting ability against the Russians, just to try to take down Trump?

...but why did Nadler feel the need to resurrect false, debunked accusations of Russian Collusion in today's hearing...which just made him look even more pathetic, if possible?

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