Nadler Calls For DOJ Review

Fuck that POS Nadler.

Someone could render 150 pounds of lard from that fat hog.

A message from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, Madam Kamaltoe Harris say's...

The Department of Justice led by Merrick Garland remains corrupt. It is not above persecuting soccer moms and now a young man who was just exonerated by a jury of his peers. Former President Obama similarly called on his A.G. Eric Holder to investigate Officer Darren Wilson after he was cleared of wrongdoing in the Michael Brown shooting case in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.

It is now 2021 and the Democratic Party is still pushing for race riots — even in cases of clear defense where the so-called victims are white criminals, including a violent pedophile.
A message from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, Madam Kamaltoe Harris say's...

The Department of Justice led by Merrick Garland remains corrupt. It is not above persecuting soccer moms and now a young man who was just exonerated by a jury of his peers. Former President Obama similarly called on his A.G. Eric Holder to investigate Officer Darren Wilson after he was cleared of wrongdoing in the Michael Brown shooting case in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.

It is now 2021 and the Democratic Party is still pushing for race riots — even in cases of clear defense where the so-called victims are white criminals, including a violent pedophile.

Kamala spend most of her career going after males.
Our politicians need to STOP intersecting their opinion into these things. Their job is not to take sides against the citizens. They are supposed to be neutral, supporting ALL citizens. They have gotten real good lately at playing the partisan game rendering judgment against the people. They should not do this.

They, along with the media are driving this divide in the country, and they should not be doing this

Nothing like politicians who give the finger to half the country by taking sides. Last I checked, they are supposed to represent ALL people, not just their people.

Seems our politicians are doing this more and more lately. They are becoming less politicians, and more activist political pundit.

It needs to stop.
Just in case I haven't mentioned it today.............the American left are insane and the enemy of America.

Congressional Democrats’ celebration of passing the Build Back Better social spending bill in the House was cut short on Friday by a Wisconsin jury acquitting teenager Kyle Rittenhouse of all criminal charges brought after he shot three people and killed two in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

From calls for the Department of Justice to review the case to calling for new gun laws to claiming that the verdict “protects white supremacy” and is “incitement,” Democrats across the left-wing spectrum reeled at the result.

Yep, the fat little shit wants the DOJ to review the Rittenhouse verdict.....

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler said the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday afternoon sets a “dangerous precedent” that the Justice Department ought to review.

“This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ,” the New York Democrat tweeted minutes after a jury found Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges related to the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

These powerful Marxist-Democrats obviously would like to overthrow our judicial system. Nadler should be censured. Apparently the fat little asshole thinks a fair trial and a jury verdict is 'heartbreaking'....Who the Hell votes for these stupid dickheads? NY 10th congressional district should be ashamed.
Under US Law, you can only appeal if the judge made mistakes. You cannot appeal the jury decision.
Let 'Jabba the Hut' give it his best shot!

What Garland's investigation will find is that the prosecution had no case. Whatever evidence they did have by coaching witnesses and violating the rules of jurisprudence. In the end, the evidence was too strongly in favor of the Defense. Rittenhouse faced was with dire injury and/or death in the two situations he found himself in. Ergo. when confronted he hit his marks.
Too bad for him. The court has ruled, the jury has decided and the DOJ has no place trying to step in to second guess the court, the people involved, or to try to retry the case until they get the outcome Jerry wants.
I was asking myself why he would bother to do that. The answer must be a dog whistle to his radical constituents. He knows damn well he ain't gonna change the verdict the dickhead.
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White people should not be acquitted. Not Kyle Rittenhouse, not soccer mome.
So what you are suggesting is white people should be oppressed for the next 400 years.

I believe in the MLK approach to racism.


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