Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


Hey Billy Bob. Just when you thought the investigation was over.....



"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???
At that time, both chambers were run by Republicans who worked together to get bills to the president's desk. Today those chambers are split and feuding, making it more difficult to pass bills.
Only one chamber is making it difficult

It takes two to tango.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

How much have the Democrats cost us with these endless investigations? I would have thought the 3 year hissy fit about losing to Donald Trump would be ending.
We did not do an attempted coup, but you all know it. Now that an impeachment inquiry is going on, he would be able to obstruct so much, here's hoping.
There is no impeachment inquiry dim tard. There are not even articles of impeachment they can draw up. The Special Counsel Investigation could not recommend even one.

You do understand how an actual impeachment works, correct?

Nah, you are just a propagandist where facts and truth don't matter to your narrative.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Watergate memories for the Repubs! Stupid ph uks let the then commies destroy their president. The natural way for the Progs. Guaranteed Progs would have not done the same. We are so due for another mass tragedy....
Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

24th investigation headed for another Iceberg just like every other one has as soon as any evidence pops up that Clinton and Obama were who colluded with Russia.

I half expected this with the papers Judaical Watch got and published. The Coup attempt by the democrats is being exposed and they are doing anything and everything to change the narrative..

“coup attempt”

"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???
At that time, both chambers were run by Republicans who worked together to get bills to the president's desk. Today those chambers are split and feuding, making it more difficult to pass bills.
Only one chamber is making it difficult

It takes two to tango.
Nice try but this isn't a dancing class.
This stagnation is 100% democrat.
Not only are they not doing the peoples business they sue Trump every time he tries to.

The left are a joke at this point.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Watergate memories for the Repubs! Stupid ph uks let the then commies destroy their president. The natural way for the Progs. Guaranteed Progs would have not done the same. We are so due for another mass tragedy....
Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
Nixon was minor league compared to Progs. And he was not even conservative. He moved the nation to the left and it still was not enough as Progs felt they were cheated out of the Presidency in 1968. I do not condone him. I wonder if his stubborness because of position of power contributed to his demise. Today we are a nation of liars where many do not sweat. Clinton his first two years was completely different then his campaign. He should have been thrown out for that.
Well, what the hell. What ELSE do they have to do?

Our elected "leaders" aren't allowed to work together any more. At least this keeps them busy, poor souls.
Why is Nancy Pelosi sitting on the USMCA agreement? Why has Nancy Pelosi refused to address the border crisis, and the drug and human trafficking epidemic at our Southern Border?
I just explained that. Pay attention.
No one pays attention to people who lie for a living.
Agreed. That was my point.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

How much have the Democrats cost us with these endless investigations? I would have thought the 3 year hissy fit about losing to Donald Trump would be ending.

What endless investigations have Democrats been holding? They've only been in charge of the House since January.
The inquiries are nothing more than political theater for dip shits to huddle around during the campaign, but I do have to chuckle at the "Locker her up!" retards pissing and moaning about endless investigations.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


It's consensus as to impeachment protocols.

Like you idiots haven't been doing this for 3 years already.... Bwhaaaaaaaa Fool...
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
This is just the dems tossing hush puppies to their base to hush them up...and with the suckers that the progressive base are they will fall for it...but the dems will never impeach Trump...not in a million years....and after he is finished with his second term and back home in NY....they won't prosecute him then either....all of this noise and bluster just to calm the TDS brigade....
Democrats love to play make believe. They actually think someone other than the fake news listens to them at this point. If they didn't have such big mouths I would pity them.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.

House Dems are doing the work of their Party, NOT the work of the people. For God's sake dude, it's been almost 3 effing years, and your side has absolutely nothing that they can take to the voters and say "look what we did for you".
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

G'head, tell me again about your imaginary attempted coup by the left. You know, their party that's only been in control of one chamber of Congress since this year.

That was fucking funny. I don't care which side of the aisle you're on. :lmao:
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


Hey Billy Bob. Just when you thought the investigation was over.....




If only he would stop obstructing and enriching himself, but no , he is doing it more than ever, just wait till the Dems get in.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..
Amen. Democrats are like the dog that comes right away when you call it, but they run right through a pile of shit and then jump up on you to share the wealth.

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