Ralph Nader and his associates have only predicted the eventual downfall of Fannie and Freddie for more than a decade. Republicans shouldn't be so quick to pull the trigger at the Democrats over this, both parties have failed miserably to see the risk of lack of Congressional over sight for years.
Nader's testimony to Congress in 2000:
The Nader Page
Nader's testimony to Congress in 2000:
The Nader Page
Mr. NADER. Thank you very much, Chairman Baker and Members of the Subcommittee:
I am quite pleased that you are holding this hearing, especially to receive comment on your legislative effort to upgrade the oversight regulation of the three Government-sponsored enterprises which dominate the housing finance markets.
While there are clear differences between the thrift industry and GSEs, H.R. 3703 is a reminder of what Congress failed to do to protect the taxpayers and the savings and loans a quarter of a century ago.
For years, this Committee and its companion Banking Committee in the Senate handled the savings and loan industry with soft kid gloves.
The Federal Home Loan Bank Board was allowed to carry out its functions more as a cheerleader than a regulator of financial institutions.
And so when the savings and loan industry began to fall apart in the 1980's, it was politically difficult to impose stringent regulations and higher capital standards on this industry.
Only after the failures caused staggering multi-billion dollar losses to deposit insurance funds and taxpayer funds did the Congress reform the regulatory machinery, raise examination standards, and establish mandatory criteria to trigger an early warning system and require prompt corrective action.
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