N.j. Gov. Christie eating humble pie.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And asking for federal assistance from the big bad government. Isn’t he one of those mouthing off for “less government spending” “personal responsibility?”
I do not want my tax dollars going to states and people who have prepared for their future and disasters. Isn’t that Gov. Christies problem to have disaster funds for his state? He is eating a lot of humble pie this morning asking Obama for help?
I don’t have a problem paying my taxes and have them going to people who are in need, but a big problem with hypocrisy of the GOP who is complaining about paying taxes.
Any question as to where you taxes are going now?
N.Y. Mayor had to give evacuation warnings in several languages to get through to those who come here because they love America so much but not enough to learn the language. Instances like theses are why people should learn to speak, read and comprehend English.

Just when is less and big government acceptable?

Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfallAugust 22, 2011
“Based on the information and data available, it is evident the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary,” Christie said in a statement.
Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfall | NJ.com

Governor Chris Christie - “What they [Republicans] have to do is what they say they want, and we're doing it in New Jersey: smaller government, less spending, lessregulation, lower taxes.
November 08, 2010
Office of the Governor | Newsroom
Christy asking for emergency relief for those affected by Irene. Too bad Christy did not see welfare, food stamps and unemployment is the other emergency relief. Now many of those affected by Irene will be looking for these hand outs.

FEMA the other government hand out program should be eliminated altogether and states should handle their own emergencies and people should go to their churches and charities.

Less government mean less government hand outs. States should create their own jobs and not expect the government to create them for them.
Less government means less job creation.
Christie showed himself to be no different alas this hurricane BS, (which was NOT a Hurricane when it hit NYC or NJ btw,) but apparently won't stop him from claiming that NJ got hit by its first Hurricane since 1850 or something.

*shrugs* hes no different form the rest.
Just when is less and big government acceptable?

Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfallAugust 22, 2011
“Based on the information and data available, it is evident the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary,” Christie said in a statement.
Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfall | NJ.com

Governor Chris Christie - “What they [Republicans] have to do is what they say they want, and we're doing it in New Jersey: smaller government, less spending, lessregulation, lower taxes.
November 08, 2010
Office of the Governor | Newsroom

You're shitting me, right?

Your bitching that the big bad evil Republican governor of NJ wanted smaller government and less spending in 2010... and now he has the audacity to ask for federal aid AFTER A FREAKING HURRICANE?

You can't possibly be so fucking stupid and clueless as to think he was including disaster relief in his 'smaller government. less spending' comments... can you?

The depths of your partisan hackery and stupidity appear to know no bounds.
Those people swallowed Republican swill and voted them into office. Hmmm, should they be helped? That's one we will have to seriously think about.

And they want to make him president? When he is so wrong? What else is he wrong about?
Here's the trick. Conservatives want to shrink the size of government by defunding needful agencies then expect them to be able to help out when a disaster or other event arises.

You can't have it both ways.

If there was no FEMA there would be no help.
So those on the left just want the people of New Jersey to die?? They care more about partisan politics than people's lives?? Alrighty then.

Wake up people, it's not all about Dem or Rep!!
Just when is less and big government acceptable?

Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfallAugust 22, 2011
“Based on the information and data available, it is evident the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary,” Christie said in a statement.
Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfall | NJ.com

Governor Chris Christie - “What they [Republicans] have to do is what they say they want, and we're doing it in New Jersey: smaller government, less spending, lessregulation, lower taxes.
November 08, 2010
Office of the Governor | Newsroom

You're shitting me, right?

Your bitching that the big bad evil Republican governor of NJ wanted smaller government and less spending in 2010... and now he has the audacity to ask for federal aid AFTER A FREAKING HURRICANE?

You can't possibly be so fucking stupid and clueless as to think he was including disaster relief in his 'smaller government. less spending' comments... can you?

The depths of your partisan hackery and stupidity appear to know no bounds.

Conservatives are actively cutting funding to the weather service, EPA, OSHA, Agencies charged with monitoring "loose nukes" and so many other things.

If they don't exist...they should be no reason to complain when something bad happens.
Just when is less and big government acceptable?

Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfallAugust 22, 2011
“Based on the information and data available, it is evident the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary,” Christie said in a statement.
Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfall | NJ.com

Governor Chris Christie - “What they [Republicans] have to do is what they say they want, and we're doing it in New Jersey: smaller government, less spending, lessregulation, lower taxes.
November 08, 2010
Office of the Governor | Newsroom

You're shitting me, right?

Your bitching that the big bad evil Republican governor of NJ wanted smaller government and less spending in 2010... and now he has the audacity to ask for federal aid AFTER A FREAKING HURRICANE?

You can't possibly be so fucking stupid and clueless as to think he was including disaster relief in his 'smaller government. less spending' comments... can you?

The depths of your partisan hackery and stupidity appear to know no bounds.

Yes she can be that dense and proves it regularly.
Here's the trick. Conservatives want to shrink the size of government by defunding needful agencies then expect them to be able to help out when a disaster or other event arises.

You can't have it both ways.

If there was no FEMA there would be no help.

Not true at all Sallow.
Here's the trick. Conservatives want to shrink the size of government by defunding needful agencies then expect them to be able to help out when a disaster or other event arises.

You can't have it both ways.

If there was no FEMA there would be no help.

OK. Follow this logic.

If we didn't have to keep throwing money into the pit that is the US Government, the states would have more to provide for their own citizens... and the citizens would have more of their own money to provide for themselves. However, since the Federal Government cannot keep its tar baby paws out of the taxpayers pocket, it is perfectly legitimate to take money back from that government.









How come you're too dumb to work that out?
So those on the left just want the people of New Jersey to die?? They care more about partisan politics than people's lives?? Alrighty then.

Wake up people, it's not all about Dem or Rep!!

This crowd will use anything, no matter how low, to advance their myth. :eusa_whistle:
Just when is less and big government acceptable?

Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfallAugust 22, 2011
“Based on the information and data available, it is evident the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary,” Christie said in a statement.
Gov. Chris Christie asks federal government for aid after heavy rainfall | NJ.com

Governor Chris Christie - “What they [Republicans] have to do is what they say they want, and we're doing it in New Jersey: smaller government, less spending, lessregulation, lower taxes.
November 08, 2010
Office of the Governor | Newsroom

You're shitting me, right?

Your bitching that the big bad evil Republican governor of NJ wanted smaller government and less spending in 2010... and now he has the audacity to ask for federal aid AFTER A FREAKING HURRICANE?

You can't possibly be so fucking stupid and clueless as to think he was including disaster relief in his 'smaller government. less spending' comments... can you?

The depths of your partisan hackery and stupidity appear to know no bounds.

Oh shut up.

Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.
Grover Norquist

Then you have Eric Cantor who doesn't want to pay for those in the Midwest devastated by tornadoes. Now he wants to fight disaster relief from Irene.

And they want to put grandma back on a diet of cat food.

And all this from the party that gave us trillions in tax cuts, two wars and an astronomical drugs for votes bill. These guys are awful.
Here's the trick. Conservatives want to shrink the size of government by defunding needful agencies then expect them to be able to help out when a disaster or other event arises.

You can't have it both ways.

If there was no FEMA there would be no help.

Yes, I want to shrink the size of FEDERAL goverment, but as long as the people of New Jersey pay federal taxes, and until FEMA is(if ever) removed as an agency of the federal goverment, then the governor of NJ is required to act in the best interest of his consituents, and request federal aid.

It would be hypocritical if he wanted FEMA gone, it went away, and then in the case of the hurricane he wanted it back just for NJ. In the current setup, it is not.
So those on the left just want the people of New Jersey to die?? They care more about partisan politics than people's lives?? Alrighty then.

Wake up people, it's not all about Dem or Rep!!

Either you're fucking stupid or you are stupid. It's the Republicans who want disaster victims to suffer. Keep up.
What a joke the libs constantly prove to be. They have repeatedly said we have to pay taxes for the services the government provides. Well we in NJ have paid taxes to the federal government and it is time those taxes helped us.
I don't believe Christie has made many anti-Federal Government speeches. He is for reducing spending but is not one of those "States Rights" Republicans

By the way, NJ receives 62 cents in Federal spending for every dollar they pay in Federal Taxes....I think we are due
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