Myth: There weren't any Jews in the Palestine, and Muslims "coexisted" with everyone:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
More evidence of Muslim animals slaughtering Jews who had been living and maintaining a presence in the holy land for thousands of years. Despite various invasions and pogroms by savages, they still kept coming back.

1517 Hebron attacks occurred in the final phases of the 1513-17 Ottoman–Mamluk War, when Turkish Ottomans had ousted the Mamluks and taken Palestine. The massacre targeted the Jewish population of the city and is also referred as pogrom.

An account of the event, recorded by Japheth ben Manasseh in 1518, mentions how the onslaught was initiated by Turkish troops led by Murad Bey, the deputy of the Sultan from Jerusalem. Jews were attacked, beaten and raped, and many were killed as their homes and businesses were looted and pillaged. It has been suggested that the stable financial position of the Hebronite Jews at the time was what attracted the Turkish soldiers to engage in the mass plunder. Others suggest the pogrom could have in fact taken place in the midst of a localised conflict, an uprising by the Arabs against the new Ottoman rulers.Those who survived the calamity fled to Beirut and Jews only returned to Hebron 16 years later in 1533.

1517 Safed Attacks

The Safed attacks refers to an incident that took place in Safed soon after the Turkish Ottomans had ousted the Mamluks and taken Levant during the Ottoman–Mamluk War in 1517. At the time the town had roughly 300 Jewish households. The severe blow suffered took place as Mamluks clashed bloodily with the new Ottoman authorities.

Accounts of the attack against the Jews in Safed were recorded by historian Rabbi Elijah Capsali of Candia, (Crete) and Rabbi Joseph Garson, who was living in Damascus at the time. According to these reports, many Jews were killed and left injured. They were compelled to flee the city and their property was plundered. Scholars debate whether or not the event led to a decline in the Jewish population of Safed, but all agree that a few years later, Jews had re-established a significant presence in the city.

Supporters of the deposed Mamluk governor attacked Ottoman officials and after having murdered the Ottoman governor, the mob turned upon the Jews and rampaged through the Jewish quarter, the Jews suffering particular maltreatment.

Many Jews were reportedly killed while others were wounded or had their property pillaged. According to Garson, the Jews were "evicted from their homes, robbed and plundered, and they fled naked to the villages without any provisions." Many subsequently fled the city, but the community was soon rehabilitated with the financial help of Egyptian Jewry.

The Jewish community quickly recovered. The many Jews who had fled and sought refuge in neighbouring villages returned, and within 8 years the community had reestablished itself, exceeding the former level of 300 households.
Of course there has been a continual Jewish presence in the region for much of history; Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia... all over.

They have been persecuted by various groups during that time, including Roman pagans, Roman Christians, Coptic Christians, Arab Muslims, Turkish Muslims and European Crusaders.
Ok now lets talk about the Hebron attack of 1834

A Peasant Arab revolt broke out in April 1834 when Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt announced he would recruit troops from the local Muslim population.[115] Hebron, headed by its nazir Abd ar-Rahman Amr, declined to supply its quota of conscripts for the army and suffered badly from the Egyptian campaign to crush the uprising.

The town was invested and when its defences fell on 4 August it was sacked by Ibrahim Pasha's army.[116][117][118]

An estimated 500 Muslims from Hebron were killed in the attack and some 750 were conscripted. 120 youths were abducted and put at the disposal of Egyptian army officers. Most of the Muslim population managed to flee beforehand to the hills. Many Jews fled to Jerusalem, but during the general pillage of the town at least five were killed.[119]

In 1838, the total population was estimated at 10,000.[117] When the Government of Ibrahim Pasha fell in 1841, the local clan-head Abd ar-Rahman Amr once again resumed the reins of power as the Sheik of Hebron.

Due to his extortionate demands for cash from the local population, most of the Jewish population fled to Jerusalem.[120] In 1846, the Ottoman Governor-in-chief of Jerusalem (serasker), Kıbrıslı Mehmed Emin Pasha, waged a campaign to subdue rebellious sheiks in the Hebron area, and while doing so, allowed his troops to sack the town. Though it was widely rumoured that he secretly protected Abd ar-Rahman,[121] the latter was deported together with other local leaders (such as Muslih al-'Azza of Bayt Jibrin), but he managed to return to the area in 1848.[122]
This now leads to another important aspect to be continued.

Hebron - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
A myth? No shit Sherlock....

There were Jews in Palestine... Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists... Shit, I bet there are even some Buddhists in the mix somewhere...

Your point is what?
Palestine has always been known as Palestine since after the Land of Canan but the Palestine people are now
becoming more a people due to the revolt:

The Peasants' Revolt[1][2] was a rebellion against Egyptian conscription and taxation policies in Palestine. While rebel ranks consisted mostly of the local peasantry, urban notables and Bedouin tribes also formed an integral part of the revolt, which was a collective reaction to Egypt's gradual elimination of the unofficial rights and privileges previously enjoyed by the various classes of society in the Levant under Ottoman rule.[3]

As part of Muhammad Ali's modernization policies, Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian governor of the Levant, issued conscription orders for every fifth Muslim male. Encouraged by local chief Qasim al-Ahmad, the notables of Nablus, Hebron and the Jerusalem-Jaffa area did not abide by Ibrahim Pasha's orders to conscript and tax the local peasantry. Al-Ahmad and other local clan leaders rallied their kinsmen and engaged in an open revolt against the authorities in May 1834, taking control of several towns.

While the core of the fighting was in the central mountain regions of Palestine (Samaria and Judea), the revolt also spread to the Galilee, Gaza and parts of Transjordan. Jerusalem was briefly captured by the rebels and plundered. Faced with the superior firepower and organization of Ibrahim Pasha's troops, the rebels were defeated in Jabal Nablus, Jerusalem and the coastal plain before their final defeat in Hebron, which was leveled. Afterward, Muhammad Ali's troops pursued and captured al-Ahmad in al-Karak, which was also levelled.

Baruch Kimmerling and Joel S. Migdal argue that the revolt was a formative event for the Palestinian sense of nationhood, in that it brought together disparate groups against a common enemy. These groups are some of those that reemerged later to constitute the Palestinian people.[4]

Hebron - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia They all became known as the Palestinians, Palestine people
A myth? No shit Sherlock....

There were Jews in Palestine... Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists... Shit, I bet there are even some Buddhists in the mix somewhere...

Your point is what?
Since there were Jews for 3000 years, and they kept coming back, despite many invasions and pogroms, the land is Jewish land. Arabs don't like it? They can move back to the lands they invaded from.
Ok now lets talk about the Hebron attack of 1834

A Peasant Arab revolt broke out in April 1834 when Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt announced he would recruit troops from the local Muslim population.[115] Hebron, headed by its nazir Abd ar-Rahman Amr, declined to supply its quota of conscripts for the army and suffered badly from the Egyptian campaign to crush the uprising.

The town was invested and when its defences fell on 4 August it was sacked by Ibrahim Pasha's army.[116][117][118]

An estimated 500 Muslims from Hebron were killed in the attack and some 750 were conscripted. 120 youths were abducted and put at the disposal of Egyptian army officers. Most of the Muslim population managed to flee beforehand to the hills. Many Jews fled to Jerusalem, but during the general pillage of the town at least five were killed.[119]

In 1838, the total population was estimated at 10,000.[117] When the Government of Ibrahim Pasha fell in 1841, the local clan-head Abd ar-Rahman Amr once again resumed the reins of power as the Sheik of Hebron.

Due to his extortionate demands for cash from the local population, most of the Jewish population fled to Jerusalem.[120] In 1846, the Ottoman Governor-in-chief of Jerusalem (serasker), Kıbrıslı Mehmed Emin Pasha, waged a campaign to subdue rebellious sheiks in the Hebron area, and while doing so, allowed his troops to sack the town. Though it was widely rumoured that he secretly protected Abd ar-Rahman,[121] the latter was deported together with other local leaders (such as Muslih al-'Azza of Bayt Jibrin), but he managed to return to the area in 1848.[122]
This now leads to another important aspect to be continued.

Hebron - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Meaning? Arab Muslim invaders kept invading. But Jews refused to give up and always came back.

Jews kept a presence. They are the true natives of the land.
How is it Jewish land when going back 1,000 years at least most of the land was owned by Christians and Muslims and before that by Christians exclusively? I don't get your logic.

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