My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

If trump manages to beat all of these charges, should he then launch lawsuits against every one who tried to investigate him for political reasons? (All of them) should the citizens also launch lawsuits against those who tried to take away their candidate for president? Should trump launch massive lawsuits for defamation againsnt every senator, representative, media outlet and government official who told lies about him and tried to weaponize the system to keep him from running?

If he does, it needs to be heavy. You see, the democrats are running a game of trying to show people “don’t fuck with us”, and they will try to hurt you in the courts if you do. So, the lawsuits against them need to be big enough to make them understand, “don’t fuck with people’s rights and choices”.
Lawsuits aren't good enough. They engaged in criminal behavior and conspiracies and should be criminally charged and removed from any offices they may hold. However, there are monetary damages Trump has.
Don’t you find it pathetic you all think he is a good candidate simply because you think he is being unfairly persecuted?
He is a good candidate because of the stellar results we got from the last time he was in charge. Biden has ruined every god damn thing he has touched. Trump is your next president, and you should be happy as fuck for it. You would be happy if you werent a brainwashed dipshit lefty.
He is a good candidate because of the stellar results we got from the last time he was in charge. Biden has ruined every god damn thing he has touched. Trump is your next president, and you should be happy as fuck for it. You would be happy if you werent a brainwashed dipshit lefty.
But you’re still trying to make a correlation with it. His poll numbers go up from it. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense
But you’re still trying to make a correlation with it. His poll numbers go up from it. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense
His poll numbers should have been 20 points higher than they are now. The only reason they arent is because the left controls the media, for now. That is slipping away rapidly though.
What “weapons” are they using?

Things like documents, evidence, testimony of Trumps staff, Trumps own statements?

Yup, Prosecutors sure have a lot of weapons
Guess what else I heard?

The prosecutors don't like Trump! Can you believe that? Usually prosecutors say such nice things about the people they are trying to put in prison.

This is a travesty!
Lawsuits aren't good enough. They engaged in criminal behavior and conspiracies and should be criminally charged and removed from any offices they may hold. However, there are monetary damages Trump has.

Lawsuits are going to have to be the avenue. In order to do anything to them, the courts will have to get involved. The doj won’t touch it, congress won’t touch it, it’s going to have to be private lawsuits. Though…there is this. The left has weaponize the courts, doj, and state legal systems so that the government, and it’s unlimited source of taxpayer funding are able to go after a former president and a current private citizen, so maybe using the government agencies is warranted…?

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