My Scorecard on Tonight's GOP Presidential Debate


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. The moderator did a great job, Jake Tapper. Trying to keep politicians within their allotted time has to be worse than cat herding.

2. Trump won the debate politically tonight, I suspect. Who knows who will go up more in the polls or less, but Trump did not self destruct and he seemed to come out unscathed and he shut down my favorite guy, Rand Paul, right from the start.

3. The best debate performer was Carly Fiorina as she wowed nearly everyone and fended off Trump quite well, giving her more stature and gravitas. She is definitely on my political radar and I loved her defense of unborn babies right to live. I think a whole lot of other people did too.

4. Carson won the most amiable debater tonight. They guy is just so nice....maybe too nice, which could be a problem for him.

5. Rand Paul scored a lot of good points, but he best improved with his body language and demeanor. A shame its probably a case of too little too late. I suspect he is playing for a brokered convention again.

6. Bush and Rubio lost tonight as they needed a knock out punch, being way behind on the cards. They didn't get one.

This nomination may already be done as Trump has totally hijacked the GOP establishments roadmap for a Bush coronation and made it his own..
I thought Rand Paul was the only one who sounded sane, measured, and mature. The winner.

After him, Chris Christie did very well.

Carl Fiorina didn't stumble, but she talked a lot of shit, especially about her career as CEO.

Losers: Huckaminajad, Walker, Carson, Cruz.

Status Quo: Kasich, Trump, Rubio, Bush
1. The moderator did a great job, Jake Tapper. Trying to keep politicians within their allotted time has to be worse than cat herding.

2. Trump won the debate politically tonight, I suspect. Who knows who will go up more in the polls or less, but Trump did not self destruct and he seemed to come out unscathed and he shut down my favorite guy, Rand Paul, right from the start.

3. The best debate performer was Carly Fiorina as she wowed nearly everyone and fended off Trump quite well, giving her more stature and gravitas. She is definitely on my political radar and I loved her defense of unborn babies right to live. I think a whole lot of other people did too.

4. Carson won the most amiable debater tonight. They guy is just so nice....maybe too nice, which could be a problem for him.

5. Rand Paul scored a lot of good points, but he best improved with his body language and demeanor. A shame its probably a case of too little too late. I suspect he is playing for a brokered convention again.

6. Bush and Rubio lost tonight as they needed a knock out punch, being way behind on the cards. They didn't get one.

This nomination may already be done as Trump has totally hijacked the GOP establishments roadmap for a Bush coronation and made it his own..
#1 agree

the rest sounds like crazy talk

were you drinking during the debate? or smoking something?
When Carson was asked about Trump's position on 'vaccination causing Autism' he sounded professional, reasonable- and way too boring.

He should have simply said Trump is an idiot.

Not only would that have been the correct medical response- it would have given Carson headlines tomorrow.

But Carson was waaaay to polite.

Accurate- polite- and missed his opportunity.
When Carson was asked about Trump's position on 'vaccination causing Autism' he sounded professional, reasonable- and way too boring.

He should have simply said Trump is an idiot.

Not only would that have been the correct medical response- it would have given Carson headlines tomorrow.

But Carson was waaaay to polite.

Accurate- polite- and missed his opportunity.

Carson is too honest to say that a self made billionaire is an idiot.

Carsons honesty and desire to get along with everyone often times projects as a weakness, leaving one with the question in mind, 'How can this man handle the K Street lobbyists'?

He loses against Sanders and maybe even Hillary.
4. Carson won the most amiable debater tonight. They guy is just so nice....maybe too nice, which could be a problem for him.
I agree. Judging from the comments by most GOP supporters, the last thing they want is a nice guy.

Yeah, most of the rank and file want a lion tamer to put the GOP establishment in its place, diminish the influence of corporate lobbyists and effectively oppose the Democrats and promote his own agenda.

Carson does not seem to have that 'fire in the belly' to do any of that.
A man who believes the earth is 6,000 years old has no business holding an elected office.

Not sure why you say that. It never kept Carson from being a successful doctor or surgeon. Your assertion is similar to some who have said 'If you don't understand the Trinity, then you are not a real Christian.'

The President of the US is not the Pope of Science and can do his duties quite well while having a 'black box' 'God did it' view of life's origins.

Your assertion is little more than anti-Christian bigotry.
THATS WHY Carsons going to be VP.

I don't know. I think he would be a great VP pick, but so would Fiorina.

This election cycle there are about half a dozen independent minded, honest people who can lead in the GOP Presidential field against the crony capitalist system in place today.

Trump, Fiorina, Paul, Kasich, Carson and Huckabee have all the qualities I think could roll back some of the crony system, but the rest are too deeply imbedded in it to be trusted.
I thought Rand Paul was the only one who sounded sane, measured, and mature. The winner.

After him, Chris Christie did very well.

Carl Fiorina didn't stumble, but she talked a lot of shit, especially about her career as CEO.

Losers: Huckaminajad, Walker, Carson, Cruz.

Status Quo: Kasich, Trump, Rubio, Bush
Rand Paul can't get along with anyone.

Trump was the anti-status quo guy.....just ask anyone.

Other than that, I agree.
I still think Kasich is the GOP's best candidate, but he's just not getting traction. After him, looking at the big picture, it may be Fiorina.

Rubio should be VP in either case.
Kasich has a lot going for him except that his tendency to give in to the Business Roundtable types. That is my chief concern about him and I don't really care for the attitude that illegals have a right to be here. Unless they have an anchor baby citizen, I don't think they should be allowed to stay while awaiting their citizenship to process and should be deported.

Again, Pauls approach seems to be the best and I like Trumps as well, thought the latter is a bit rough.
I thought Rand Paul was the only one who sounded sane, measured, and mature. The winner.

After him, Chris Christie did very well.

Carl Fiorina didn't stumble, but she talked a lot of shit, especially about her career as CEO.

Losers: Huckaminajad, Walker, Carson, Cruz.

Status Quo: Kasich, Trump, Rubio, Bush
Rand Paul can't get along with anyone.

Trump was the anti-status quo guy.....just ask anyone.

Other than that, I agree.

I think Paul has the highest IQ of anyone on the stage, but the problem is he knows it too and it shows.
If anyone was to ever ever ever ever google any GOP debate, so help me, you would never know the decade, the era, the changes... I mean, they all start off by paying homage to the great and power wizard of Dumb, ie Ronald Fuckin Reagan.....followed by bs and more bs
THATS WHY Carsons going to be VP.

I don't know. I think he would be a great VP pick, but so would Fiorina.

This election cycle there are about half a dozen independent minded, honest people who can lead in the GOP Presidential field against the crony capitalist system in place today.

Trump, Fiorina, Paul, Kasich, Carson and Huckabee have all the qualities I think could roll back some of the crony system, but the rest are too deeply imbedded in it to be trusted.

But The Donald doesn't like her face. The only logical choice is Sarah Palin for VP. What this country needs is two reality stars that don't know anything. (eye roll)

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