My Public Apology For Getting Angry At President Donald Trump

Never listen to MSM.
Not even Fox.

Folks here forget that for most of us, thinking back to our "early days" is like remembering JFK being assassinated or maybe man walking on the Moon. For RR, I'm guessing for her, it is a stretch to remember Bill Clinton being president and probably her clear recollections of the world only go back to GW Bush being in office and the World Trade Center being attacked.

Whatever the case, I think she is doing pretty well at sorting through most of the media hype and bull in terms of which party is better, what makes a good president, what Trump means when he says stuff taking into account the metaphors and variables that naturally go with the job, and what are realistic and reasonable expectations.

Also keep in mind that most of his cabinet is not yet even approved.

I think Thomas Crooks will have had the EXACT OPPOSITE of the intended effect--- the near death experience of having his life separated by a mere fraction of an inch and a split second between life and death I believe has given Trump NEW FOCUS on applying every minute of every day of his time in office now, having been relentlessly hammered and grilled for four years, put back in the Oval Office by the People in their trust in him, Trump is going to be like a rolling ball of thunder on DC, much like the big stone ball coming after Indiana Jones. Just give him a chance.
Yeah, I was only three years old when Bill Clinton first came into office.

I remember first seeing Bill Clinton as a presidential candidate at some democrat primary. There were 3-4 people there and there was this one tall good looking guy there acting all smart and cocky as if he had already won the nomination, and that was Bill Clinton. Maybe the fix was in.

He and his brother Roger used to have drug and sex parties in Arkansas where he had these two state troopers bring in troubled female minors (probably arrested on lascivious criminal charges) and Bill and Roger would get them all tooted up on coke then rape them.

He went on to be our president after Ronald Reagan, a truly great president I'm sorry you missed seeing. Reagan was a lot like Trump, pedal to the metal, balls to the wall, and a much better statesman. A great, eloquent speaker. I wish Trump were a better public speaker more like him.

Clinton was the beginning of the real downfall of this country. He was (is) a total POS. Both Clintons ought to be doing life in prison.
How has this improved your life?
I Love How it unhinges people like you.

You Lost. And now you get to do is Whine about it.


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