My prophecy came true

This place has a number of them along with the dopes sporting swastikas.

Azov Brigade. Official government armed part of the Biden protege regime

Roosevelt's Minidoka Concentration Camp (Idaho, USA)

China's left-wing government's terror against the Uyghurs

Terror with the subsequent establishment of totalitarianism, slavery, ethnic cleansing and depraved leftist elites are the real goals of the left.
Beria, being the head of the leftist government, raped an underage schoolgirl.
Mikhail Kalinin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and Chairman of the Central Executive Committee, had fun with young ballerinas, forcing them to perform dyrty things in his office

Skin found in the basement of the Kharkiv Cheka( All-Russian Extraordinary Commission ), torn from the hands of the victims with a metal comb and special tongs.

Other photos of leftist terror


Barack Obama and Joe Biden react in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, 2010​


monument to the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine​

Whoever believes that the left would defend freedom and democracy is just a cretin who does not know history and does not know modern leftist regimes. The left never makes people free. The only freedom of the left is the freedom of perverts and villains.
The Yugoslav scenario would be appropriate here: If links between the Ukrainian authorities and terrorists are revealed, an international tribunal must decide on their future fate, as was the case with Milosevic and his Gauleiters.
Clinton's Ironic Message in "It Depends on What the Meaning of IS IS"

Milosevich took the properly maximum approach to the Muslime in Bosnia and Kosovo. By NYETO's ignorant and self-righteous interference, Europe is now faced with an Afghanistan-class Nazislami staging area right in its soft underbelly.
The left loves terror and glodomor. Murders in Sarajevo, the Assassination of the Tsar-Liberator in Russia, Lenin's Grain Monopoly, the glodomors of the 20s and 30s, the bloody terror in the Crimea of Zemlyachka and so on.

Leftists and terrorists are almost the same thing.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty or We Are Doomed

Zemlyachka was the daughter of a wealth merchant in Kiev. How much more proof is needed that psychopathic Marxism is the product of hereditary ruling classes, which are behind every downfall of civilization but never get blamed for anything? Its more appealing message is to those who think they were Born to Rule.
Clinton's Ironic Message in "It Depends on What the Meaning of IS IS"

Milosevich took the properly maximum approach to the Muslime in Bosnia and Kosovo. By NYETO's ignorant and self-righteous interference, Europe is now faced with an Afghanistan-class Nazislami staging area right in its soft underbelly.
I may have a biased attitude towards Serbia, but I cannot forgive them the monument to the terrorist Princip. The right should always keep a close eye on Serbian politicians. The Serbs waged a frank campaign against the Austro-Hungarians in favor of the Prussians and provoked World War I. They are very cunning. They colonized Ukraine but this is not widely known. A secret evil always comes from Serbian politics.
While the West Slumbers, Muzzies Killing Muzzies Is Our Only Night-Light

Unless Iran intervenes, that Shiite enclave will be turned into a Killing Fields by the Sunni Taliban.
In fact, there is no religious politics there, they always just hide behind this. This is occupation and ethnic cleansing. All Taliban terrorists must die.
Reagan called Russia the evil empire.
This is about the USSR of the times of Brezhnev, Andropov and the KGB. He is right. The USSR after 85 and before 91 was pro-Reagan, this is a repetition of the Eisenhower-Khrushchev alliance


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I may have a biased attitude towards Serbia, but I cannot forgive them the monument to the terrorist Princip. The right should always keep a close eye on Serbian politicians. The Serbs waged a frank campaign against the Austro-Hungarians in favor of the Prussians and provoked World War I. They are very cunning. They colonized Ukraine but this is not widely known. A secret evil always comes from Serbian politics.
After an HeirHead Meets His Guillotine, There Is Only Air Where His Head Used to Be

How can you dishonor someone who eliminated hereditary guillotine-fodder? Not just the royals, but all these pampered parasites are the chief enemies of human progress. Your slavish-peasant attitude indicates how much they control our minds.
After an HeirHead Meets His Guillotine, There Is Only Air Where His Head Used to Be

How can you dishonor someone who eliminated hereditary guillotine-fodder? Not just the royals, but all these pampered parasites are the chief enemies of human progress. Your slavish-peasant attitude indicates how much they control our minds.
There was no slavery in Austria-Hungary, and the aristocracy there was military. The United States of Austria-Hungary is about the same as the United States in its best years. The Prussians and Serbs were unhappy with precisely the fact that there was Freedom.
It was generally the best thing in Europe

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