MY PRESIDENT DOESN"T BELIEVE ‘voting is the best revenge’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When Obama said today" Obama ‘voting is the best revenge’ it certainly showed the policy of hate Obama has for Americans!

So should we vote Obama OUT because he in his OWN words has said:
"I want higher gas prices"... Is that a President's desire? If so why should anyone vote for higher prices... WHAT REVENGE is THAT???
Obama said "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"!
Was he sincere or trying to be a smart ass? Either way NOT what MY president wants!
My President WOULD NEVER SAY "“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
WHY would ANY one want skyrocketing rates??? Either he is a stupid idiot or hates Americans!
So Obama wants people to vote out of revenge...
Romney's response??? 'I Ask the American People to Vote for Love of Country'

Tell me you undecided... DO YOU WANT 4 more years of DIVISIVE CLASS WARFARE, hatred of businesses that like I just found out a few moments ago,
Budweiser / Busch beer starts to CAN WATER for emergencies! Since 1905 earthquake Busch Beer has sent 70 million cans of water and today their Georgia
plant is canning and shipping AT NO COSTS 1 million cans of water... YET Obama hates companies like Busch!!!

[ame=]Budweiser / Busch beer starts to CAN WATER for emergencies! Feb 28, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
I am not there yet but I am close.
I feel he is not happy that he doesn't have more power
and he has to work with congress.

I am sure he does not like many things about this country
and would love to recreate America more to his liking.

Like I said earlier I'm not sure it's hate but I think he's really close to it.
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Four more years, then you can nominate someone, and, maybe, not force them into positions that the majority of the nation just will not support.
No matter how you parse it.. when a President says he wants higher gas prices, wants bankrupt companies and is willing to lose $100 billion a year in Federal, State local taxes and in property taxes putting 400,000 people out of work it is either sheer ignorance about how the economy works or wants to destroy businesses which means nearly 40% tax revenue gone!
Either reason IS NOT good!
Actually what obama said was, vote for revenge. That is what he said. Romney quoted him in colorado to roaring crowds and then replied, while obama said vote for revenge i say vote for a bright future for america. Romney 2012 the man is already acting like the president! Why? He is! All that is left is to count the vote and make sure the obama violence crowd is arrested the second they try to create trouble.
Actually what obama said was, vote for revenge. That is what he said. Romney quoted him in colorado to roaring crowds and then replied, while obama said vote for revenge i say vote for a bright future for america. Romney 2012 the man is already acting like the president! Why? He is! All that is left is to count the vote and make sure the obama violence crowd is arrested the second they try to create trouble.

I am only quoting what a newspaper reported as Obama's EXACT words... not what the Obama spinmeisters spouted....

Obama responded with the standard ad lib he uses when crowds boo Romney on Republicans: ‘No, no, no. Don’t boo – vote. Vote!’
Then he added: ‘Voting is the best revenge.’
Obama campaign defends his comment to voters to get 'revenge', saying it was in response to Republican 'lies' about people losing their jobs | Mail Online
When Obama said today" Obama ‘voting is the best revenge’ it certainly showed the policy of hate Obama has for Americans!

So should we vote Obama OUT because he in his OWN words has said:
"I want higher gas prices"... Is that a President's desire? If so why should anyone vote for higher prices... WHAT REVENGE is THAT???
Obama said "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"!
Was he sincere or trying to be a smart ass? Either way NOT what MY president wants!
My President WOULD NEVER SAY "“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
WHY would ANY one want skyrocketing rates??? Either he is a stupid idiot or hates Americans!
So Obama wants people to vote out of revenge...
Romney's response??? 'I Ask the American People to Vote for Love of Country'

Tell me you undecided... DO YOU WANT 4 more years of DIVISIVE CLASS WARFARE, hatred of businesses that like I just found out a few moments ago,
Budweiser / Busch beer starts to CAN WATER for emergencies! Since 1905 earthquake Busch Beer has sent 70 million cans of water and today their Georgia
plant is canning and shipping AT NO COSTS 1 million cans of water... YET Obama hates companies like Busch!!!

Hello, stupid

Never answered my question from the other thread:
The new line of attack stems from an Obama rally in Springfield, Ohio on Friday in which he briefly interrupted his speech after the audience booed House Republicans and Romney.

“No, no, no — don’t boo, vote,” Obama said. “Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”

This didn’t sit well with Romney, who incorporated it into a speech the same night, also in Ohio.

“Vote for revenge?” Romney said. “Let me tell you what I’d like to tell you: Vote for love of country.”

His running mate Paul Ryan referenced Obama’s “revenge” in a speech on Saturday morning in Ohio as well.

“We don’t believe in revenge, we believe in change, in hope. We actually do!” he said.

Romney Seeks Vengeance For Obama’s ‘Revenge’ Remark | TPM2012

Personally, I'm just laughing.

Not just at him, but at the hissy-fit wingnuts are having over it.

The new line of attack stems from an Obama rally in Springfield, Ohio on Friday in which he briefly interrupted his speech after the audience booed House Republicans and Romney.

“No, no, no — don’t boo, vote,” Obama said. “Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”

This didn’t sit well with Romney, who incorporated it into a speech the same night, also in Ohio.

“Vote for revenge?” Romney said. “Let me tell you what I’d like to tell you: Vote for love of country.”

His running mate Paul Ryan referenced Obama’s “revenge” in a speech on Saturday morning in Ohio as well.

“We don’t believe in revenge, we believe in change, in hope. We actually do!” he said.

Romney Seeks Vengeance For Obama’s ‘Revenge’ Remark | TPM2012

Personally, I'm just laughing.

Not just at him, but at the hissy-fit wingnuts are having over it.


I'm sure you like Biden had no problem with this "hissy-fit" comment made by Gaffe-a-minute-Biden...
Charles Woods The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Libya terror attack last month said his son's action "does not surprise me."
"I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same level of moral courage and heroism that my son displayed," he said.
Woods also described encounters on Sept. 14 with Vice President Biden and President Obama.

He claimed that at one point, Biden came over to him and said,
"in an extremely loud and boisterous voice, 'did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?'"

Really a class act that heart-beat-away-sensitive JOE!!!
I have had a "hissy-fit" about it since It is certainly not something ANYONE with any sense o propriety would say... MUCH LESS THE VP!

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