My Intellectual and Moral Superiors Promised WW3 and All I Got Was a T Shirt


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
World War, skyrocketing gas prices, crashing economy, draft reinstated.

Did I miss any of the Doomsday promises from the Left that Orange Man was to bestow upon us for killing terrorists?

Yesterday I filled up the tank for $2.14, my savings portfolio continues to shoot thru the roof, there’s been no tanks nor fighter jets in combat, and millennials are still packed in Starbucks bemoaning that privileged people exist in the world as they use the free WiFi on their $900 phones sipping a $6.50 Double Mint Chocolate Chip Frapuccino.
Much like the promised nuclear war with North Korea.
Instead, Trump walked away with a shirt saying' " I crossed the 38th Parallel and survived".

Based on how wrong the hysterical idiots have been Trump will collect another t-shirt "surviving Tehran" when he visits and shakes hands with the mullahs in about 8 months.
I am still waiting for the promised economic collapse. It was supposed to happen right after Trump took office. Instead things improved.
I seem to remember all the promises by celebrities and such to leave if Trump was elected. Hard to believe that all out going flights have been completely booked.
I still remember the woman's March because he was going to set women's rights back. I gues that has been put on the back burner until his third or fourth term in office.

Yeah war, bad economy, terrible woman's rights, no choice but to leave. Seems the democrats are always making the sky is falling predictions that never come true. Any more if someone on the left assures you of anything always go with the opposite.
World War, skyrocketing gas prices, crashing economy, draft reinstated.

Did I miss any of the Doomsday promises from the Left that Orange Man was to bestow upon us for killing terrorists?

Yesterday I filled up the tank for $2.14, my savings portfolio continues to shoot thru the roof, there’s been no tanks nor fighter jets in combat, and millennials are still packed in Starbucks bemoaning that privileged people exist in the world as they use the free WiFi on their $900 phones sipping a $6.50 Double Mint Chocolate Chip Frapuccino.

3 summers in a row now of Trump and I have yet to pay above $3 for gas. I was told by the MSM during the Bush and Obama years that gas always goes up during the summer months due to demand.

My retirement fund is at a record high. My personal income, including bonuses, has skyrocketed since late 2017 (odd how my company suddenly found money). Jobs are so plentiful that my company suddenly doesn't have a lot of people applying. The resumes were flowing during the Obama years with people looking for work.

North Korea has calmed down. Trump is taking out terrorists. No new wars. Trump is fulfilling his promise to secure the border with the wall.

And of course Democrats have done nothing to help Trump except look like butt-hurt, whiny babies trying to invalidate my vote in 2016 with a scam impeachment.

There's no way in hell I'm voting Democrat in November. Actually, there's no way I'm ever voting for a Democrat again.
You guys don't get it. Paying cheap gas and having more money in your savings accounts is not good for you.
We need people on entitlements so you can feel good about your purpose.

In fact, it's so bad in US of A that NBC run the opinion piece how voting for Republican is racist and it should be outlawed.

Noah Berlatsky: Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution. Can they be stopped?

Why not just arrest voters red-handed for voting Republican? Haul them out of the voting booth in handcuffs. The left would love that. Simply, make half of us who voted for Trump in 2016 criminals. Send us to one of those Bernie's re-education camps, and take the money you have in your savings and 401k's to pay for it.

Someone who writes books about sexual fetishes in comic books should be placed in charge of deciding who gets to vote in elections, and for whom.
More like the extremist left are detestable human beings. Cult45 managed to be even worse.
Yeah, a nation with a thriving economy at peace with the world. Isn't it horrible?

Now if we could only do something about the seditious left and their attempts to illegitimately remove Trump from office.
More like the extremist left are detestable human beings. Cult45 managed to be even worse.
Yeah, a nation with a thriving economy at peace with the world. Isn't it horrible?

Now if we could only do something about the seditious left and their attempts to illegitimately remove Trump from office.

"We"? 'We' aren't doing shit. You're some impotent guy on a message board.
"We"? 'We' aren't doing shit. You're some impotent guy on a message board.
Just like you.
But at least I am standing up for the law and the principle of an orderly and legal line of presidential secession which is more than I can say for leftist swine such as yourself.
World War, skyrocketing gas prices, crashing economy, draft reinstated.

Did I miss any of the Doomsday promises from the Left that Orange Man was to bestow upon us for killing terrorists?

Yesterday I filled up the tank for $2.14, my savings portfolio continues to shoot thru the roof, there’s been no tanks nor fighter jets in combat, and millennials are still packed in Starbucks bemoaning that privileged people exist in the world as they use the free WiFi on their $900 phones sipping a $6.50 Double Mint Chocolate Chip Frapuccino.

World War III has been raging for decades and we just ignore it...

One thing about Trump is he truly hate war...
"We"? 'We' aren't doing shit. You're some impotent guy on a message board.
Just like you.
But at least I am standing up for the law and the principle of an orderly and legal line of presidential secession which is more than I can say for leftist swine such as yourself.

Yeah, I'm the one criticizing your stupid talking points. You aren't 'standing up for the law' when you support corruption. GTF outta here.
"We"? 'We' aren't doing shit. You're some impotent guy on a message board.
Just like you.
But at least I am standing up for the law and the principle of an orderly and legal line of presidential secession which is more than I can say for leftist swine such as yourself.

Yeah, I'm the one criticizing your stupid talking points. You aren't 'standing up for the law' when you support corruption. GTF outta here.

Gee you sound just like one of those butthurt looney leftards with a severe case of TDS.
Yeah, I'm the one criticizing your stupid talking points. You aren't 'standing up for the law' when you support corruption. GTF outta here.
Check yourself into a mental health clinic, Mr. T. The Russian collusion hoax and this amazing attempt at impeachment without a crime shows who is truly a fan of corruption and rape of our system of government.

You seem utterly unable to look at yourself with any honesty at all.
Who needs a Russian threat when the left is filled with dicks like you.
"We"? 'We' aren't doing shit. You're some impotent guy on a message board.
Just like you.
But at least I am standing up for the law and the principle of an orderly and legal line of presidential secession which is more than I can say for leftist swine such as yourself.

Yeah, I'm the one criticizing your stupid talking points. You aren't 'standing up for the law' when you support corruption. GTF outta here.

Gee you sound just like one of those butthurt looney leftards with a severe case of TDS.

Nah. I just don't give a fuck about your feelings, wants or needs if you support corruption.

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