CDZ Muslims defend Christians



As usual, Indonesia will deploy thousands of cops and army to defend against the tiny minority of terrorists that seek to disrupt Christmas.
There is a small, but notable, extremist element here, so the cops get out in force to put them off.

Over 80 000 Cops to Secure Christmas New Year Celebrations in Indonesia - The Jakarta Globe

As you will see in the photo, the vast majority of Indonesian cops are Muslims, so it's Muslims, out to protect Christians.

Indonesia does not have a good history when it comes to the treatment of Christians. There are widespread stories of murder and even of government programmes to move Muslims onto Christian islands to facilitate the eventual take over of the islands by Muslims. However I do welcome small gestures like this and a more moderate Muslims seeking to live in a society where there is as the Koran says "no compulsion in religion".
ROFLMAO "as usual"-----oh gee-------Christians are "AS USUAL" in need of police protection whenever there are muslims around. In my city-----for the past 15 years----there are armed guards in synagogues during holidays ---- AS USUAL----
Indonesia does not have a good history when it comes to the treatment of Christians. There are widespread stories of murder and even of government programmes to move Muslims onto Christian islands to facilitate the eventual take over of the islands by Muslims. However I do welcome small gestures like this and a more moderate Muslims seeking to live in a society where there is as the Koran says "no compulsion in religion".

It does not take much to please you-----its a P.R. thing---Indonesia has a bad enough reputation as it is ------for my part-----utterly meaningless------how about making persecution of Christians (and other non muslims ---a CRIME<<<an idea at odds with the filth of shariah)

about six years ago-----a young man wandered into my front yard-------and hubby conversed. The young man said he was from Indonesia-----of Dutch extraction-----and----of the
"dutch reformed church"-----Hubby asked "why did you leave?"----his answer was "we are all leaving" hubby
"why" answer---"because we want to live---they are killing
Christians over there"---- it might have been more like 8 years ago. They are also very unfriendly towards hindus and Judaism is ----NOT LEGAL
Looks like irosie has decided to totally derail and destroy Indofred's thread with her vile nonsense.

Too bad......because it could have been a nice thread leading to further peaceful cooperation between the Christians and Muslims on the board. ..... :cool:

She is right that many vile and despicable things have been done in the name of Islam as they have also been done in the name of Christianity and of Israel. But it is Christmas time and the message is one of hope. That a single star shines through the darkness of the evil empire of sin. That its light shines on a stable in Bethlehem in the land of Israel ,on the birth of one the Jewish prophets foretold and whom Muslims laud as a prophet and whom Christians praise as the Messiah Himself. This tiny child in a manger is a glimpse of hope that Gods light is breaking through into the darkness and that that the darkness will not last forever.
She is right that many vile and despicable things have been done in the name of Islam as they have also been done in the name of Christianity and of Israel. But it is Christmas time and the message is one of hope. That a single star shines through the darkness of the evil empire of sin. That its light shines on a stable in Bethlehem in the land of Israel ,on the birth of one the Jewish prophets foretold and whom Muslims laud as a prophet and whom Christians praise as the Messiah Himself. This tiny child in a manger is a glimpse of hope that Gods light is breaking through into the darkness and that that the darkness will not last forever.

Totally crap things have been done in the name of many religions, but always by extremely bad examples of followers of whatever religion.
The very idea of working together to stamp out evil has to be a good idea.
As usual, Indonesia will deploy thousands of cops and army to defend against the tiny minority of terrorists that seek to disrupt Christmas.
There is a small, but notable, extremist element here, so the cops get out in force to put them off.

Over 80 000 Cops to Secure Christmas New Year Celebrations in Indonesia - The Jakarta Globe

As you will see in the photo, the vast majority of Indonesian cops are Muslims, so it's Muslims, out to protect Christians.

Let me ask you, how can you 'see' that the vast majority of the police are Muslim? Christians pray both with their hands clasped as well as open (the ONLY thing that I can see in this image that has any relation to religion) so that is not a real indication of which religion these people are. To top it off, there are a whopping 6 police visible in this image - 0.0075% - so they hardly represent the 'majority.' I would venture a guess that most are Sunni Muslims though considering that 87% of the population there calls themselves Sunni Muslims.

Further, weather or not they are Muslim trying to protect rights is rather irrelevant. They are the cops and they are doing their job. The only think that this move really signifies is that there is a real problem with christian persecution in that country if they need to mobilize thousands of police to protect them on Christmas. I fail to understand why you think think that police that are likely Muslims being mobilized to protect Christians from being prosecuted is particularly noteworthy? Should we point out that anytime American police are mobilized for anything that Christians are again protecting something? Perhaps the religion is less the driving factor here than the simple fact they are police trying to uphold the law.
A "one off" is hardly a defense or the norm. Thisi is what is actually happening:

Muslims in Indonesia province tear down Christian churches - Religion News Service

ACEH SINGKIL, Indonesia, Oct 19 (Reuters) – Authorities in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province on Monday began tearing down several small Christian churches after hardline Muslims demanded their closure, and following religious violence.

Tensions are high among the ethnically and religiously diverse population of Aceh Singkil, where last week a mob burned down a church, leaving one person dead and forcing thousands of Christians to flee the area. Armed police and military troops have been deployed to the area.

Muslim militants' burning of churches, persecution of Christians in Indonesia spurred by imams' jihad order | Christian News on Christian Today
As usual, Indonesia will deploy thousands of cops and army to defend against the tiny minority of terrorists that seek to disrupt Christmas.
There is a small, but notable, extremist element here, so the cops get out in force to put them off.

Over 80 000 Cops to Secure Christmas New Year Celebrations in Indonesia - The Jakarta Globe

As you will see in the photo, the vast majority of Indonesian cops are Muslims, so it's Muslims, out to protect Christians.


talk to INDONESIAN CHRISTIANS ------a dwindling population
As usual, Indonesia will deploy thousands of cops and army to defend against the tiny minority of terrorists that seek to disrupt Christmas.
There is a small, but notable, extremist element here, so the cops get out in force to put them off.

Over 80 000 Cops to Secure Christmas New Year Celebrations in Indonesia - The Jakarta Globe

As you will see in the photo, the vast majority of Indonesian cops are Muslims, so it's Muslims, out to protect Christians.


talk to INDONESIAN CHRISTIANS ------a dwindling population

I know a lot, many of whom are my friends, workmates and students.
All live and work with Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists, and all accept and understand each other.
This is because they're brought up together, so understand each other, thus there is none of the hate and violence caused by lack of education and lack of understanding.
If the whole world worked as my school does, there would be an end to war within a generation.

This year is different to last because we see extremists returning from Syria, intent on causing problems here.
The vast majority of Indonesians don't want anything to do with their violent stupidity, so security has been improved and there have been many arrests of Muslim extremists by Muslim coppers.

That's where the hate lobby have to lie.
The vast majority of Muslim extremists are removed from life or freedom by Muslim police forces, intent on stopping the hate the extremists try to bring into society.

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Indonesia is 'tolerant and secular' in the same way Kemal 'secularized' Turkey in the early part of the 20th century, by killing off most of their non-Muslims over the years since WW II. They only did it slower than Kemal did. And the West governments just stood by and did nothing about it, the same as they did about Kemal's mass murders. This is just a PR stunt by the Indonesian government, and a fake story. They probably sense the backlash building up and hope to BS their way around it, avoiding any boycotts or decreases in their exports.
Indonesian press outlets are reporting many arrests of extremists and disruption of extremist groups.
The worst of the "press whore" groups (The FPI - Muslim defenders) has been almost silent for ages now as they started to go a little too far.
They started their nasty little actions with rallies involving a lot of shouting, but moved on to violence, the worst being implicated in the murders of two policeman.
They no longer stick their necks out as they know they'll get hammered.
There are extremists here, some newly returned from Syria, but they are a minority and they are being hammered.
There were two small bombings in a local shopping centre, but they turned out to be a blackmail attempt, not terrorist actions.
He was arrested and is unlikely to see daylight for a good few years.
Ah get over it, if anything, Muslims are busy murdering, not saving Christians.

An exception here and there is meaningless compared to the ethnic cleansing and genocide that Muslims are committing against people of the Christian faith. Sad thing is Western nations who are mostly Christian are standing there thumbing their noses while these atrocities are happening on a worldwide basis.
However I do welcome small gestures like this

I apologise for missing this earlier.
I'm aware of a massive anti terror effort here, all designed to keep extremists down.
The last few years has seen a major crackdown on such people, involving a lot of police actions that have led to many extremists being killed in shootouts, and a few by firing squad.
Things seemed a little half hearted for many years, but the Jakarta hotel bombing of some years ago changed all of that.
Immediately after the suicide bombing, the Indonesian authorities went all out to dump the trash, killing many terrorists in arrest raids, and arresting many more.
That lot are mostly still in prison, but some such as the Bali bombers faced a firing squad.
A friend of mine was directly involved in the deaths of some in Central Java some years ago.

Temanggung Terror Raid Body May Be Hotel Florist, Not Noordin Top | Jakarta Globe

Noordin Top, the Malaysian ringleader of the group was killed later.
That was about 30 minutes drive from where I lived at the time, so I knew some of the police involved, one was a good mate who I still keep in contact with.

Many people assume Indonesian wear Arabic style dress and behave like the more extreme Muslim countries, but apart from a few, that simply isn't true.

Christian churches are all over Indonesia, and Muslim coppers risk their lives to defend them from extremist fools who would attack them.

That's not to say there haven't been problems, but most of these have gone away by now, save in a tiny area called Aceh (pro - Achea) where the extremists were allowed to win by a previous government.
A major mistake in my opinion.
Indonesia hunts militant leaders after foot soldiers arrested

Counter-terrorism forces are searching for the leaders of an estimated 1,000 Islamic State sympathizers across Indonesia after a string of raids that led to the arrest of several men suspected of planning bomb attacks, police said on Tuesday.

Nine people were arrested and bomb-making equipment was seized from towns across the island of Java over the weekend, heightening fears of militant attacks by radicalized Indonesians returning from fighting with Islamic State in Syria.

National Police spokesman Anton Charliyan said authorities were aware of plans to attack officials - including President Joko Widodo - government offices and public landmarks.

It is my understanding they were also planning attacks against churches, but the raids seen to have caused a lot of disruption to the extremists' networks, meaning all Indonesians have enjoyed a peaceful holiday so far, free of terrorists and their stupid hate politics.

I applaud the Indonesian authorities for their work in keeping us safe from these evil bastards.

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